s~9 Ho, 1784, REPORT OF COIIHTY AGENT, This 14th day of March, 1938, Dame on to be heard the report of T, W, HS111a, County Agent for the month of February, 1936, whioh report be end ie hereDy eooeyted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1785, HOHTHLY REPORT OF HI99 RDTH GILLILAHD, COIIHTY PUBLIC HEALTH HRAdB, Thia 14th day of Haroh, 1938, oama on to be heard the report of Hiae Ruth Gilliland, County Public Health Huree, Sor the month of February, 1938, whioh reporb Se hereDy aooeptefl by the Court. o-o-o-m-o-o Ho. 1786, HOHTHLY REPORT OF HISS JANE fOFFORD, HOdD& DEMOHSTRlTIOH AGSBT, This 14th day of Haroh, 1938, name on to be heard the report of Hies dens fotford, County Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of FeDroary, 1938, whioh report be end is hereDy sooeptefl Dy the Court. o-e-o-o-o-e The State of Tessa, In Commlaeionere' Court, Kerr County, 2ezae. Ho, 1?87 Cou~y of Kerr. lfnroh Term, A. D. 1938. Thin 14th day of Haroh, 1938, it appearing to the Court that that portion of the old North Fork Hoad aorosa the property of dimmia Hoore beginning 60 feet south of the Blab of the Curbello orosaing neat said Hoore'a home and ezteading southerly about 200 yards to driveway leading to Loyd Y~rritt'e cottage, has been abandoned and replaced by a new and better road, and said old piece of road should therefore be oloeed sad dieoontinued. Whereupon, bhe Court oa !ta motion, has deereed and ordered and dose hereby de ores and order that the above de scribed portion of anld North Fork H.oad be end Se hereby abandoned, disooatinued and oloeed, and it is further ordered and decreed by the Court that the title to such abandoned right-of-Way be end ie hereDy dive aced out oY Kerr County sad vested in Jimmie Moors, owner of the lead on ea oh aide thereof, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1788, ALLOWANCE TO MRS. T, C. FIRE FOH THE CARE OF HIHHIE DAYIS, This 14th day of Haroh, 1938, De and it Se ordered by the Court that the County Clerk Seaue and deliver unto Hre. T. C. Pine a warrant oa the County Treasurer age last the General Fund in the sum of X8,00, this day allowed Dy the Court to Mrs. Fine for taking during this month, Dare of Hiee Miaaie Davin „and the County Clerk ie hereby authorised end directed to pay unto said 16ra. Finn a like sum of $8,00 out of the General Fund each month hereafter for the same purpose, until otherwise ordered by the Court, o-o-.o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1789, ALLOWANCE OF HOSPITAL BILL FOH HOWABD COfDEa. This 14th day of March, 1938, .it appearing to the Court that falter Cowden Se entitled to a refund from Karr County covering the ~62,b0 advenaed and paid by him to the Santa Hoen Hospital Yor the hoepitel bill of Howard Cowden, and the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to da liver unto said Walter Cowden a warrant oa the County Treasurer for ~62,b0 against the General Pond to Dover the hoepitel bill so paid by him, whioh amount eai8 Howard Cowden agrees to pay back unto Ksrr County out of hie future earnings in monthly payments through Commisaloner Beard. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1980.. PUHCHASS OF 1934 Ford pick-up FOH IISS OF PHECI HCT H0. 1. This 14th day of Haroh, 1938, Commissioner Eckstein be and is hereby authorized to puroku ee from E. H, Coleman a 1934 Ford pink-up, Engine Ho, 18-Bb4,Olb, for the osah'prlae of '350,00, to De used Dy him and hie employees on ottiolal Dusineea, end the County Clerk shall on demand a unto said E, p y H, Coleman the purahaae price of said Ford Piok-up with 3Q o warrant on the County Treasurer age iilgt the Road ~ Bridge Fund of Preoinot Ho, 1. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 388, 389 fo 390 hereof, were read in open Court and found correct, and are hereby in all re apo ate approved by the Court, this the /day of Apri 1, A. D, 1938. n fittest; -L~ ~ o z Bysc~~~ty• g'~ ,•o , Tszea. 0-0- -0-0-0-0-0 , THE STATE OF TEAS, COUNTY OF KERR, ~ BE IT RE40'EIdBERED, that on this 11th day of April, A, D, 1938, there was begun end holden a Regular Term of the Commiaeionare' Court of Karr County, at the Court Rouse thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezea, officers present: John S. Atkins, - - - - - - County Judge, Remy Eckstein, - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, -, D, Beard, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot No, 2, Ym, 'Barger, - - - - - - - -Commissioner, Preoinot No, 3, T. J. Moore, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preainot Ho. 4, A. F, Moore, Sheriff a~ Jno. R. I.eavell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proaeedinge were had, to-wit: No, 1794, 3ubatitution pert County ~ Depoeitory~a Pledge Bond Securities. This 11th day oY 4pri1, 1938, came on to be considered the appliastion of Charles Schreiner Bank, (Unincorporated) oY Kerrville, Tezas, County ~ Depository of Kerr County, for permission of the Court to replace the X2000,00 City o! Kerrville 5~ Gas Syetsm Revenue Bonds Noe. 1 & 2 dated Nov. 1, 1934 held by Fro at National Bank of San Antonio, Tezea, as a part of the eesurities pledged Dy said Sohreinor Bank to Kerr County under its County Depository Pledge Bond, 111Th, X2000.00 South San Antonio Independent 3ohool District Honda Nos. 24 and 25 due Apr, 10, 1949; and, It appearing to the Court that the aubet Station oY said X2000.00 worth of securities pledged by said Charles Schreiner Bank under its County Depository Pledge Contract or Bond will not impair the validity of said surety contract nor impair or reduce the value of the securities thereunder. The Fro et National Bank of San Antonio, Tezea, is therefore authorized by the Court to deliver over to Charles Schreiner Bank oY Kerrville, Tezea, said $2000 of City oY Kerrvi Gas 9yatem Revenue Bonds above mentioned, upon receipt of said X2000 Soutb. San Antonio Independent School District Bonds No a. 24 and 25 herein deaeribed, which latter bonds shall be held by said Frost National Sank in escrow ,ointly for Kerr County and Charley Schreiner Bank ea part of the security under its County Depository Pledge Contract in favor of said Cou~y. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1807, APPROPRIATION FOR SANITARY SURPEY OF SCHOOLS AND TOURIST CAiSPS IN KERR COUNTY. This 12th day of April, 1938, it appearing to the Court that it Ss to the beat interest of the citizens and taz payers of Kerr County, that a sanitary survey be made by the State Health Department of sll eohoola and tourist:;oampe throughout Kerr County before the summer tourist season opens. It is•~lberstore ordered by the Courb ~ the sum of not to ezoeed $50.Op be and Sa J7....,. ~ ,.5 hereby sppyopFiated and set aside cub #~ General Fuad of the ooua~y,~ Yor the purpoeo of