s~9 Ho, 1784, REPOHT OF COUNTY AGES.', Thie 14th day of yaroh, 1938, Dame oa to be heard the report of T. W, Hillin, County Agent for the month of February, 1938, whioh report be and Se hereby eooapted Dy the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o $o, 1785, MOATHLY REPORT OF MISS ROTH GILLIIdHD, COUNTY Pl7BI.IC HE6LTH HIiR3E. This 14th day of March, 1938, Damn on to be, heard the report of Misa Ruth Gilliland, County Public Health $u8ee, for the month of February, 1938, whioh reporb ie hereby accepted Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o Bo, 1786, MO$TBLY REPORT OP PISS JANE WOFFORD, HOPE DNMOHSTRlTIOA AGENT, Thie 14th day of March, 1938, alms oa to be heard the report of Miss Jane WofYord, County Home Demonetratioa Agent, for the month oY February, 1938, whioh report be e~ is hereby accepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-s Thor State of Te>ra s, In Commies Sonars' Court, Kerr County, Te=as. No. 1787 County o1 Kerr, March Term, -. D, 1938. Thie 14th day of March, 1Q38, it appearing to the Court that that portion oY the old North Fork Hond soroee the property of Jimmie Moors beginning 60 feet south of the slab oP the Curbello crossing neab said l[oore'e home and eztanding southerly about 200 yards to driveway leading to Loyd Yerritt'w cottage, has been abandoned and replaced by a new and better road, end said old piece oY road should therefore be cloned sad diaeont lnued. Whereupon, the Court on Ste motion, has deereed and ordered and dose hereby degree and order that the above de scribed portion oY said Aorth Fork Road be and Sa hereby abandoned, discontinued and clone d, and it is further ordered and decreed by the Court that the title to snob abandoned right-oY-way be and ie hereby divested out oY Kerr County and vested in Jimmie Moore, owner oY the land on ea oh side thereof. o-o-o-o-o-a-o 80. 1788, AISOWANCE TO MRS. T. C. FZ$E FOR THE CARE OF MI$$IE DA7IS. Thie 14th day of Meroh, 1938, be and it is ordered by the Cour4 that the County Clark Sasus and deliver unto Mrs. T. C. Fine s warrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fnnd in the sum of $b,00, this day allowed by the Court to Mro. Fiore for taking during this month, Dare of Miea Minnie Davie,.and thn Gounty Glerk ie hereby authorized and directed to pay unto said Mrs, Fina s like sum of $8,00 out of the General Fund each month hereafter for the same purpose, uat it otherwise ordered by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o $o, 1784, ALLOWA$CE OP HOSPITAL BILL FOH HOWAHD COWDEi. Thie 14th day oY March, 1938, .St appearing So the Court that Walter Cowden Se entitled to a refund Yrom Karr County covering the $62,50 advanced end paid Dy him to the Santa Rosa Hospital Yor the hospital bill of Howard Cowden, and the County Clerk be and ie hereby authorized and dlreeted to deliver unto said Walter Cowden a warrant on the County Treasurer for $62.50 age fast the General Fund to Dover the hospital bill so paid Dy him, whioh (amount said Howard Cowden agrees bo pay baoY onto Kerr County out of hie future earnings in monthly payments through Commisaloner Beard. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1980.. PURCHASE OP 1934 Ford Piak-up FOH IISE OF PRECINCT H0. 1. Thie 14th day of Merab, 1938, Commie el oner Eckstein be end ie hereby authorized to purolu se Yrom E. H. Coleman a 1934 Ford Piak-up, Eagiae lfo. 18-854,O1b, for the oaeh'prioe of $350;00, to be used by him anal hie employees oa offialal business, sad the County Clerk