x~3 No, 1818, TABUI6R 9TATENEAT OF JOHN R. LE6PELL, COUNTY CLERK. This 13th day of June, 1938, same on to be szamined by the Court the Tabular Stntement of John R, Leavell, County Clerk, of the indebtodneee, s:pen6ltures and receipts of Kerr County, Tezee, for the quarter ending lpril 30th, 1938, and it appearing to the Cour6 that ea id report Se oorre et in every resysot, same be and Sa hereby approved Dy the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1838, lPPR07AL OF COUNTY CLERK~9 NOBTHLY OFFICH EZPEHSE REPORT, This 18th day of Juae, 1938, same on to be azemined Dy the Court the report of John R, Leavell, County Clerk, Bove ring hie notuel and aseeeeary ezpeasee iaeurre6 Dy him in the oonduet of hie ottiae dur iag lley, 1988, emonatiag to j268,36, whioh report appearing oorreet sad ee id ottieial Deing entitled to the szpsn4ltures listed therein, tame be end Sa hereby approved Dy the Court for its full amount, o-o-o-o-o Ao, 1839, APPR07AL OF HEW BOND OF 6E0, Y. DOYLE, DISTRICT CLERK OF KERR COUNTY. This 13th day of June, 1938, Dame on to be ezamined the new Dond sub~yitted Dy Geo, M. Doyle ae Dietriot Clerk oY Kerr Count Tezee dated in amount of jb 000.00, y, , Nay 10th, 1938,.an~ it appearing to the Court that said bond is good and suttieisnL, same be end ie hereby approvefl in open Court, and the Cou~y Clerk ie hereby direetsd to reeor6 same Sn the Ottiaiel Rond 8eoord of hie ottioe, after said Geo. N. Doyle has fir et taken the oath thereon ae required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o TDS 3tst• of Tezee County of Ksrr, ~ Fihereae, it has Dome to the attention of the Commiaeionera~ Cour4 of Kerr County, Tezee, Sn regular session on this, the 13th day of Juns, 1938, that the State Highway Department will order a looetioa made on Highway Ao, _, from a ~onneotion with State Highway Ho, 27 to entranos oY the A~rioen Legion Cemetery, provided Ksrr County, through Sts Commieeionere~ Court, agrees to assure n minimum of one hundred toot right-ot-way, olsar of ell oDStruotione, •zoept etendiag timber, and furnish without poet to the State, oleer title to the neosesary right-ot-way, inoluding all standing timber, through eeoh and every traot oroassd Dy said highway, and to do the teaoing, on looetion approved by the State Righway Engineer before said loaetion Se made. It is, therefore, ordered that Kerr County, eating herein by and through its Commis- eioaere' Court, agrees end oDligntes itself to eeonre a minimum of one hundred toot right- ot-way, aad do the ieno ing, on Highway Ho,! from a Donne otioa with State Highway Ho, 27 to Sntrenoe of the Amerioen Legion Cemetery, aad to olear auoh righb-ot-way of all obetruo- tione, ezeept standing timber, and tarnish a olsar title to saoh yereel ee oared, inoluding ell eteadiug timber, without aoet to the 3tnte, through eaoh end every traot erosesd Dy this highway, on looation to De ®pprov d b th S e e ighwey Engineer, .~.: •e,e~~ee~ ,. Oouaty dodge, ," 4 •, I ~ Commie aio PrealIIet ~1 ~/M. ~ l /o/ p'. ( s Commissioner, Praoinet ~2 /,l.,,o. g , ~~ ,u Commiaeioner, Preeinot #3 ~ ~ ~-~ ~,, , r..,,,./ ~ Commiseioner, Preeinet $6 o-o-o-o-o-o-o IIo, 1842,"ACCETPAHCE OF YOHTHLY REPORT OF COIINTY CASE NOBKSR, This 13th day o! June, 1938, Dame on to be hsnrd by the Court the Nay, 1938 Report of iras. Pearl Granss, County Cass Worker, whioh report eypenring aetiafaotory, Se hereby aooapted by the Court and ordered tiled by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o