determining whether or not the School Tax heretofore voted in said Distriot shall be inorea9ad 3 g 2 Prom ten Dents on the ~p100,00 valuation of taxable property in said Distriot to twenty Pive (,25) oenta'on the $100,00 valuation of taxable property in said Distriot, for the purpose of supplementing the State school fund apportioned to ea id Distriot Bald petition bearing the requisite number of signatures oP resident, qualified, property taxpaying voters of said Distriot, and being in every,reapeot 1n conformity with law. NOYP, TREREFORE, I, John S. Atkins in my oapaaity as County Judge of Kerr County, Teaas, 'r do hereby order that an eleatLoa be held on the 30th day oY APril, 1938, at Turtle Creek Sahoo House Sn ea id Common School Diatriat ffio. eiz of this County, ae established by order of the County School Trustees on the 19th day of Deoember, 1929, which ie reoarded in Book one, page 148-152 of the Minutes of said County Board of Sohool Truataee, to determine whether or not the School Tea heretofore voted in said Distriot Por the purpose of supplementing the State School fund apportioned to said piatriot e~all be inorsased from ten Dente on the X100,0 ~, taxable valuation to twenty five (,25) Dents oa the "y'100,00 valuation oP taxable property in said Diatriat for said purpose, Edward Sohmldt ie hereby appointed Pre aiding Officer of said eleotion, and ha shall eleot one Clerk to assist him in holding the same, and ha shall, within five days after said election hoe been held, make due return thereof to the Commissioners' Court of this County ae required by law for holding a general eleotion. The Ba llots for said eleotion shall have written or printed thereon the following: "FOR INCREASE OF 3CH007. TA%°. "AGAINST INCREASE OF 3CBOOI. TAS", All persons who are legally qualified voters of this Stets sad of this County and who are resident property teapayera in said District, shall be entitled to vote at eafd eleotion, The riff of this County shall give notlo0 of said eleotion by posting three notioes at thrs/"- please in the said Distriot for tsa•~deye,'bePOre~ the eleotion• iie~9A~yt~e}5th day of April, 1938. o ' ;.\ ,~yq r"' ~ Count dge, Kerr County, Tezae. ~r ~~ v~r C o00-000-000-000-000-000-00000-000-000 ' n No.,,1+/ ~,;~~O~TI09MENT OF $35,000.00 ROAD d BRIDGE FUND9 OF KERB COURTX. T1$h day of APril, 1938, it la ordered by the Court that $35,000.00 oP the general road end bridge fund of Kerr County be and la hereby apportioned and allotted among the Commissioners' preoinote of Kerr County, ae follows; 4@}~ to Road & Bridge Fund of Commissioners' Preoinot Ho, 1 amounting to $17,325,00, 93gb to Raed & Bridge Fund of Commieaionere' Preoinot No. S emountring to $ 3,237.50, 9}~ to Road 8o Bridge Fund of Commissioners' Preoinot Hiti 3. amounting to $ 3,237.50, 32~ to Road 8, Bridge Fund of Commiselonera' Preaiaat Bo, 4 amounting to $11,200.00. And the County Clerk shall transfer and oredit the eooount of ea oh of said preoinote with the respeotiva apportionment reoeived by it hereunder. o_o-o-o-o-o No, 1800, TRANSFER OF $1100,00 tram 8. 8, B. (!2 FIIND TO R. & H, ~`3 FUND, This 11th day of April, 1938, it Se ordered by the Court that the sum of $1,100,00 be transferred by the County Clerk from Hoad & Bridge No. 2 Fund to Hoad & Bridge Fund No, 3, is payment 0f the annual installmei6tr due by Preoinot No, 2 to P~olnot ffio, 3 on the Center Point Lot-Mater Bridge ~ Traotor loan, thereby redueing the Daleaee owing on sai6 loan to $2,200.00. Commissioner Barger in open Court waiving interest for pa et year on o-o-o-o-o-o