.f(~'r' -- ~ .. Io, 1881. 4YPY01aL OF BYPOB'P3OF tHY JaSTICY OF tHY PBiC=, PHEOIYCS Y0, 1, JCIt-iIIIS i 480. thls 18th day of 8~ptember, 1988, same On to b• eZemiasd and anaitea by the Ooure the ooabiaefl reports ct Joe Yurkstt, Jr, Justio• of the Peaoe of Preolast Yo, 1 of scrs 6oaaty, for the sonths et Jaae, July end tugnst, 1988, et erimiaal saps filed, fines, ~n6®eeae ._ sad fury tee^ eallseted, showing the snm st {lOd,~.˘ eelUetsa sad 6epeeitsa with the Coarty Tseasnrsr, entltiing him aoeeraing M sala reporSS 4o s tee of X108,00, an6 it appearing to the Coar4 that sa lfl reposte are eorrecS, same be enl •re hereby apprs~cs, saa it farther appeasing to the Cenpt thst Jsstioe Burkett has hsretstore Deea eMaaoea the sum of X64,00 on hie u!d tees atozesaid ont of the lisaerai Faced, and !s still satitLd to reoeire tha bnlanee Ot ;84,00, The County Clelk sat Ceaaty lrcuussr are bheretorc 89thorlsed saa airestei to pay sate Jastiee Burkett Baia balaao• of ~6d.00, as toilowss /ii,~i ont of tka Oeasrsl F1md ana ~u.9b oat of the Mead 6 sriage FYnd. e-e.o-o-o-e-e ao, 19YZ, HYPaYr of PY-8L 08aBSe, couYlt Casa lo~oua, thin 1ttY day o! teptet,ESr, 1888, sew on to Ds hears the report of Yss. Pearl Oransa, CeW7 Bap (esker tq the month e! Eagust, 1988, whioh report be and is hereby aoaeptea by the Coost. o-e-o-o-e-e Yo, 1881; tltaYBTiY OF ~e~.a FYgI il, 6 Y. FCp !0 Oflt$LL FOYD, this 18th day et Bcptenlar, Y968, SL appeasing t0 the aeatt that the Oeaeral Fnad Se sow o~erdralsa and that the Ceaaty Haupt tsri958 pro~iae• for the transfer of the sus I r i ot•{S,E08;84 tees the gemcrel Yana s Bsi1.p Taal to the G;oral toad. It la therefore orderel by the CeerA that the Coassty Treasarsr transfer the sum K ji,pp0;00 from the gsaersl Ye.a a Bridge road to the sarmal taad, .~d prtifled Dopy of this order dehwsrel to the County ireuare7 shall aathoriwihlm to prey Sato etiept the partial trensier et ~d000.00 Priwilod for hersla, ~ - - - - - - ~Yo, 1884, 8eport et COIIYTY PH87rIa HY-LlH YOBBY, this lath day of 8eptembsr, 1988, esme m to b• hears the moath7y seport of Ylss Path Oillilaal, C98aty PaD11t Health YnsM for bbe month et lagawt, 1988. which report be and is lrseiy aoeepte4 Up theCoarM. o-o.c-e-•-o Ye. 1888, aPPYOTaL or oouars aLSaa~a uo6~Yli ,Y3PYYiY aoaow~r, " lhis"3Nh say of Yept'mber, 1988, same en to b• esaalaca by the Coast the ewathl,y i cspeaee report of Jmp. Y. Leare7,1, Cowesty Clesk for the aoath of aod7ust, 19$8, showing sa aettul saa Meew~ eZpenp of ~i78,08 imurred by Dim In the eondaet of his otlSee dnrlag said Meath of asigust, 1988; sad Si appearing to t}u Court that Bail ffonaty Clesk is entities to the.espsaaitnrect all the items therein listen, saia seport bs and is hereD7 appretel tee lts tall uoaat m the Court, e-s.o-o-o-e Btsts of le3e~, IA Oommluioncrs' aousM, Less County, leaoee. bbamty et lcsss. ~ Yo, 1884 Yc6ulas i8pteabss lap. 1988. OYYY@ O~iYQ, PYCIiIOY CLOSTBO 0lY21dY BAiIIB 21 ~gal'LYY PIAOE aD8itI0Y. lhls 1Rth day et iMpteabcs, 1958, esw on So be eoaaldcrcd V the asset flu ezitiea applleataaa of IersrilL Yssaiepsant sad Lssa aeapagy, a corporation, of Earseills, leans. •SpNa >U ib Pscsidsat, i, 1, Yawpti, asking She aauu9 to sntss 1U oxaer elcsing 1hA tellswie~ ~sseribes porifeas of esriaaa stseetc to~lsat#ema P]sn adaltlera to ..