~~7 Prnolnsi IIo, 6, Juablee of the reees, Preoinet IIo, 1;- a oe o e sacs, o r!o o, r Justice at the Pesos, precinct IIo, 3, Justice o! the Psaoe, Prseinet Io, 4, Constable, Pr IIo, 1,'ConetebU, Prselnot IIo, E, Constable PreoineL IIo, 3 and ConetaDls, Prsoinet IIo, 4, IIITIIIISS w hen6 and ofiloiel Beal, this the first day of OetoDer, A. D, 1988, tY l M T r. '.. as. ~~~=~=i~:6.flLfLu~ :~ e. .. y // !~. ty Judge, Serr County, Tessa. ~~'i l~i' 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 BS IT REMBO®ER%D, that oa thle 10th day of October, A. D. 1938, and holden n Regular Term of the Commiaeioaers~ Court of Serr County, Tezae, at the Court Souse thereof, ]a the town of Ssrrvills, Tezas, officers present: John S. Atkins,. - - - - _ _ County Judge, Henry Eckstein, - - _ _ _ - Cemmieaiomr, Preelnot No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - - - -COmmiaeionq, Precinct No. 8, w«%ergar, - - - - - - _ _ Commissioner, precinct No. $~ T, J. Iltgra, - - - - - - - Commiaelaaer, Prsoinat No. 4, A. E. Moore, Sheriff sad Jnp. R, Leavsll, County Clerk, end the 6ourL hnvit~ Deen regularly opened, the tollmring proa!~.edinge crate had, to-xdt: No. 1858. ALLOWANCI: Oy, CLAL6 AND ACCODN28. Thin 10th day of OOLaDer, A. D. 1938, eeme on to Ds smiaAM~,by the Court, the various claims end accounts tiled agalaet Ssrr Oounty and its rfYpeotiva Commiselonsra~ preolnots since last term of the Court, all of whloh claims dpy} soeount^ wit! ayprovsd by Lha Coact for payment by the County Clerk is amounts nad out ai rsspeotive funds ae shoxa by the Minutes of Accounts Alloxed for %err County, Teue, xk Seh are cede a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1889, SEQT$M$Eit: REPORT of MRS. PEARL CRANES, COIIPTy CASE WOR%F1t. This 10th day o; Oetober, A. D. 1938, oeme oa Lo be heard the report of yrs. Pearl Graasa, County Case 19orlnr for Sarr County, which report be end is herby eooapted by the Court and ordered tiled by the County Clerk for future refersaae. o-o-o-o-oro No. 1890, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JGSTICE PBACE OF PRECINCT N0. 1 FOR 38PTEMBER, 1938. Thda 1Llth day of October, 1938, oeme oa to De ezemined and audited by the Court the monthly report of doe Burkett, Jr. Justice of the Psaoe of Precinct No. 1 of %err Covnty, ~tor the month of September, 1935, covoring orimiael oases !Sled, tines, ~udgmeat and fury • fees oollaoted, dlacloedng the sum of X345.70 oolleoted end deposited with the County Treasurer, eatitllag him to n fee of #39.00, end it appearing to the Court that said report ie correct, same be and Sa hereby accepted and approved by the Court, and the County Clerk and County Treasurer are hereby authorized and diraoted to pay unto Justice Burkett hie 539.00 fee, as follows:-X30.18 out of the Road R Hridge Fund and 8.88 out of General Fund, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1891, J9NE k SEPT. 1938 REPORTS OF COIIR17 ACENT, T. A. HILLIN. Thie 10th day of October, 1938, came on to De heard the monthly reports filed by T. W. Hilda, County Agent, for the months of June and September, 1938, which reports De and acs hereby eooepted Dy the Court. o-o-o-P-o-o-o No. 1892, APPROVAL OF ASSESSOR A. COLLSCTOR'S MONTHLY REPENSE ACCOIINTB, AGGIIST 8 SEPT. 1938.