~{// Kerr County, Tazae, be ohanged and acoordin~ly reoorded in the Reoord of Eleotioa Preaiaote of Kerr County, Tazae, by the County Surveyor, eo as to add to, and inolude is the area ' of said Divide Doting Preoinot Ro, 9 the Y, 0. Ranch of Mrs, Walter Schreiner, and reduce the area of said Live Oak Oot ing Preainst by ezaluding avid Y. 0, Ranch therefrom. o-o-o-o-o-o State oY Tezsa, ~ In Commiasionera~ Court, Ksrr County, Tazae. ~RO. 1873, County of Kerr, ~ Regular bugaet Term, A, D, 1938. MITTEH OF FIITURE HOSPITALIZATION OF IHDIGEET.EIHtR6EECY ClSS3, Th1a 9th day of August, A, D, 1938, came on to De disoueaed by the Court with Jr, D, H, Knapp of the Kerrville General Hospital, the matter.ot future hospiteltcation o1~ID61gent Emergeaay oa sea, and 1t appearing to the Court that Ksr! County Se tinanoia lly unable to oantdaue to sesame and bear the entire szpems o1 the 1poeBitalizetion of ell Sadigent emargeney eaeee ooouring throughout Barr County. Therefore, De and it Se hereby weed end eo ordered by the CourS, that by..reaaon oY eueh lsek oY Panda to continue the oe re of 'eueh indigent ease e, end the tailure of the City of Kerrville to participate Sn the exponas oY such indigent emergency hospitalize tics when in feet the ma 3ority of eueh cacee era rsaident• or develop wlthia the aorpo rate limits of said Citp and should ba eared for by the City:- that Ksrr County will partiaipete in each ezpenae is the future to the sztent of 50~ of.aha eokael~.oo et thereof, affi that only with the provision and upon the condition that the City of Kerrville participate ~.ln_apoh indigent Emergency hoep111setion ezpenas to the same eztant by assuming end defraying the remaining 508 oY eueh eoet out oP its City treasury. o-o-o-a-o-o Eo, 1874, APPOIRTMENT OF COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH COiIdiITTES, This 9th day oY August, 1938, at re qua at of Mies Ruth Gilliland, County Publio Health i Rurse, the following named aitiaene oP Kerr County be and are hereby appointed by the Court i ~ ae members oY the County Publio Health Committee of Kerr County for the term oY one year, beginning September 1, 1938, •Sa; ! hire, Gay Siaksr Mr, James E, Sceaa Mre, Luther Page ;ire, I, J. Weahter Mre. D, E, McLeod LSP e, Mez Kiefer -Mrs, BoD Bennett Mre. N. B, Estee Mrs, Frad Snur ldre, Kirk Holdawo rth lira, Jimmie McBride Mrs. J, R, Peril hire, J. R, Sturdiveat Mrs, W, D, Smith Mrs, R. A. Sproul Mrs, A, F, Dommert :are, T. M, Rengan Mrs, Cha e, Eoz '.:r 7, Clouea Mrs, JSm Burner Mrs, P, J. Fugler Dr, E, 6elbraith Lire, Den Browning tare, L, L. Ottinger ;Sr, H. A, h[oore .ire, Warrsa Klein Mrs, E, 0, Ho6F,iguea iir, T, F, Deniele ;ire, M, Holekamp Mr, R, J, Castillo. o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes from Pa ga 407 to Page 411, ins lasive, ware reed in open Court and Pound correct, and are hereby in e11 re ape eta approved by the Court, this the~~day of c32~/~, ®. D. 1938. - . Attaet: un y u s', err oun y, a:ae, Co Clark BY ~'.~, ~putp. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o !HE STATE Ol TEiA3, GOIIBT! 07 LERB, 8E I? REI~ISESED, that oa this Y2ad Oep of Augnct, 4. 8, 1938, there wc• b„un an0. holden • Special Term of the Gomnissdoner~c Court os Kars Goaatp, at the Court case thereof, in the toem of Larrtllle. Tazae, ottlcsrs psacent; John S, ttiina, - - - - - . - County Judge.