a7rsville, iasaw, bo-wit_ _ _.. - ------ Bret: Lneille Street from State Highway Do, 29 northwest to r'ast Street, a 4lstenoe of about SJ10 test, __ _ _ .. . Saeoffi: t'eet Pain Street from Galbraith Lveaue northwest to northwest line of 1'~stlaai Ylae• Lddition, a diatenos et 1b0 feet. ___ _ Third: LneiLle Street from Lewis 3trest southeast to the southeast boundary o! Tgflps} Yltos Lddition, n diatsaee of 1b0 teat. -- _~ ,. , aourth: 8uth Street from Lewis Sirsetsoathsast to the eoathsast boundary •t westlenl ~,' Pleas Lddition, a distanos of Ib0 test. Lnd it appearing to the 6oart that said Serrville ]Development and Lean Oompa~p owns ~„ ell the property en both sides of sash o! Baia atrreetw, and that said atreetra are wholly ~'' aituatsd outside flu. City limits of the C1f7 of Sesatiills; and, it further appearing to the it i. Court that the olosing of said streets ens snob of them will !n no way in'nre or attest aqy other property owner or owluara whatfosvsr. Thereupon, on motion duly made, eaeoadsl and uneaimously adapted, seta applieation or petition of said Lerrville Development and Leaa CompnnT ter the abandonment or elosing of said streets as etoresaid, be and ie hereby granted as prayed Sor, and the dasignatioa affi delieetion of sash of eeid streets De affi ie hereby eaneslled sad amnlled by the Conn , and ell of said sireet• are hereby ordered abandoned sad slossd, and title thereto be sal is hereby re-vested is snit gsrrv111s Dsvelopmaat sea Lops Company. o-o-o-o-e-o-e Io, 1887, P80POa6D BO$D T$LHE Bsiwasa $lHaO$, B-YIDao$ l CO. L$11 Ys$H CO. Pi$if. 8C8. BIJaD, This lEth day of September, 1959, oeme en to be eonsiderel by the Oourt the proposal of 3aason, Davidson 6 Company of aan Laionio, represented W >~. Relan ataalsy, offering to trade unto the Ssrr County Permanent 3ehool Iuad >]1,000.op at the City of Palley YSlls, Texas, munieipal bonds tar the ={000.00 City of L;)a1ss, Tssae, mKnisipsl bonds now owns4 Dy sail sehool tuna. It appearing to the Coart that suoh bond trade wonla Da to the bast interest o2 the gerz County Parmaneat 36hool Fend, the oonsummatien of sail trade be ant i• haraby authorises thereof thereof by suDlaet to the reoommendation and approval.m! both banks of SarMilLs, sad soaditioned further, upon the final soosptanoe or rejsotion of eai4 proposed tMle by said $aneon, Davidson 6 Company. o-o-o-o-o-e The fore goiyg mlpntee on pages 414 to 41a hereof, inolueivs, wars reed is open Coact and found eorree~-y and are hereby la all reapsots approA~ by the art, this the ~O day of Oetober, 4. D. 193a. Liteet: d~a'r:c:- ,County Cleik ~ >3spnty arty Oudgs, Tarr Ooanty, iesaw, o_o.o-o-ao-o-o ~ ~Z~s7.S aLaOTIOa OxDas BY Ttm ooDaTY Jp'DGa OT Saaa OOIIaTY, !a=La, t$Ow Ya, That T, Joha 9. Ltkins, County JoAgs of $~rr County, Tessa, do by virtaa of the authority vested in m• by law, hereby order and direst that na alestiom bs held in the Oonaty s! Sarr and atat• of Texas, on Twsday the e3.gbt day of $ovemNr, L. D. 1938, for the elsetion of County Jnlga, 6ouwty Attoraay, Ooa~y Clark, Bistsiet Olsa>c, $hsritt, LeNSSOr sad Colleetor of Taws, County TrsasuFar, County Susvsyor, 8oaaty Commissioner, Prrolaet $o, County Cosynissloaer, Prssinet lo, R, County Commiaaloner, Yreaimet ae.