Stets of Tesas, In Commissioners' Conrtr, Serr Conatry, Texas, 3 Sb Do, 1793 County of Serr, 8sbruary Teri, /. D. 1938. On this 18th day of Y~bruary, 1938, it appearing to the Court apes ad~iq to Cel. L. H. llebb, Yaasger of the Tstrsrans' Ldminietretion Yoeiiity at Legion, trot the Direetor o! Coastruetion, Teterans ldtisistrsbion, iashington, D. C., that a toreul reveeelle permit Dan be granted by the Tetesanr laministrntfon to Serr County oorering the sbraightsalag, widening ens improving by said County of the iseesd Cgsk p¢blis root leasing ttas net Sbet• Highway Ho, t9 to the Legiet Cetetery e4roq said Leeisn ressreatloa. Sherstors, upon motion made, poonded sad umiltimously adopted, applioatiea De and is hereby mane by the Courtr to said Yetesaas ~dtiafstratisa for sash rsvooabU permit anthorlsfng Sarr County to~atraightst, wiaan sat itprore sail ieeond Oreek publio rona leading iron hats Highway 80. ET. to the Legisn Cetstery seress the Legion rsgrretion, eta ezpreeslp agreed and ordered by 1ha Conn trhat trhs entire azp*asa of the wort iarolnd in said road SapreTatlmt, im Lading the relotatioa pt esiatiag tenses bordering said rood, will Ds borne by Barr Oonaty withoat ezpenss to the Tetersas ldtinistration. lnd the Ooaaty Clerk shall furnish unto said Tstsraae -dtiaistrntien •iz eertitied oopie• of ibis order together witl- the sis bias prints of the map prepsNa by the Connty Surreyer showing the nligamsat and boaads of the ezistiag roes end the teta• and bo¢ade of the property to be oooupisd by the improrsd rona. o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of loxes, ~ In Comaieaioaers' Court, 8ers County, Texas. lo. 1974 County of Sarr. ~ Yebruery Term, 1. D, 1918. Ph1^ lbbh day of BsDesary, 1938, Dame oa to be oonsidered by the Court the proposition submitted to the Court Dy Yrs. Herbert Crat• and, Yles Page, reyrsgnting the iozYa Pregrees ldtiaistrratioa, offering to mass all o! the Coamiseioaers' Court ®iaute• of Serr County or supplies wish R. P, 1. labor. at en e:penq to Serr Csnnty not to sxsesa ~7Cb.00 Sa sash.saa flu f¢rnishiag Dy the County at the blank indss book now on hand for that purpose. lea it appearing to tba Coast that tba aooaptatsa, operation ant eotpletrion of said inaszing pro'eot will N to the benefit of the eltigaa and tax payers of Serr County, same De ens fa therefore aoosptsa sad suthoriga Dy the Coast~~, oonaitlonsa that the total o~m9terielsana thaip~s~eo! one indss volute post thereof to the County will De not ores jEb, east sow on hand. o-o-o-o-o-o Eo. 1745, iPPA0TIL 0! COB1Q`Y CLSBS'a ODIRT>~L2 COLLlCTI01 BEPDES. This loth aey of Ysbrtary, 195i, sate on to be ssatined by the Co¢r1 the Eeport of Jno. Lsevell, County Clary, eovering ell tlm • inpoaed sad ooilsetel eaa.luageHnts rendered end eolleeted is the 9ounty Coast of Serr County, in favor of safe Co¢aty, 1a01uding fury tees eolUStsa by the Conatry ClerY, dosing the lasrter eaatng IaauasCr 31st, 1958, which rsporb showing ea 4ggregste of ~169.ii solLStsd asl dspositsa with the County Rraasaxor, and Si appearing tDet said report is true and oorreet, same. be eaa is hsreDy !8 ell reepssts nppra by the CPnrt. O-MO-O-O Ho. 1974„ 1PPRCTIL OY OOQUTY TRilBCSEQ'B REPOHT FOR QTJ1R'F>C& EBDIHR J1HE{-SY 51st, 1956. This 18th day e! Yebrnary, L, D. 1938, same oa to be sxamiaet end autitst by the ¢onrtr the quarCsrly report aY S. Roll, County Treasurer, oorsring tho receipts eat aisburn~aents. et Serr County for quarter ending Seauary SLt, 193g, and it appearing to the Coact attar careful eaa thoroagh ezemimtion sad Saspeotfoa of said. report together with the eanoslled , cheeks, bonds end coupons aooompanyiag same, that said report is true end sorrsst