TFTs; STATE OF TEYA3. I ~~~ I COUIv'TY uF I~RR. I BE PT REME14dEtED, that on this 14th dqy of idovember, A. D. 1938, there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Comr~,iasionera' Court of Kerr County, Texas, st the Court Rouse thereof, Sn the toem oY Kerrville, Texas, officers present: John S. Atkins, - - - - - - - - - County Judge Henry &okstain, - - - - - - - - - Commiaei~ner. Preaiuot No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - - - - - -- Commissioner, Precinct Ito. 2, pm. Kargar, - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, precinct No. 3, T. J. 1[oore, - - - - - - - - - -- Commissioner, preain::t No. 4, A. F. ]fore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court basing been regularly opened, the 4oLlowing proneedinge were had, to-witf No. 1901. ALLOWANOS OF CLAI16 AND ACCOUNT $. This 14th day of Nov emD ar, A. D. 1938, came on to be examined by the CJ Ur t, the verioue olsima and eocounte filed against Kerr County and its respective Commiesionere' preainots since last term o4 the CJUrt, all of wnioh aleims and aoaounte were approved by the Court for peyraent by the County Clerk iu amounts and out o4 respective funds a9 shown by the Minutes o4 Accounts Allowed 4or Kerr County, Texas, c+hich ere made a part of this order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1902. October 1938 REPORT Os' CUUluTY LOEidT, T. W. RILLIN. This 14th day of Novemb r, 1538, acme ~~~ to ba iieand '.he monthly rap art filed b„ T. i. Hillin, County AE.ant, for the month of October, 1538, •nhica report be and is hereby aaoepted by the Court. 0-a-0-a-0-J-0-J-0-0-0 lVO. 1503. OCTOB.:R REFURT On^ 11RS. FEAE2L G_ZAL+ES, COUI+TY CAGE AORI(ER. This 1~=th dal of iVOVember, 1938, name ~n to De heard the resort of Mr e. Pearl Granes, County Case 7-orker for Karr County, nnioh report be and is hereby aaoapted by the Court and ordored filed by the Co m~ty Clerk for future re 4e rem a. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1904. TRANSFER OF y`1 ,203.63 FROM R. & B. FUIiD TO GENERAL r'UND. This 14th dqy of hovamber, d. ii. 1538, it appearing to the Court that the General Fund is no•a ovordrawn and that the Co~mty Budget for 1538 provides for the transfer of the sum of ~3,G03.56 from the general Road & Bridge Fund to the General Fund. It is the r. fore ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer transfer the sum of wl,203,63 from the general Road & Eridgo fund to the General n'und. A certified aapy of this order delivered to tiie County Treasurer shall eathorize him to aerry into effect the partial trmiafer of w1,203.63 provided for herein. o-o-o-o-o-J-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 190b. APPORT IOiV1~riVT OF jpL,(10 u.00 uF TIu: Ga.Ji R.:L RU„D & BRIDGE FU NB Ob' KG 3:? COU1tlT Y. This the 14th day of i.ovamber, ~.. D. 1538, be and it is ordered by the Court that ;;;z,uuU.UU of the unapportio:_ed 3o ad a ~ridga Funds of Karr Caunty, 'oe hereby-apportioned end credited to the respective Commi~sio.iers' preoinats oP Karr Count; in the following proportio ' n- viz: To R. & B. Fund of Frec in;t ho. 1, 49~p - - - - - - - - - $590. UO To R. a~ B. Fund of Preaira:t No. 2, 9~0 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~y'18b.00 To R. 8a B. Fund o4 Frecinct No. 3, 9}~p - - - - - - - - ---X185.00 To R. & B. Fund o4 Praairct No. 4, 3L;o - - - - - - _ _ __ s640.u0 Girl the Caunty Clerk shall credit the account of each of ea id preoinate with the amount thereto aDDOrtioned ha rau nd ar_ _~ e __ _. __'_"`