as memDera of the Kerr County Child Welfare Board wh Soh board will operate under the auperviai ,34G of the Division of Child Welfare of the State Board of Control. And the Clerk oY th Sa Court shell furnish unto Dire, Violet Greenhill, Div laion oY Child Welfare, Capitol Station, Austin, Tesae, a Dart ified oo py oP the forgoing appointment oY the Kerr County Child Welfare Board, o-o-o-o-o-o State oY Teses,{ In Commieaiom re' Court, Kerr County, Tezae. { No, 1812 -' County oP Kerr. { 9pe Dial April Team, 1938. RECEIVING OF BIDS AND LETTING OF CONTRACT FOB NORTH FORK ROAD PAYING. This 16th day of April, 1938, Dame on to De received Bgd*~oonsi dared Dy the Court the bide aubmltted Yor the hard-eurYeoing of 4.7 mllee of the North Fork Hoad in Kerr County, ae follows: 0. L. Neyland, Contractor, amount of $5,955.84, W. W. Vann & Company, Contreetor, amount oY $5,991,48, and Rally Conatruot ion Company, Contreetor of San Antonio, amount of $6,392.00. And it appearing to the Court that it Se to the Deat inters et of Kerr County that the bid of W, W, Vann & Company for the sum of $5,991.48 be aooepted. Therefore upon motion duly made, eeoonded and unanimously adopted, said Did oP W. _W, Vann & Company for $5,991.48 be and is he reDy aooepted Dy the Court, and the oontreat for the oonatruotion of said hard-aurYace road 4.7 milee in length eatending west from end oY present pavement in Hunt, Teses, ie hereby awarded to said W. W. Yana & Company, and said hard-aurfeai shall be of single aouree Dituminoue type con etruotion, eacording to spa Blfloatlona ae follows Pavement to be 18 feet in width throughout, oontraotor to furnleh in pla oe .02 6ellon prime oil per aqua re yard, Yellowed by ,35 gallon eapha It per square yard in plane, ihen'praparly z.. broomed and severed by one oubie yard of eggre gate to eaeh 80 wquere yards evenly planed end spread, and then thoroughly rolled down and finiehe d, Kerr County at Sts own eapenee shell oonatr~ot the Daee for said road under the eupervlsion of the oontraotor. Payment oY entire ,Dent rant pri oe of $5991.48 shell be made to the oontraotor in oa sh }•. F out of the Hoad & Bridge ~4 Fund attar oomplst Son„o8'~eaid.e~ire job +and Sts`aao8ptahpe Dy the Court. Work thereon aha 11 start ae soon ae praotiaeble and same aha 11 be prosecuted with d111ganoe to its sa rlieat completion. o-o-o-o-o IND. 1813, INCREA9K IN 6SONTHLY ALLOWANCE FOB WM, GARDNHR, This 16th day oY April, 1938, Dame on to be oo naidered the appliaetion of L. 0. Williford Yor an Snores se in the monthly allowance Wm. Gardner is now reoeiving Yrom Kerr County, and SL appearing to the Court that Wm, Gardner Se entirely without funds end pyysioa lly unable to work on aoaount of hie health, end that he Se ant It led to the relleY prayed Yor. ,w ! It is therefore ordered Dy the Court that the monthly allowance for the tkta skpeping oY Wm. Gardner be and Se hereby Snores aed Yrom $5.00 to $1b,00, end the County Clerk and County Tree surer shall now pay unto said L. 0. Williford for the benefit oY Wm. Gardner the sum of $10.00 out of the General Fund, and said off Seers aha 11 pay unto said Wi111Yord for said i Gardner'e benefit the sum of $1b,00 out of the General Fund on the first day of eaeh month he reefter, until suah time ae said allowance may be di soont inued or reduced by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1814, PAYD~9P OF NLECTION OFFICERS HOLDING SCHOOL TROSTEE SLHCTIOH, Apr, 2, 1938, Rhin 16th day of April, 1938, it appearing to the Court that all ofYioers oY the Speoiel School Trustee ale at ion held throughout Kerr County oa April tad, 1938, are entitled to receive Yor their servioee ae suah election offioere the sum of $1.00 out of tln General