X07 Ho. 1884, TA®BEicBYSAISAiA]gCY FOR dOHH 9TOBE. Thin 11th day of July, 1938, it appear ing to the Court that John Stone, a orlpDlad .:; resident oitisen of Eerr Ceunty, Se is need of tinsaeial eaeletenoe end entitled to aid from the County, end Se hereby allowed the sum o! $1E.00 out of the General Fund Yor the period Yrom now until nest term of the Court to bs paid unto hiy Dy the County Clerk by proper warrant on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pa gee 404 to 407 hereof, inolusiva, were read in open Court and found Oorreot, end ere hereby in all reepeote approved by the Court, this the ~l~day of August, A. D, 1938. ttteat; ~~C.,CBdHty Clerk By may. Count • onn y~ szaa, 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -The 9tete of Tezae, County oP %err. ~ BE IT RS6SFr[BEHED, that on th Sa 8th day oY August, A. D, 1938, there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commie aionere' Court OY %err County, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tessa, oYfloe re present; John s, 1tklns, - - - - - - - -County Judge, Henry Eolcatein, - - - - - - - -Commissioner, Prsoinot Ho, 1, D, D, Beard, - - - - - _ _ _ - Commissioner, Pre oinot Bo. E, wm, Earger, - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _COmmieeloner, Praoinot Ho, 3, T, J. Moore, - - - - - - - _ _ Commie eioner, Preoinot Rp, 4, A, F, Moore, Shs riff and Jno. R, Leavall, Cou~y Clerk, end the Court having been regularly opens d, the to llowing prooee dings were lied, to-wit: Bo, 1885, ALLOWADiCS OF CLAIMS ARD ACCOUHT9. Thsee 8th end 9th dape,of.Augu6ty~.A, D, 1936, oamo on to be azemined and audite6 by the Court, the various els ims and aooounte filed ega inet Serr County sad Ste re epeotive Commissioners' preainote edno• lest term of the Oourt, all of whioh olaima and sooounte were approved by the Courb Yor peymenb by the County Clerk in amounts end out oY re apeotive Panda ee shown by the Minutes of Aaaounte Alloyed Yor Serr County, Twee, whloh are mods a part of this order, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Bo, 18b4, AUGIISlT ALLOWAIICE FOR JOHB STOHS. This 8th day of August, 1838, oame on to be oonaidared by the Court the appliaetion oY John Stone for Yinanaiel aid, and it appearing to the Court that Bald epplioe~ Ss in need oY addlt ionel neoeaea;lee of liY• to those furnished by the Counby Relief Offios. Said applicant be and ie thareYors allowed the sum of X6,00 in onsh out of the General Fund Yor the month of August, 1838, to be paid to him by regular warrant issued Dy the County Clerk on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o So, lgb7, dCLY REPORT OF COURTY PUBLIO HSALTH 11[TRBE, This 8th day of 6uguot, 1838, oame on to be heard the report oY Yiee Ruth 611111and, County Publio Hsalbh Ad,N for the month of July, 1938, whSeh report appearing satiefaetory, ba and 1s hereby eaoeptsd Dy the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 1868, JULY REPORT OF COUBTY HOME DBa¢OR3TRlT IOH AGEBT. __ Th1e 8th day oP August, 1938, oame on to be heard by the Court-the monthly report of _ Miss Jane WofYord, County Home Demonstration Agent Yor the moth of Ju]y, 1936, which report appearing aetiataotory, be and Se hereby accepted by the Court. O-O-O-O-O-O-O-p-O Re, 1859, QSTARTERLY REPORT OF JRO, R, LEAPELL, COURTY CI.ERR, OR FZRE9', 10DGMEIuTB, JURY FEES, This 8th day of August, 1938, oame on to be ezamined by the Court the quarterly report of John R, Leavall, County Clerk, covering all Yim s imposed, ~udgmente rednered end fury fees oolleeted Ln the County Court of Ren County, for quarter ending dulq 31st, 1938, and it appearing to the Court attar careful audit pt said report that same is oorreet, and said report is approved Dy the Court accordingly. O-O-e-O-O-O-O Ro. 1860, PURQHA3E OF TRIICR F08 COMIdi38ZORER9' PRECIRCT R0, 3 OF RERR COLTRTY, This 8th day of August, 1936, oame on to be oyened and aonsiderad Dy the Court the three bide received for the ea le to Commissioners' Precinct fto, 3 of Rerr County of a new 1938 model damp truck to be used Yor the preoinot'a road work, as follows; 1} T. Cap., Petersons Auto Co, Renville Tezas, pride of $1,100.00 for 1938 Chevrolet Truok,,,with 8 p1,7 tires on rear, overload spring e, 131° wheel bate and Anthony hydraulie dump body. Rolekemp Motor Co, IIomYprb Tezaa, price of $1,Ob8,66 Yor oame trunk, and $1,160.00 for aeme truck oquippe~ with E ~o E} yard low meuntsd dump body ems. 10 yly tires an rear. Ramsey Motor Company, Rerrvilla Tezes, pride of $1,068.81 for 1938 Heavy Duby Dodge, 1~ ton truck, 133° wheel base, 8 ply tree on rear, oomylete with standard dump body of the Court's choice, And it appearing to the Court that the bid of Holekamp Motor Company Yor $1160,00 Yor the apeoially equipped truck ae aforesaid, is the lowesb and beet bid oYtered, same be and Sa hereby accepted Dy the Court, and the County CLrk Se hereby authorised bo issue sad deliver unto said Holekemp Motor Company a warrant on tYU County Treasurer drown against the R, & B, Fuad of Precinct Bo, 3 toreum of $1,160.00, in full payment of said trunk. o-o-o-o-o-o IIa,. 1861„ CORTIRIIATIOR OF EMPLOYI.~RT AF COUDTtY, C63E .60RREiZ WITH-1171 OF CITY 6 ASSOC, CHARITIES This 6th day of August, A. D, 1938, oame on to be considered by the Court the aontinuntion of the employment of Pearl Gransa, as County Ceae •orkgr on halt time basis for s perted:ot 6 months from Ju]y 17th, 1938, at the salary of $b0,00 per month including ellgwenoe Yor auto ezpeass, end it appearing to the Court that the City of Renville and the Aasooiated Charities of Renville, have agreed to donate $1b0,00 ,ointly to the szpenes of hiring said oeae worker end defraying other ezpenae incurred 1a the operation of the relief office end commodity diatribntloA in the County, It ie therefore ordered by the Court that the employment of Mrs, Pearl Granse, County Ca es Worker, be continued for 6 months from duly 17th, 1938, together with the operation of the distribution of surplus commodities and aseooiated relief program, ae aforesaid, and the County Clerk and County Treasurer are hereby authorised to pay out oY the General Fund of the County the salary of said Ceae Worker monthly°ae::earaed, and all other ezpenses connected with said re11eY oYtioe upon approval therooP by the Court, by the County CORDITIORED, however, upon reoeipt.im whose or in monthly installments of the sum of $150.00 appropriated by the City oY Renville e~ Asaooieted Charities covering their pro-retn pert oY the ezpenee of said project. o-o-o-o-o-o-o