38 3 the verloae olaims end aooounte filed ageinet Bert County e~ its respsotivs CommiesioAere~ prsoinote slaee lss4 term of the Court, all of whloh aoeoante end olaims were approved b~ the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amounts end out of respeotivo tends ae shown Dy the minutes of eooouats allowed for Barr County, Teaes, whioh are mde a pert of this order. o-o-o-o-a-o-a-o Ho. 1761, ALIAIWCE TO YHB. T, C. FIFE FOH KE6PIHG YI99 YIHBIE -17I3, This loth day of February, 1938, oems on to De ooneidsred by the Court the epplioation Of Yrn. T, C. P1ae for sa elloweaoe for ksepins Yiea YSnn1e Davie during HovemDel, 1937 sad Jaaanry, 1988, end it appearing to the Coart that she is entitled bo eeme, said applloa- tioa be and ie Iureby granted to the satsat of 'E0.00 for saoh servioss, end the County Clerk is hereby authorised end direeted to iseae effi deliver unto lire. F}pe a warrant for =E0,00 age Sant the GeM ral Fund of the County. o.o-o-o-o-o He. }76E~ APPO$TIOA[EET OF X3,000,00 OF T$E GEEER4L HOED S BHIDOE FLIED. Th1a 18th day of FaDrunry, 1938, bs am it U ordered by the Court that the sum of X3,000.00 of the general rood end bridge fund of Barr County be apyortloned sad ereddted mong Ste lour rsapeotive eommiesdotm rs' preeinote as follows: To the H, & 8. fund of Pxyoiaet Eo, 1, ~1,48b,00, To the H. 6 B. toad of Preoinet Ho. 8, E77.b0, To the H, b 8. fund of Preoiaot Eo. 3, E77.80, and To the H. 6 H. fund OS Preolnet Eo. 4, 980.00, Ind tlu County Clerk shall eredit eaoh of saoh preoinots oa his books with the nmonat allotted seeh preoiast he reandsl. ;_ o-o-o-o-o-o Ep. 1763, APPR071L OF JIEUIHY OFFICE HIPEE3E HEPOHTS OF CO. OLERK ~IPD t33H. b COLH. OF TISES. This 14th dsy of FeDrnsry. 1938, veins on to be eaamined by the Court the January, 1938 reports ehowiag eum of fE69.9B aotasl end nsosssery ottlos eapeases iaeurred Dy John H. Laavsll, County Clerk during said month, end the sam of =31.78 aotunl end neeeseary otfdos eapenNS iaourred Dy E. $. ESOboL , tassesor end ColUotor of Tases during eeid month, Sn the oondaat of their respsebive off Sees, whioh reports app oaring oorreet, ba and are hereby approved for their toll amounts. o-o-o-o-o-o Eo. 1764, JlEU1,HY, 1938 $EPOHR OF COOETY PCHLIC HE-LTH EUB9E, This 14th day of February, 1938, oeme on to bs heard the paport of Yles Huth Gilliland, • I County Publ Se $salth Horse for Jeaua ry, 1938, wh ish report M end. Se hereby eoosptsd by the Court. o-o-o-o_o Eo. 1766, JAEU4HY, 1938 BEPOHT OS COIIETY 1GEHT. Thie 14th day of February, 1938, oeme on to De heard the report of T. i, H1111n, County Agsat for month of January, 1938, which report be eml is hereby soospted Dp the Court. o.o-o-o-o Ho, 1766, J1EC~8Y, 1938 HF30HT OF COOETY DIDl0E8TH-TIOE AGEET. '. This 14th day of February, 1988, eame on to be heard 1iy the Court the report at Yise Jane woftord, County -emoastratloa [gout for month of January, 1938, which report De and Se hereby noospted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o