3g3 the varioae olelma ea4 aooounte tiled against %err County sad its respsativs CommlasioAers' prsolneta siaos lest farm of the Court, all of whioh aoooante and ale Sme wets approved by ~i tha Court for payment by tha County Clerk in arounte e~ oat of reapeotive funds ae ahowh Dy the minutes of eooounts allowed for %err County, Te=as, whioh ere meda a part of this order, O-O-O-O-O-O•e?+O Ho. 1961, ALLOWCE TO HH3. T. C. FIRE FOH %EHPIB4 D[I93 YIHHIS D17I3, This loth day of February, 1838, Dams oa to De oonaldsred by the Court the applioetion of Hre, T. C. Fins for an ellowenoe for keeping Hies Hinaie Davis during HovsrDer, 1989 sad January, 1888, end St appearing to the Conn that eha Se entitled to eemt, said apDliaa- tion be and Se lureby greate4 to the sstsnt of '$0.00 for snob servioae, and the County Clerk Se hereby authoricsd end direetsd to iseae e~ deliver unto Hrs. F#~a a warrant for ;$0,00 against the Gaa•ral Fend of the County. o-o-o-o-o-o He. 176E APR08TIOHlfEHT 01 j3,000.00 OF THE OEHEERAL BOLD b BHIDOS FUND. - This 18th day of February, 1988, ba sad it L ordered by the Court that the eam of {3,000.00 oS flu gea•znl road end Dridgs fund of %err County be apportioned sad eredltsd among its tour re apeetiva eommiesiomre' prsainete as follows: To the R, b B. toad of Preeiaet Ho. 1, (1,488,00, To the R. b B, land of Yraeinet Ho. B, 877.80, To the H. b 8. toad of Preoinot Ho. 8, $77,00, and To the H. 6 H. tend of Preoinet Bo, 4, 980.00. And the County Clerk shell eredit eaeh of eaeh prselaots on hie books with the amount allotted eaeh preainot hereunder. o-o-o-o-o-o Hp. 1763, 6PPROYAL 0) JAHUlRY OFFICE EIPEHSS HEPOHTS OF CO. OLER% AHD 138R. 6 COLH. OF TASZB. This 14th day of Febrwry, 1938, same oa to be surimd by the Coast the January, 1988 reports showing som of x$89,98 aotasl end nsosesary offioe eapeases ineurred by Bohn R. Leavsil, County Clerk during said month, end the nom of ;31.78 aotunl sad neNSeary offioe erpensee ineurred Dy H, H, Hiohols, Aeeeesor sad Colleetor of Tries during said month, in the condaot of their respsetlve otfieea, whioh reports appearing oorreet, be and are hereby approved for their full amounts. o-o-o-o-e-o Ho. 1764, JAIUAHY, 1938 BEPOBR OF OOIIHTY PUBLIC HEALTH HORSE. This 14th day of February, 1938, Dams on to bs heard the paport of Yies Huth Gilliland, j County PaDlle Health Hnrse for January, 1938, whish report b• sad, is luroDy sooapted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o Eo. 1768, JAHU~HY, 1938 RSPO$T OF COUNTY LOEBT. This 14th day of February, 1938, Dame on to De heard the report of T. t, Hillin, County Agent for ronth of January, 1938, shish report bs eni ie hereby aoesptsd Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-s Ho, 1766, JAHUAHY, 1938 HEPOHT OF COUNTY DEHOHSTB-TIOH AOEH9!. '. This 14th day of February, 1938, same oa to be heard by the Court the report of Hiss Jnne ioftord, County Demonstration AgsM for month of January, 1988, whioh report be nod ie hereby soosptsd by flu Court. o-o-o-o-o-o