.~ ~~ Pnaalnat Io, 4, 7asties of the Bees, o ne o, , a oe o • ease, ee ae o, , Justine of the Peaoe, priaiaet Io, 3, Juatiae of the Peaoe, Praoiaot Io, 4, Canetable, Pree to Bo, 1,`Constnbls, Preaiaot Io, E, Constable Preoinot Io, 3 aad Coaeteble, Prsoiaet Bo, 1, ' WITS9S my hand and offieial Beal, this the firsE day of Oetober, A. D. 1938, „.~. ' a• :w by Judge, %arr County, Tazas. tre;~.n, ~' i 0-0-0-0-0-D-0-0-0-0 °~ .. p.J ~ 'P~;:4~, s, 1 ,,~,,~.. ' ~ HE IT REl~D~ERED, that on this 10th day of oatober, A. D. 1938, tb~ gya end holden a Regular Tartu of the Commisaionera• Court of %srr County, Tezas, r- et the Court Honee thereof, is the tova of Eerrviils, Tezae, off loera present: John 9. Atkins,.- - - - - _ County Judge, Henry Eokatein, - - - - - - Commieaioner, Preoinot No. 1, - D. D. Heard, - - - - - - - -COmmiasioneM, Preoinot No, E, ' Wm..Eerger, - - - - - - - - Commiseloner, Preoinot Io. 3~ T. J. 1Wora, - - - - - - - Comsisaioner, Preoinot No. 4, A. y. ][Dore, Sheriff aad Jas. R. Iwagll, County Clerk, end the Court hnvi,pl been regularly opoasd, the following yroa~dings wore had, to-wit: Dlo. 1858. ALLOWAICY OT CLA7]t4 AID ACCOUNTS. Thin 10th day of OOtobsr, A. D. 1938, Dame oa to b~ esilWls~,by the Court, the various cleime and nooounts filed against Ssrr County and its rrspaetiva Coamieaionera• preoiaots since last term of the Court, all of whioh olaime ~} nooount• warn approved by Lhe Court for payment by the County Clerk Sn emouate and out .af rsspsotiva funds na shows by the Mlautae of Aooounta Alloyed for %err County, Tezas, which are made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o No.,lee9, sEpTiM9%$ REPORT or 1lRS. PSARI. cRANEB, coUNTf cASE woREER. T61a 10th day ot0otober, A. D, 1938, oeme on Lo be heard the report of Yre, Pearl Granea, County Casa igorker for 8~rr County, which report be end is hereby eooepted by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. o-o-o-o-oro No. 1890, APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE PEACB OF PRECINCT I0. 1 FOR 3SP1T.~ER, 1935. Thia 10th dey of October, 1938, oeme on to be ezemined end audited by the Court Lhe I~ monthly report of Joe Burkett, Jr. Justine of the Peace of Preoinot No. 1 of %err County, ~'ifor the month of September, 1935, covering orlmiasl Deese filed, fines, judgment sad fury + Bees oollsoted, dlsoloeing the sum of X345.70 oolleoted and depoelted with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of X39.00, and St appearing to the Court that eaid report Se oorrsot, same bs and Sa hereby neoepted sad approvs6 Dy Lhe Court, and Lhe County Clerk end County Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to pay unto Justine Burkett hie X39.00 tee, sa follows: ~=30.1E out of the Road k Bridge Fund and X8.88 out of General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1891, JUNE R SEPT. 1938 REPORTS OF COIIA77 A4ENT, T. W. HILLIA. This 1Dth dey of ODLOber, 1938, oeme oa to be heard the monthly reports filed by T. W. Hillin, County Agent, for the moathe of Juae and September, 1938, which reports be and are . hereby eooepted by the Court. o-o-o-P-o-o-o No. 1892, APPROVAL OF A93SSSOR A. COLLECTORS MONTHLY EIPENSS ACCOURTS, ADGIIST & SEPT. 1938. This 1@th day of October, 1938, creme on to De ezamined by the Court the monthly ezpenae eooouate'or reports of E. H. Nichols, Assessor and Collector of Tease for %srr Covnty, for the months of August and September, 1938, showing aotusl and necessary eapeaees of #8.75 and =57.7b incurred by him in the oonduot of his office during said months of August and Sept., 1938, reapaotively, and it appearing to the Court that said Assessor and Collector is entiLl~ to the ezpendituro of all the items listed in each of said reports, as id reports be affi are hereby approved for their full emounta by the Court. - o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1893, APPROVAL OF CODNTy CLBR%'8 Dd7NTHLY 87Q'8N88 RBPORT. .` This 1@th day of October, 1938, cams on to be szamined by the Court the monthly azpense repbst of 7no. R. Lsavell, County Clerk for the month of 8eptsmber, 1938, showing an aotusl and necessary ezpsnae of #299.32 incurred by him in the oonduot of his office during said month of September, 1938, and it eppsaring to the Court that said Gouaty Clerk is entitled to the ezpsndituro of all the ltaas therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1894, APPROVAL OF DBP09ZTORY'8 ANNIIAL REPORT OF CCDNTY SCHOOL FORDS. Thin 1Dth day of October, 1938, came on to be eaemined by the.COUrt Lhe annual report of County School Fuada for saholaetio year ending August 31st, 1938 to the State Department of 8duaatioa made by Chsa. Hohreiner Hank, County Depository of School Fnnda, and it appearin to the Court that ea id report ie oorreat as certified Oy the Depository and the County Super- intendent, said report be and ie therefore approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ro. 1895, CERTIFICATES OF CANCBLLATION R03. 23, 24 sad 25. This 1@th day of OatoDer, 1958, cams on to De ezeminsd by the Court Certifioatee of Caaoellation; Collectors' numbers 23, 24 and E5, presented to the Court by 8. H. Riohols, Taz Collsotor of %srr County, affi it appearing Lo the Court that the reeapas net out is said oertifioatas for the oanoellation of the Lazes therein listed are good and sufficient it Se therefore ordered by the Court that eeah of avid eartificatae bs granted and signed by the County Judge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o T$E STATB OF TSSAS,~ No. 1896 In Commisaionera' Court, of %orr County, Tozae. CODNTY OF %BRR. Regular October Term, A. D. 1938. October 1@th, 1938. SETTLEI~NT WITH TAS CDLL$OTOA FOR TAS MBAR, 1937, BRDIN6 dDtaS 30, 1938. It Sa ordered by the Court that 8. ~I. Siohole, Assessor and Collsotor of Tazes fur Eerr County, Tezsa, be arsdited with the following items, uncollected on the oorreat roll, to-wit: Ad Valaram Polls Road piatrlate School Diatrlote Total Form 16, Insolvents for 1937 231.16 32.75 128.38 39E.29 Form 17, Errors in ®,aseaamenta for 1937, 91.88 6.00 24.08 90.53 212.47 Form 18, Delinquents for 1937, 1,774.09 28.50 599.27 2,399.88 Total Credits, 2,097.13 85.E5 24.08 818.18 3,004.8E giY .