X09 Ro, 1862, ORDER LIDiIT ZRG THE PURCHASES OF OFFICE SUPPLIES AHD E21IIPMERT SY COURTY OFFICERS. . .- On this 8th day of August, 1438, it appearing to the Court that 1t Sa to the beat interest of Kerr County that all puroha see of offioe eupp lies and equipment by the re apeative County Off Snare in amounts of over 10,00 should Pir et be approved Dy the Court in term time, It is therefore ordered end de oreed by the Cour4 that before axay future orders for of$ian suppliae end equipment ozoeediag the amount of =10,00 each, are given to any Stationery FSrm or 3apply House by er~y County OfYloiel or Pre oinet Otfioer, approval of auoh order moat !Stet be tenured from the Court Sn term time, o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro, 1863, AD9Affi0$ OF {8b0, 00 Offi 1938 TAE A3SSS90H'3 COMMI3SIOR3, (Total to date $1050,00) Thin 8th day of iuguet, 1938, eeme on to be considered by the appliaetion of E. H, Riohole, County Taz Aaeessor for en additional ad~anoe of $b50,00 on his 1938 County 2ez Aasesaor'e eommistiona, end it app ee ring to the Court that the Taz Aaeeeaor ie entitled to same, said appliaetion is therefore granted as prayed for. And the County Clerk and County Tree curer shall pay auoh advenos unto the Tax Aaeeeaor ea follows: X25.00 out of the Jury Fund, X350,00 out of the General Fund and $145,00 out oY the Sinking Fund oT Kerr County Road Bonds, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1864, ;SONTHLY REPORT OF MH3, PEARL GRANE3, COUNTY CASE YOB$EH, This Bth day of August, 1938, eeme on to be heard by the Court the report filed by Mrt, Pearl Graeae, County Cnee tyorknr covering the month of July, 1938 and part of August, 1938, whioh report appearing satietaotory, end same be and ie hereby sooepted by the Court. o-o-o-C-0-O-0 ffio. 1065, HORTHLY OFFICE EZPEN9E REPORT OF JOHN R, LEAVffiS., COUNTY CLEHS. This 8th day of August, 1938, eeme on to be ezaminefl by the Court the monthly report of Jno, R, Leevall, County Clark, covering hie aetual and naeeaaery oYYioe expenses for the month_ot July, 1938, aggregating $334,87, and it appearing to the Court that saki County Clerk is ant It led to e11 of the ezpenditurae oonte Seed in said report ee oYYioe espsnbe, and said report be and ie hereby apprwsd by the Court YoY the full amount of X334,87. o-p+O-O-0-0-6 Ro. 1866, Monthly EEPENSE REPORTS OF E. H, NICHOL3, Aaeeeaor & Co lleotor, Flay-June & July. This 8th day of August, 1938, name on to be ezamined Dy the Court the monthly reports of E, H. Nioho lt, Aaeeeaor & Colleotor oY Ta:ea for Kerr County, covering hie aetual end neoeaeary oYfiao ezpensee inqurrad in the oonduot of hie oYYioe, via: $31.7b for ;Say, 1938, $12.03 during Suns, 1938 and l~10,7b in July, 1938, and it appearing to the Court that said Asaeseor an6 Collector of Tazee Se entitled fo all of the azpendituras listed in •eoh of said monthly reports, end aooording said reports end each of them, are hereby approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o Ro, 1869, APPLICATIOffi OF H. A, MDORE, Yor REFVHD OF COIINTY TAZE3 DOUBLY PAID, This 8th day of August, 1938, name on to be aonaiderad by the Court the epplioation oY H, A, Moore, for refund of County taxes doubly paid in 1937 by Home Hond d Mortgage Co, and H, A, Moore on Cemp Rio Viete property, and it appearing to the Court that said H, A, Moore la entitled to a refund out oY the General Fuad of Kerr County to oover suoh 1937