10th day of October, 1938, oeme oa to bŪ ezamined by the Court the monthly expense sooounte'or reports of E. H. Nichols, Assessor and Collector of Tazee for Barr County, for the months of August sad September, 1938, showing aotusl and necessary ezpenaea of X8.75 and =57.75 incurred by him in the oonduat of hie office during asld months of August and Sept., 1938, respectively, and it appearing to the Court that said Assessor and Collector ie,eatitl to the expenditure of all Lhe items listed in saoh of ea id reports, ea id reportg'be and era hereby approved for their full amounts by the Court. - o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 4e '`. No. 1893, APPROVAL CF COIINTY CLER%'S ipNffi.S EYP8N8E REPORT. ,` This i@Lh day of October, 1938, oeme on to be examined by the Court the monthly ezpenea repbrt of Tno. R. Leavell, County Clark for the month of September, 1958, showing an aotusl and aeoeaeary ezpsnse of =299.32 inourrad by him in the conduct of his office during said month of September, 1938, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk ie entitled to the expenditure of ell the !tame therein listed, said report be and ie hereby approvod for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1894, APPROVAL OF DSP09ITORY'3 ANNCTAL REPORT OF CODNTY SCHOOL FUNDS. This 1Dth day of October, 1938, came on to be ezamined by the. Court the annual report of County School Funds for aoholaatlo gear ending August 31st, 1938 to the State Department of Sduaatioa made by Chas. Schreiner Hank, County Depository of School Funds, and it appearin to the Court that Bald report Se correct ne certified by the Depository and the County Super- intendent, said report be and is therefore approvod Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1896, CERTIFICAT83 OF CANCELLATION N03. E3, 24 and E5. This 1@th day of October, 1938, cams on to be ezaminsd by the Court Certifioatse of Canesllation, Colleotore' numbers E3, E4 and 85, preeeated to the Court by 8. H. Niohola, Taz Collsotor of 8err County, and it appearing to the Court that the reaeyns set out in said oertifieates for the osaoellation of the tazee therein listed are good sad eutfioient it is therefore ordered by the Court that saoh of said esrtifioatss Ds granted and signed by the County Judge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TSSAS,~ No. 1896 In Commiasioaera~ Court, of 8err County, Tezae. COUNTY OF SERR. Regular October Term, A. D. 1938. October 1@th, 1938. ~ ~' KITH TAZ COLL$CTOR FOR TAZ SEAR, 1937, ENDING dUla; 30, 1938. It Se~ordered by Lhe Court thpL 8. H. Niohola, Assessor and Collsotor of Tazee far 8err County, Tezas, be orodited with Lhe following SLsms, unoollooto$ on the ourreat roll, to-wit: Ad Valorem polls Road Districts 3ohool Districts Total Form 16, Insolvents for 1937 231,;8 32.75 128.38 392.29 Form 17, Errors in Aseassmeats for 1937, 91.88 6.00 24.08 90.53 212.47 Form 18, Delinquents far 1937, 1.774.09 28.50 599.27 2,399.88 Total Credits, 2,097.13 65.25 24.08 818.18 3,004.62 giY