3G ' defraying Kerr County~s portion of the ex pease of one month ~e work on euoh aealtary survey 1 by the State He81t3..Department which health or sanitary survey is to be made is the near '~ I future, and the appropr iat Son herein made eha 11 be yaid Lo the sanitarian appointed by the ;: Stets Aealth 9epartmant upon ~ammpletdon+ of ~~idmnthe work as expenses. -0-0-0-a-0-0- No, 1791, ALLONANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS, The ae 11th and 12th days oP April, 1938, came on to be seem ined and audited by the Court, the various ale ime and acco ante filed agai net Kerr County end its reepeotive Commissioaera~ preoinote ainoe last term of the Court, all of whioh sooounts and olalma were approved Dy the Court for ps ymezrt by the County Clerk is amounts and out of reapeat ive funds ae shown by the minutes of aoaounta allowed Yor Kerr County, Texas, which are made ¢ part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1792, REPORT OF COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE FOR MARCH, 1938. This 11th day of April, 1938, Dame on to be heard by the Court the report filed by Miss Ruth Gilliland, County Pub Lio Health Nurse for the month o1 March, 1938, whioh report be and is hereDy approved and sooept ed by the Court, o-o-o-o-o No, 1793, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF THE JUSTICE OF THS PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1 Por March, 1938, This 11th day of April, 1938, Dame on to be azam ined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett, Jr„ Juetioe of the Peace of Precinct No, 1 oP Kerr County, Yor the month of March, 1938, of criminal as sea Piled, fine e, ~udgme nt and fury fees Dolls ate d, showing the sum of $57.95 oolleoted and de posited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of :51,00, end it appearing to the Court that said ra port ie oorreat, same be affi ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk shall pay unto Justioo Hurkett hie Pea of X51,00 sa follows; 56,16 out of the Roafl & Bridge Fund end ~44, 84 out of the General Fund, 0-r0-O-O-0-0 No, 1796, APPROVAL OF COUDPTY CLE8K~3 MONTHLY OFFICE EbPEN3E REPOBT, This 11th day oP April, 1938, Dame on to be examined Dy the Court the report of John R, Leavell, County Clerk, covering his eotual and neoeeeary ezpenaee incurred Dy him in the eaaduot of his office during March, 1938, emousrt ing to $299.43, whioh report appearing oorreat and said officer be entitled to euoh ezpeadituree under the law, said ro port be and Ss hereDy approvefl for its full amount, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho. 1796, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CASE WORKER. , This 11th day of April, 1938, Dame on to be heard the written report of Mrs, Pearl Grease, County Caae Worker for the month of Mar oh, 1938, whioh report be sad is hereDy aooepted by the Court and ordered filed by the Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro, 1797, APPROVAL OF COUNTY AGENTS MONTHLY REPORT, This 11th day oP April, 1938, Dame on to be heard by the Court the written report oP C, W. H1111n, County Agent Yor the month of Mnroh, 1936, whioh report is hereby accepted by the Court and ordered tiled by the County Clark. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1798. COUNTY JODGE~S ORDER FOR AR ELECTION IR SCHOOL DI3THICT N0. 6. THE STATE OF TEYA3, 0 COUDTTY OF KERB. ~ Whe rea a, oa the 6th day oP April, 1538, a petition wee presented to me for en election in Common 3ohool Dietriot No. eiz of this County upon the question. oP