~i 9 It ie ordered by the Court that E. H. Niohole, Aeeeeaor and Collector of Tazes for %orr County, Tazas, be charged with the following items, collected in addition to the current roll, to-wit: Ad Valorem Polls Road Districts School Diata. Int. A Pea. Totals Form 17, Errors in Assessment 119.30 119.30 Form F, Supplemental roll for 1937, 53.78 24E.50 1.07 347.32 844.65 Form 93, Redemptions Colleotiona 3,287.48 20.ES 883.58 708.38 849.44 5,517.13 lnaolvent-COlleotioae, 235.54 1.00 10.53 7.50 45.97 300.54 Form 80, Leads sold unfler Judgment. None N_ne Nnne None Noae Noae Total Charges, 3,576.78 283.75 885.18 1,180.50 895.41 8,581.8E o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1897, APPROVAL ~ STATB ARD COSQiTY TAE ROLLS FOR 1938. This 1Dth day of ootober, A. D. 1938, sews on to be ezemiasd by the Covrt the State and County Taz Rolla for the year, 193D, prepared Dy 8emtet H. Niohole, Aeeeeaor end Collector of Tase•.for Eerr County, 'lYZae, and saw having bean found oorreet and Sa proper form, same were oert121sd and approved Dy the Court ee shows by the Court's oertifioate of approv attached thereto, dulq signed by all the members of thin Court, is triplicate. o-o-o-o-ororo-e Bo. 1898, S~TLEIIKNT 'AiTH A86P880R ARD COLLROTOR OF T4XE8 OR HIS 1938 d58ES80R'8 CO10[ZS820N8 This 1Dth day of Oatobar, 1938, SL apyearing 4o the Court that Emmet H. Niohole, Aeeeeaor and Collector of Tezae for Kerr Coanty, Tszae, hen completed his work ea County Taz .-eaeeaor for Lha eur;ent Year, 1938, end has earned and Sa entitled to the following oommieeiom from Kerr County out of the verioue County and Dlatriat laude named, lase amounts heretotora advanced Lo him by the Court, to-wits FUND Taz Rate - Shore Jury Fund 4¢ 4/69 Rued and Bridge Feud 6~ 6/69 Court house & Jail Skg. Fd. 12d 12/69 &err -0s. Road Bond 9kg. 7d. 22~ EE/68 General Yund 25y' 2b/69 County oommieslone based ou~q,6 87,885.00 asasse- msnt for 1985, b~ per Q100 on let 4 mill ion, E~q( ar $100.00 on nest million end E}~ on D al. of ~684,B85.00, hotel Oommiaeion ~Li04.76, Countye share one+haif thereof, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commission - Amt. Advanced-gel- Over- drawn 69.40 '25.00 44.70 304.5b 95.00 29.b5 L09.11 200.00 9.11 383.39 400.00 16.63 436 360.00 85__66 ~_ $1202,39 1,Ob0.00 Lti9.01 16.63 Road District No. 1 Sinking Fund 24b..04 ~~, 24..: ti.. 04 It ie the reiore ordered by. the Court that the County Clerk pey'unto said &. H. Niohole the balenoe oommiaeiona due him Dy proper warrente on the County Treeeurer ae shown in above "Balance" column, and said Jw. H. Niohole shall return unto 4he Road a Bridge fund the $16.63 Overdrawn therefrom. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- No. 1899, ppgpyyg R&pORT of YI89 RUTH GILLYLAND, CDUNTY PiJBL1C HRALTH NURSR. This 10th day of October. 1938,~~oame on to be heard the report of 111ea Rath Gilli- lend, County PnDLio Health ilures for Kerr County, which report be and Se hereby accepted by the Court end ordered tiled by~the County Clerk for future reference. 0-0+0.0-0+0»0+0-0-0