3 ~ No, 1801, TRANSFER OF X765,50 FROH SIDIKING FUND ROAD DISTRICT N0. 2 TO SINKING FUND OF KERR COUNTY R, & B. WARRANTS 0% 1936. This 11th day of April, 1938, the',Oounty Treasurer of 8err County be and Se hereby - authorized and directed to transfer the sum of ~76b .50 from the Sinking Fund of Road Dietriot No, 2 to the Sinking Fund of Kerr County Roafl & Bridge Warrants of 1936, to take oars of" the 1938 prino lpal sad interest re quiremeirt a on the $6500,00 Kerr County R, Bo B, Warrants of 1936. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1802, TRANSFER OF $2,200,00 FR016 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND OF PREGZNCf N0. 1 TO 9I1˘KING FUND OF KERR COUNTY R, & B, I1HP%R07E6(ENT WA$$ANT8 OF 1937, Thin 11th day of April, 1938, the Cou~y Tree surer of Kerr County be and 1a hereby authorized and dire oted by the Court to treasPer the sum of $2,$00,00 Prom the Road & Bridge Fund of Preoinat No, 1 to Sinking Fund of Kerr County Road & Hridge Improv ament Warreata of 1937, for the purpo ee of taking Dare of the 1938 inters at requirement on ae id =44,000.00 R, & B, Improvement Warrant Iaeue of 1937, And the County Clerk shall oharge said R, & B, ~1 Fund, with said .p2200,00 so transferred on the books of his ofYloe. O-a-O-O-O-O No, 1803, iSONTfiLY REPORT OF COUNTY HOiiE DE6SONSTRATION AGENT. This 11th day of April, 1938, Dame on to be heard~by the Court the Marsh, 1938 Report of Mlse Jane WoPford, County Roma Demonstration Agent, whioh report be and is hereby aooepted by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1804, CANVASS OF RETURNS OF COUNTY SCROOL TRUSTEE ELECTION HNLD Apr. 2nd, 1938, THIS 12th day of April, 1938, aeme on to be opened end tabulated by the Court the returns of the County Sohool Truetea ale otdoa held throughout Ksrr County on the 2nd day of April, 1.938, and said returns were duly oanvesaed and tabulated Dy the Court ea shown on pages 168 sad 169, in Zol. 2, Record oY Eleotioa Raturne oY Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1806, PAYMERT OF FOY BOUBTY BY KERR COUNT7C. Thle 12th day of April, 1938, it appearing to the Court tDat St will be to thaDeet inters at to the ranohmen, fermere sad baadnepe:. pe o}i le of Kerr County that the Yoxee be exterminated Sa Kerr County on eaoount of the depredations by eaoh iozee on the #ousg lambs sad kids end on pnaltg% and ®epe oislly on wild turkeys end other game birds, It ie therefore ordered end deereed by tho Court tlaet 8err County shall pay out oY its Genoral Fund a bounty of seventy-five dente (7b~) on eaoh sad ovary Yox killed within the County between Chia date end Fabrua ry let, 1939. Suoh bounty to be paid to the ~ person killing eaoh Yox or foxes upon hie affidavit showing on whose renoh in Kerr County and oa what date or dates „ same ware killed, aupplementad with a atatemant of renoh where same were killed e igned by the owner, tenant or menager,veriYying the fa of t$at same ware eotuslly killed on the renoh mentioned in said affidavit and on the date or dates bherein epe oiYie d, All au0h claims for bo naty shall ba pre aented tnLLend Siled by the County Clerk for azemination and approval for payment by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o _ ~ No, 1806, BQUNTHLY ALLOWANCES FOR H. E, WILLIFORD AND ELLI JABISON, This 12th day of April, 1938, Dame oa bo be aonaidered by the Court the applioatione of H. E. .Williford and ;dies Ella Ja anon for monthly oeeh allowanoea ouL of the General Fund of Kerr County, anti it appearing to the Cain that both of eeid appliaenta are phyeioelly and Yinanelelly unable to take ogre of themselves,