- ~ ----. - - _ - - you The foregoing minutes on page 401 hereof, were read in open Court and Pound oorreot, i sad era hereby is ell ra speota apPrwod by the Court, this the /~/ day of Tune, A. D, 1938. ; I Attest; ~ o IIp' By ~ tY. II ,O ge, err o y, Tezas. ~. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE STATE OF TEZA3, COUFTY OF KERR, BE. IT'"RSIEElCdEHED, that on this 13th day of Juna, A. D. 1938, there was begun and holden a Rogular Term of the Commieeioners' Court of Ksrr Oounty, et the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezas, offioera present: Bohn 8, ltkias, - - - - - - - - - Cooaty Jndge, Henry Eoxstein, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preolnot Fo, 1, D, D. Beard, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Fo, E, 1fm, Karger, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Bo, 3, T, d. Moore, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinot Fo. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff end Jno, 8, Leavsll, County Clerk, end the Court having bean regularly opened, the following prooeedings were had, to-wit: Fo. 1834, 6LIAWAFCE OF CLAL^d9 AFD AOCOUNi3, This 13th day of Juae, 1938, same on to ba ezeminsd and eudlted by the Oourt, the various oleime and eaoounts filed against Kerr County and its respective Commiesloners' praoiaote einoe last term of the Court, all of whioh eooouats end olslms were approved by the Court Yor payment by the County Clerk in amounts and ou! of reapeetiva funds ae shown Dy the Minutes of Aooount• Allowed for Kerr County, Tezas, whioh ere made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-e-e-o Fo. 183b, FIRST ADVAFCF OF #800,OOT0 E. H, 1ICHOIJ, OF HI9 1938 COURTS TAZ A93R'3 0010SI93IOF3. This 13th day of Juae, 1938, gems oa to be ooneidered by the Oouri the application of E, H. Fiohele, Assessor and Colleotor of Tazee Yor Kerr County, for an advanoe Dy Kerr County of X500.00 oa hie 1938 County Taz Assessor's eommisaions, and it appearing to the Court that he ie eatibled to suoh edvanoe,•hia application Do and Se hereby granted, end the County Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to pay suoh advanoe unto Assessor Fiohols ae follows: 'gb.00 out of the R, 6 B. Fund, #200.00 out of the C, H, b J. Sinking Fund, and ~2Eb,00 out of the Ksrr County Hoad Bond Sinking Fund. O-O-O+O-O-O.~O-D Fo. 1836, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF THE JUSTICE OF THE PtAOS, PRECIIICT F0, 1 FOH MAY, 1938. Th1a 13th day of June, 1938, eeme on to be azamined by the Court the report of Joe Burkett Jr, Juetioe of the Pesos o! Preeinot Fo, 1 of Kerr County, Yor the month of Itay, 1938, of criminal oases filed, tine e, Sudgment and Scary teas eollested, showing the sum of X146.88 aolleoted sad deyosited with the County Tre~sursr, eat it ling him sooording to said report to e tee of X69,00, and St appearing to the Courb that said report la oorreot, same be and 1• hereby approved, and the County Clerk shall pay unto Juetioe Burkett hie fe• of ;69.00, ea follows: ~b8.40 out of the General Fund and 113,60 out of the H. b B, Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Fo. 1837, 6EPORT OF COCRTY HONE DEMOFSTHA?IOF AGEFT, This 13th day of Jens, 1938, eeme on to be heard the May, 1938 He port of Jane 'Iottord, County Home Demonstration Agent, whioh report is hereby nooepted by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-a