The foregoing minutes on page 401 hereof, ^ere rend in open Court and Sound correct, ~ N o a and era heraDy in all re epeote approved Dy the Court, this the day of Tune, A, D, 1938, ~~ ltbeet; - ~' ~I i~ _ p h ~~ By ty. ~~ ge, e o y, Taxes, i i 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 V TBE 9T$TE OF TEI43, COtTRTT OF %ERH, BE. IT ". that on this 13th day of dune, A. D. 1938, there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commiseiom re' Court of %srr County, at the Court House thereof, is the town o! 8errville, Texas, offieers p;event: John S. ltkins, - - - - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eaksbein, - - - - - - - - - Commieaionsr, Precinct Ho, 1, D, D. Beard, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Prsoinet Fo, 8, Wm, Barger, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct Bo, 3, T, J. Moore, - - - - - - - - - Commieeloaer, Preeinot Ao, 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff end Jno, R, Leavsll, County Olerk, an6 the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit= Bo, 1834, 1LLOWIBCE OF CLLIM9 ABD 1000UBT3, This 13th day of June, 1938, same oa to be exemixa d and audited by the Oourt, the various claims and eooounts tiled against %err County end its rsepsetivs Commiesionere' precincts since lest term of the Court, all of which accounts and were approved by the CourE for payment by the County Clerk in amounts end out of rs apeative funds ae shown by the Yinutss o! loeounts lllowsd for Earr County, Texas, which are made a part of this order, o-o-o-o-e-o-o Ho, 1836, FIR9T 6DVIBCE OF ;b00,00T0 E, H, WICHOL3, OB HIS 1938 COIIBTS T1Z 199R'3 OOMMI39IOBS, This 13th day of dune, 1938, cams on to be considered by the Court the applieation of E, H. Biehols, lsseasor end Collootor of Tazee for %err County, Ear an advance by %err County of X500.00 on hie 1938 County Taz lsasaeor'e eommieeions, and it appearing to the Court that he le entitled to such ed~anoe, his applieation bs and is hereby granted, end the County Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to pay sash advance unto Assessor Biohols ea follows: ~7b,00 out of the R, b B, Fend, ;E00.00 out o! the C, H. 6 J. Sinking Pond, and ~22b.00 out of the %err County Hoad Bond Sinking Puad. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Fo. 1836, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF THH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PHECIIIC'f So, 1 FOH MAY, 1938. This 13th day of June, 1938, eao» on to be examined by the Court the report of Jos Burkett Jr, duatioe of the Peace of Preeiaot Ho, 1 of %err County, Yor the moath of May, 1838, of eriminal cease tiled, fines, 'udgment and fury tees eolleeted, showing the sum of ~16b.85 collected and deposited with the County Tre~wror, ant it ling him eooording to said report to e foe of X69.00, end it appearing to the Court that said report is oorraot, game be an6 is hereby approved, and the County Clerk shall pay unto Juetioe Burkett hie fee of =69.00, as tollowe: X58,40 out of the General Fuad and #13.60 out of the H, b B, Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo. 1837, REPORT OF COiJBTY HONE DEMOF9TRATIOF 1GEFT, This 13th day of June, 1938, same on to be heard the May, 1938 Heport of Jane Woftord, County Home Demonstration lgent, whieh report is hereby nooepted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-a