383 the various oL91ms and aooounta YSled against Kerr County and its rsspsotive CommlaeioAers~ i prsoimte ainoe last Wrm of the Court, all o! whioh aooonata and olaime were approved b~ the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amounts e~ ouL of respsotive tundp ae shown by the minutes of eooounts allowed for Kerr County, Tp[as, whioh ere meM apart of this order, o-o-o-o-a-o-s«o Ho, 1761, ALIAiAHCE TO YHS, T. C. FIEF Y08 KEEPING PISS YIHHIE DATIS, This 16th day of February, 1938, oeme oa to bs eom ldsrsd by the Court She epplioetion of Yre, T, C, line for an elloweao• for keeping Ylea Yianie Davis during Hovsrber, 1987 end January, 1888, and St appearing to the Court that slu Se eatltlsd to same, said appliaa- tioa be and Se hereby granted to the sstsnS of '$0.00 for snob servioee, sad the County Clerk Se hereby euthorlsed end dLreeted to issue e~ deliver unto Yrs, I.~qs a warrant for x$0,00 against the (iemeral Fund oY tha County. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. }76si 1PROHTIOHYEHT Ol j3,000.00 OF THE GENERAL HOLD 4 BRIDGE PUHD. Th1. 16th day of lebruary, 1968, bs sad 14 is ordered by the Cour4 Chet tlu sum of ;3,000.00 0! tlu gea.ral road end Dridgs thud of Karr County be apportioned sad ereditsd among its tour reaps otlve eommiesiom rs~ preeiaots ss follows: To the H, 4 B, toad of Presimt Ho, 1, ~1,18b,00, To the H, 6 H, toad of Presimt Bo, $, BT7,b0, To the H, 6 H. fund of Preoinot Io, 3, $77,60, and To the H. A H. fun4 of Preeinet Ho. 4, 980.00, lad tlu County Clerk shall ersdit snob of smh preoinots on h1s Dooke •ibh the amount allotted sash preoiaot hereunder. o-o-o-o-o-o Hf. 1763, APPROTAL Ol JLBULRY OFFICE EIPEHSE HEROHTS Ol CO, OLEAK AHD ASSB. 6 COLH, OF l1SES, This 14th day of Yebrusry, 1938, same oa to be eseminad by the Coast the January, 1988 reports showing sum of x$69.98 eotnsi end asoeasary offios expenses ineurred by Joha H, Leavsll, Counby Clesk during said month, end the sum of j31.T8 aotual end asesssary otfie• s:pense• iaourred Dy E, H, H1ohoL, Assessor ens 8olleotoz of TaBes during said month, in the conduaL of their reppspbiv affixes, whioh reports appearing oorleot, be and are hsrsby approved for their full amaunte. 0-o-o-O-O-O Ho. 1764, JADUIHY, 1938 HEPOHR OY OOSTHTY PUBLIC 8E-LTS HUHSE, This 16th day 0! FaDrunry, 1938, oame Oa to bs heard the piport of Y1es Huth Gi 111land, County Publle Heslth Horse for January, 1938, whieh report b• and is hsrsby sooeytsd by the Court. o-o-o-o-o Ho, 176b, JANUARY, 1938 REP08T OF COUNTY IGEHT, This 14th day of February, 1938, oeme on to De heard the reporS of T, i, HSilin, County Agent for month of January, 1938, whioh report bs and ie hereby aoeeptsd by Lhe Court. o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1766, JAI4IIAHY, 1988 HEP08T OF COIIHTY DEHOHSTH-TIOH 4GEHT. '~ This 14th day of February, 1988, same on to ba hssrd by the Court the report of Yiss Jen. Hotford, County Dsnonstretion Agent for month of January, 1988, whieh report De nod ie hereby eooepted by tha Court. o-o-o-o-o-e