Thi's 10th day of October, 1938, onme on to be azamined by the Court the monthly szpenae aooounte'or reports of E. H. Nlohola, Assessor sad Collector of Taze• for %srr County, for the months of August and September, 1938, showing aotuel and necessary ezpeaeea of X8.75 and =57.75 incurred by him in the oonduot of hie office during said moatha of August and Sept., 1938, raepeotivoly, and it appearing to the Court that said Assessor and Collector is eatitl~ to the ezpeaditure of all the itome hated is each of said reports, said reporL@ be affi are hereby approved for their full amounts Dy the Court. - I o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~- No. 1893, APPROVAL OF CODNTY CLERE`S DlON7'.BT.Y EIPENBE REPORT. .l This 10th day of October, 1938, came on to be szafninsd by the Court the monthly ezpenae report of Jac. R. Leaven , County Clerk for the month of September, 1938, showing an aotuel and necessary ezpsase of ;E99.3E incurred by him in the oonduot of his office during ea id month of September, 1938, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled to the ezpenditure of all the itmau therein listed, said report be and ie hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1894, APPROVAL OF DEP092TORY`S ANNIIAL REPORT OF CODNTY SCHOOL FUNDS. This 1Dth day of October, 1938, aeme on to be ezemined by the. Court the annual report of County School Funds for scholastic year ending August 31st, 1938 to the State Department of Education made by Chas. Schreiner Hank, County Depository of School Fnnda, and it appearin to the Court that ea id reporE Se correct as certified 4y the Depository and the County Super- intendent, aeid report be and is therefore spproved Dy the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ao. 1896, CERTIFICATES OF CANCELLATION N03. E3, E4 and E5. This 10th day of October, 1938, same on to be ezeminsd by the Court Certifioatee of Csaaellatioa; Collectors` numbers 23, 24 and E5, presented to the Court by E. H. Nichols, Taz Collsotor of %err County, and it appearing Lo the Court that the reaagns net out in said oertitioatse for the oanoellatioa of the tazea therein 1lsted are good sad auffioient it is therefore ordered by the Court that each of Bald oertifioatee De granted and signed by the County Judge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TESAS,~ No. 1896 In Commiaslonora` Court, of %arr County, Tezas. CO~iTY OF %BEiR.~ Yegular October Term, A. D. 1938. October 10th, 1938. ~ N'P WI1H TAZ COLLECTOR FOR TAZ YEAR, 1937, $NDIN4 JUNG 30, 1938. It it orderea by the Court thpt 8. FI. $iohole, Assessor and Collsotor of Tazes fur pp'~ ' Farr County, Tezae, be credited M1th the following items,unoolleoted on the current roll, k to-wit: Ad Valorem Polls Road Diatrlota School Dlatriot e Total Form 16, Insolvents for 1937 231.18 32.75 1E8.38 39E.E9 Form 17, Errors in Assessments for 1937, 91.88 6.00 E4.06 90.53 212.47 Form 18, Delinquents for 1937, 1.774.09 26.50 599.E7 2,399.86 Totn1 Credits, 2,097.13 65.E5 24.08 818.18 3,004.62 9iY