3 9 S And to anpport and enforce said conditions and re striotiona acid deed by Commissioner _ Ealteteln to ea id eucceasYul bidder shall Contain the na oesaery reversions ry rlghta and PorYeiture cla uaea. dnd it Sa eapreaely ordered and deoreed by tffi Court that sny and all orders heretofore passed by the Court Sn any mapper relating to or providing for the sale of said property re by Kerr County, be an hereby in all re ape cts reeaiaded and annulled by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o The Yor ego ing minutes on pa gee 390 to 395 hereof inn lua ive, were read in open//Co t and found oorraot, and are hereby in all re ape ota approved by the Court, this thgday oP May, A. D. 1938. Atteet• ~~~,p // ~~ ~ o y~~C By ty, County ga, srr onn y, •e e. -C-0.0-C-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TffiAS, COUNTY OF ffffiiR, BE IT REM&~(BEHED, that on this 16th day oY April, A, D. 1938, there was begun end holden a Special Term of the Commlealonere' Court oY Kerr County, at the Court Houso thereof, in the Sown of Kerrville, Tezse, offioera present: Tohn 3. Ltkins, - - . - -COU~y Tudge, Henry Eakateia, - - - -Commleaioner, Preoinot No, 1, D. D, Benrd, - - - - - Commissioner, Pre of not Ho, 2, Wm. Kerger, - - - - - Commissioner, Pre of not No. 3, T. J. Moore, - - - - - Commissioner, Pre oinot Ho, 4, A, F. Moore, SheriYY and Jno, R, Leavell, County Clerk, cad the Court having been regularly opened, the following prooee di nga were ffid, to-wit; No, 1810, ALL09/ANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This 16th day oY Lpril, 1938, acme on to be eaemined end audited by the Courts, the various alaime and eaaounte filed agai net Kerr County affi its re ape ative Commissioners' preainota sines la et term oY the Court, all of whioh eo oo ante and olaima were .approved by the Court Yor payment Dy the Oounty Clerk in amounts and out oY repeative Yunde as shown by the minutes oY eooounta allowed Yor Kerr County, Tezee, whioh are made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o State oY Tezse, In Commissioners' Court, Kerr County, Tease. No, 1811 County oY Karr, 9peoiel April Term, L. D, 1938. APPOIDiTMEBP OF KERR CCUDTY CHILD WELFARE BOARD, This 16th day oY April, 1938,~it appearing to the Court that It is to the best inters et oY the aitlzena end taz payers oY Kerr County and saps oielly the war veterans and their families Lhat ~now.in aidn or..w131r'he reafter reside at Laginncead~~Keixti~le is this County or Sn the lmme diets vicinity thereof, that en not ivs Kerr County Child welfare Board be eppolnted by the Court whose members will effiolently, willingly and energeti~slly perform the dut ice ra quired ea memDe rn of said Board, And it appearing to the Court that Dr, C. E. Reid, Lewis Eldridge, Rev, F. M. Breaier, Ceoil E, williame, Jennings Monk, Barney Chaudoin, Miae Edae Henke sad Mrs. Ste lie Sheffield have eapresaed their willingness to ae rve ea mamDera of the Karr Cou~y Child Welfare Board, and each end all of them are well qualified to perform the duties oonneoted therewit~j-lhare- Yori`.eaoh and sll oY said above-named persona De and ere hereby appointed by the Court