Clerk and County Treasurer be and are hereby authorized and directed to refund unto said H, A, Moore, said sum of $12.75 out of the General Fund by proper werreni. and check, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tezae, ~ In Com.~iasionara' Court, Kerr County, Tezae. (1Po, 1868. County of Korr, ( August Term, S. D, 1938. This 9th day of August, A, D, 1938, oame on to be aonaidered by the Court the matter of continuing the County form demonstration work in Kerr County, Tozes, for another year from September 1st, 1938, and it eppoaring to the Court that the services heretofore and now rendered by County Agent, T, W, H ilia are to the beet interest of the atookmen, farmers, buelnasa men and taz payers of Serr County and ah0uld be continued. Therefore, upon motion duly made, aoooa$sd and uaanimoue]y adopted, it Sa ordered by the Court that T, W, NSllin ba and is hereby employed as COUnty Agent Yor Rsrr County for tho year, beginning 3eytember let, 1938, and the sum of $800,00 be and is hereby appropriated and set eaide out of the Ros$_& Bridge Fund of Kerr County for the purpose of paying the County's portion of auoh CouIIty Agent's o~onthly ealarp during the period mentioned, same ahal: ba paid by the County Clerk unto aeid Agent in 12 equal monthly inatallmanta payable on or after the first day of each end every month beginning Oot. let, 1938 end ending September let, 1939, And the County Clerk is hereby directed to furnish a certified copy of this order to the Eztenalon Sarvioe, A, & M, College of Tezae, College Station, Tazee. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1869, APP$OYAL OF COUNTY TREASCRER'S REPORT FO& CAARTE$ ENDING JCLY 31st, 1938, This _. 9th day of August, A, D, 1938, oame on to be azamine$ end audited Dy the Court the quarterly report of E, Gold, County Treasurer, o0vering the reoeipta end diabursomento of Kerr County for quarter ending duly 31st, 1938, and it appearing to the Court attar ogre, ful and thorough ozemination and inspection of said report together with the oanoelled warrant e, oheoka, bonds and ooupona accompanying seas, that said report Se true end correct, Sn every reapeot, and same ba and Se hereby approved in oven Court, all ae is shown by the Certlfioate of Approval signed Dy the Court axe atteehed thereto, and the County Clerk shall record said report in the loose-leaf record 1n hie of tine end file auoh oanoelled werra~s, oheoka, bonds and coupons in hie office for sale-keoping and future reference, o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1870, REDJCTION IN MONT$LY ALLOWANCE OF W, l6, GARDNEB, This 9th day oP August, 1938, St appearing to the Court that the monthly allowanoa of W, M, Gardner out of the General Fund payable to b. 0, Williford should be reduced effective August 13th, 1938, same bs end le hereby accordingly re duped from X15,00 to X8.00 par month. o-o-o-o-o-p Ho, 1841, 4UARTERLY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERK, This 9th day of August, 1838, oame on to be azamimd by the Court the quarterly report of Gao, M, Doyle, Diatriot Clerk pt Earr Conaty, covering tinge imposed, judgments rendered and jury tees collected Sn the Diatriot Court of Karr County for quarter ending July 31st, 1938, which report shown the oolle0tlon sad deposit with the County Treasurer of $12,00 Stenogrephor's teas, end which report appearing correct be and is hereby approved. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1872, CHANGSS IN DOTING PRECINCTS N09. 9 end 10 OF KERR COUNTY, This 9th day of August, 1938, at request of a majority of the legally qualified votary Rio residing Sn the affected territory of Karr Qounty, be and it is hereby ordered by the Court