38 7 is every respect, end tams De and So botchy approved is opea Court, all as Se shows by the Certifieats of apyroval sigasd by the Court e m attaohe6 thereto, sad the Coaaty 6Urk shill reeord said reyorb in the loose leaf re acrd in hie office and tale sash oanwlled warrants, Sa hU olfiae cheeks, Donde and ooupont.lor sate-kespiag en6 future retereaoe, 0-0-0-o-o-e IIo, 1777, DI3C08TIHIIABCE OF SIIBECHIPTIOH TO 6D7A8C8 9HS8T3 A8D HSBSILL OF 3ITB3C&IPTIO% TO PBRY-H%gT FOIIISGZB OF 3. 8, BSPOHTSH, This 18th day of FeDraery, 1938, St appearing to the Oowrt that it it to the beet Satersst of 8err County Shat teat Publishing Comps qy cancel the Couay^ auDSeription to ad~eaes sheets, sestinas the County~• suDeeription to the digest ea6 rsinstat• and renew the County~e eubteriptioa to permeaent volamss of the S. ~, ~egerter on Ts:as oases, ea6 the Couaty Clerk is hereby aubhoriasd end direetsfl to ad~iss said feet Publishing Co, aeoordingly. o-o-o-o-o Bo, 1778, APPOI8T1(S11T OF SLSCTIOH OFFIOERS OF KIIiH COIIHTY FOH 08E Y84H, Th18 loth day of Tebipery, 1988, same oa to be nppoiated by the Court the necessary •leetioa ottiaezt for the eomiag year for each of the titteen election precincts of %err CoaaSy, as shown on pager 140 to 144 intlueivs, in Yol, 1, Hsoord of Sleetioa Judges for %err Coanty, Tezaa, whleh Se mods a part hereof for all legal purpo se e, o-o-o-o-o Tiu foregoing minutes on pages 382 to 387 hereof tnolnedve, were read Sn open Court npd toun~.vorreet, end are hereby is ell mapsott approved by She Court, thle the /~dey of A, D. 1938. Attie; ~rk ~ _ By~ - putt'. Co J g , ~, can y,• q~.. o-o-o-o-o~_o-o-o THE STATE OF TBZAS, COiTITY OF 8888, ~ B8 IT HEYYED(8ER&8, that On thle 19th day of February, 6. D, 1938, there wee begun and holden a Speoiel Term of the Commiseioaere~ Court of %err County, et the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tssae, officers present; doDa 3. Atkins, - - - - - - County dudgs, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - _ Commissioner, Preoinet Ho, 1, Wm, Karger, - - - - - - _ - Commissioner, Preolaet Bo, 3, T. J, lioore, - - - - _ _ - Cosollseioner, Preeinot Eo, 4, ~ A. F. Poore, Sheriff end Jno, H. Leaven, County Clark, e I and the Court heving been regularly opened, the following proeeedings were Dad, to-wit; 80, 1979, PBTIMOE FOH DOHATIOH 0$ COIIETY PHOPEBTY FOH PUBLIC PAR% PURPOSES, This 19th day of February, 1838, came on to ba considered the petition asking that Ken Cou~y oat aside or flonate Ste property at the iaterseetion of Aster Street and State Highway Ho. 27 in Tivy lddition, %errville, Tezes, for public park purposes, and 14 appearing to the Court that it Se to the beat Sate re at of ell ao aoerned that the matter Do taken under advisement by the Court and passed over to the nezt term of the Court for further investiga- tion. It is therefore ordered by the Courb that the matter o1 said petition be and ie hereby passed over to the nezt term of this Court for rsa eoae hereinabove mentioned. o-o-0-0-0