3 `3~9 Ho, 1784, REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT, This 14th day of March, 1938, name oa to be,heerd the report of T, W, Hillin, County Agent Yor the month of February, 1938, whioh report be end Se hereby eoospted by the Court, ' o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1785, MONTHLY REPORT OF MISS RDTH GILLILAND, COIIHTY PUBLIC HEALTH HURSS. This 14th day of Yeroh, 1938, came on to be, heard the report of Yise Ruth Gilliland, County Pub lio Health Husee, for the month oY February, 1938, whioh report ie hereby eoospted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o i Ho, 1786, YOHTiiLY REPORT OF MISS JANE WOFFORD, HOME DEYOHSTRATIOH AGENT. This 14th day of Yaroh, 1938, acme on to ba heard the report oY Yiae Jeae WofYord, County Homs Demonstration Agent, for the month of February, 1938, whioh report be axd ie hereby eoaepted Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o The State of Tessa, In Commieeionere` Courb, Kerr County, Texas. Ho. 178? County ofKerr. YaraD Term, A. D, 1988. Thin 14th day of Yaroh, 1938, it appearing to the Court that that portion of the old North Fork Road aero ee the property oY Jimmie Moore beginning 60 feat south of the Blab of the Curbello oroeeing nea17 said Yoore`• home end eztending southerly about 200 yards to driveway leading to Loyd Yerritt`e eottege, hoe been abanflOned sad replaced by a nsr and better road, and said old piece oY road should therefore be oloeed sad disaontlnued. Whereapon, the Court on its motion, hoe dsereed and ordered and does hereby dearea a~ order that the above de scribed portion of avid North Fork Road De and ie hereby abandoned, discontinued and clone d, and it is further ordered and decreed by the Court that the tltls to such abandoned right-oY-way be and Se hereby divested out oY Kerr County and vested in Jimmie Moore, owner of the land on ea oh aids thereof. o-o-o-o-o-a-o Ho. 1788, ALLOWANCE TO MRS. T, C. FZNE FOR THE CARE OF YIH$IE DAMS. This 14th day of March, 1938, De and it ie ordered by the Court that the County Clark Seeus and deliver unto Yre. T. C. Fine a warrant on the Cowaty Treasurer against the General Fund in the sum oY $b,00, this day allowed by the Court to Yre. Fiue Yor taking during this month, Dare oY Mies Yiaais Davie „end the County Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to pay unto avid Yrs. Fine a like sum of $8,00 out of the General Fund each month hereafter for the same purpose, until otherwise ordered by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1?89, ALLOWANCE OB HOSPITAL BILL FOB HO-PAHD COWDEH. This 14th day of Yarnh, 1938,.it appearing to the Court that Walter Cowden is entitled Ito a refund from Kerr County covering the $62,50 ndvanoad and paid by him to the Santa 80~ Hospital for the hospital D311 of Howard Cowden, and the County Clerk be and Se hereby authorised and directed to deliver unto eeid Walter Cowden a warrant on the County Treasurer for $62.50 age inet the General Fund to Dover the hoepltal bill so paid by him, whioh amount eeid Howard Cowden agrees to pay book unto Kerr County out oY hie future earnings in monthy7 Baymente through Commieaioner Beard. o-o-o-o-o-o IRO. 1980.. PURGHASH OF 1934 Ford pick-up FOH USE OF PRECINCT H0. 1. This 14th day oY Yeroh, 1938, Commie aioner Koketsia be end ie hereby authorised to purchase from E, B. Qoleman a 1934 Ford Piek-up, Engine Ho. 18-884,O1b, for the oaeh'prioe of $350.00, to be uaad by him sad hle employees on oifioial business, sad the County Clerk