-8, Oounty Commissioner ,, ' tt17 PraOlDat Bo, 4, Jnatiee Ot the PeaOe, Pr001ai o, , e ce o e ease, O o. , 7nstioe et the Peace, pre oiaot Io, 3, Jnatiae of the Pseo4, Preoinet To, 4, Canstsbls, Pree Bo, 1,'ConateDle, preeiset Bo, E, ConetabU Preoinet IIo, 3 and Constable, Prsoinet Bo, i, wITIISSS my hand and otfiaisl aenl, this the list day of October, A. D, 1938, ~' Oul N7 r, •~~; , e :~ ty Jndgs, Serr County, Texas. ~~, :~- r ~ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 :.. _. ~Ar l' S. 1 ~, ~+ ....... q . r~A ~ BE IT REI~ERED, that on this 10th day of October, A. D. 1938, ....; tbp " gun and holden a Regular Tartu of the Commieaionera` Court of Berr County, Tezae, at the Court Hones thereof, is the town of Earrvills, Tezea, officers present: dohs 9. Atkins,.,- - - - _ - County Judge, Henry 8oketeln, - - - _ _ - Cammleaioner, Preaiaot No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - - - -COmmiasioagl, Prsalnot No. E, lqa. Berger, - - - - - _ - _ Commissioner, Precinct No. 3~ T. J. 1~Q;a, - - - - - - - Co~miasioner, Precinct Ho. d, A. R. ![Dore, Sheriff and Jao,,R, Unveil, ConnLy Clerk, end the Coart hnvimg been regularly opened, the following proa~ediage were had, to-wit; No. 1888. ALLOWAHCS 0y CLAIlH AHD ACCOIINf6. Thin 10th day of October, A. D. 1938, oeme on to bs a,by the Court, the various olsime sad nooounte tiled against 8err 6oaaty and iLa ib'fpes6lve Commieeionsra` precincts since lest term of the Court, all of which claims d1W aooomts w~a approved by the Court for payment by the County Clerk is amounts and out apt reepeotiw laude na shown by the Minutes of Accounts Allowed for Bsrr ConnLy, Tazna, wniea are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1889, SEPTIIAQiS$:. $SPORT of ]Qi3. PEARL GRANS, COiBVT4 CASE WORBER. Th1e 10th day of petob~r, A. D, 1938, oeme oa Lo be heard the report of lire. Pearl Grande, County Cash YloTker for 8err County, which report be end is hereby sooeptad by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future referenee. o-o-o-e-o-o No. 1890, APPROVAL OP REPORT OP JUSTICE PfiACE OP PRECINCT N0. 1 FOR gR, 1938. Thia lOthdey of October, 19SB, cams oa to be ezemined and audited by the Court the monthly report of Joe Burkett, Jr. Justice of the Pesos of Precinct No. 1 of Berr County, for the month of September, 1938, covering oriminel oeaea filed, fines, judgment end fury • fees oollectad, diaoloaing the sum of X345.70 oolleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of X39.00, and SL nppeering to the Court that said report ie correct, eeme be and ie hereDy eooepted affi approved Dy the Court, sad. tae County Clerk sod County Treasurer are hereby authorizod and directed to pay unto Justice Burkett hie #39.00 fee, ae follows:-S7.O.lE out of the Road A Bridge Fuad and X8.88 out of General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1891, JURE 3 SEPT. 1938 REPORTS OF COURTS AGERT, T. w. HILLIN. This 10th day of October, 1938, oeme on to be heard the monthly reports filed Dy T. w. Hillin, County Agent, for Lhe ~ntha of June and Beptember, 1938, which reports be and are . hereby accepted by the Court. o-o-o-Q-o-o-o No. 1892, APPROVAL OF ASSES30R k COLLECTOR`S ]lDNTffi.Y EZPBN36 ACCOUATS, AUGIIST 8 SEPT. 1938.