~a ( I Tha tore3o ing minutes on Wages 397 to 400 ire roof, inclusive, were read in open Court and ~ found eorreot, and are hereby in e11 respects approved by tr.e Court, this tiie ~ day of ,-A. D, 1938, Attest: /. ~~_~~,~~~t7-7~-t~ Co Ju ge, rr oun y, ezea. -Gi'g' i _o ark Bye - - eputy, 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEES3, ( COUNTY OF BERR, ( BE IT RE4IEO~ERED, Shat on this 6th day of Juas, /. D, 1938, Lhere wen begun and holden a Spe eiel Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, at the Court Rouse thereof, in the town of Ksrrvi lie, Tezae, otiioera present: John 3. ltkiaa, - - - - - Coaaty Judge, Henry Eokete in, - - - - - Commieaioaer, Preoiaot No, 1, B, D, Beard, - - - - - - Commiaeionar, Preoinot Ho, 2, Wm, Knrger, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preainot Ho, 3, T, J. Poore, - - - - - - -COmmiasioaer, Pre oinet Ho, 4, A, F. l[oore, She r1YY and Jao, R, Leavell, Cou~y Cls rk, end the Court having been regularly opened, the Yo llowing yroeeedinga were had, to-wit; Ho, 1,331, ELIMIHAT iOH OF ASSESSMEBT IBYEHTORIES BY THE COURT A9 BOAHD OF EQtT/LIZATIOH, Thia 6th day of Juas, 1938, sYter eaoh member of the Court having tir sL taken the oath ea required Dy law, the Court with all members present prooeeded to ezamine and Snaps of the Snve~ories oY tea assesemeate Yor 1938 rendered by the various taz payers oY the County or ease seed age Suet them by the Taz lseesaor, B, H, Eiehola, and it appearing to the Court that eaoh and all of aeid tas eeassamente era aatiataotory, eeme be and are hereby approved Dy the Court sitting ae a board of squaliaatioa,..and the Tez Lsaesaor Se hereby direoted to prooeed wibh the preparation of the 1938 Stets & County taz rolls aooordingly. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1g3Y, PIYMEHT TO W, W, Y/BH b COCSP/HY FOR HUNT TO QABLP W/LDWO(l8 P19IH0, Thia 6th day of Juns, 1936, oeme on to be sznmiaed sad inepeoted Dy the Court on the ground, the oomDleted topping MoD of the Borth Fork Boad Yrom Hunt, Tezas, to Cemp Waldemar a diatanos oY about {,7 miles, sad it appearing to the Court that oontraotor, W, W, Yana m Company has eonetruoted the single aourss Ditumioua topping of aeid road atriotly in eooordanoe with the plane and speoitieationa thorator and hie agreement with the Court ne sit out in Minute Ho, 1812 entered et the Speeiel lpril Term of thi• Court on lpr, 16, 1936. Said oomplebed road bs and Se therefore aocspted Dy the Court, enfl the County Clerk la hareDy aathosipd:aad {dreoted to pay unto said W, W, Yann 8 Company by Draper warrant drawn age inet R, de B, #{ Panel, the balanoe ooatreot pries of X6,173,{9 now owing to aeid eontreotor Dy Kerr Oounty, The remaining {1,000.00 of said eontraot prioe having heretofore bean advanoad to said oontraotor by Commieeloner T, J. Poore through d, W, Orr Compauy7. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo, 1333, T%ESFER OF X2,500.00 FROM 8, & B, ~l FUBD TO R, 6 B, /{ FUBD, Thia 6th day oY June, 1938, in acoordanea with the agreement made between Commissioners Henry Eokstein end Tom Poore with, the epprovnl of the Court, be and it Se hereby ordered that the eam af.;~8~,800.00 bs treaeterred by the County CUrk from the sooouat o! R, { B. #1 Fund to the ere dit of the R, 3, B. aooount oY prooinat IIo, {, to saver Preoinat'6na'e wwn-n-n-w-w-n-n-