~o~ 3 No. 190¢. gD¢RT$R7.Y REPORT OF.DiSTRICT CLrBK. , sr. 'hie 14~h d1N oP November, 8. D. 1538, came on to be ezamie.ed by the Court the gaarterly '~ retort oP Geq..y(. Doyle., Diatriot C1erY of Kerr Oouuty, covering Pines imposed, ~udgmeata rendered and jnr9 Peae oo lleoted in the Dlat ri of Court oP Kerr County Por quarter ending Ootob er 31st, 1938, wh ioh report ah owe the collection and deposit with the County Treasurer oP y206.00, and shish report appearing correct De and 1e hereby apprw ed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 1907.6UG(TST & StiPTc:lSfcR REPORTS Ob' COUNTY HOLfp; 1)skO:+STRiTION bGENT. Taip 14th day uP November, 0. D. 1538, name on to be he and by the Court the reports of ss Jane lbPPOr$, County Home Demon at rat lon .tgent Por the months of August and September, 38, wh ioh repot to ap •~earing eatiefaotory, be end are::he•reyy eooeptad by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 1908. CiAN.1,Sb CF ELECTIOSd RETURNS AN,D iLLGw1NC8 OF KFECTION QFFIC1sRS' PILR D73s7i. Th1s 14th dpy of November, 4. D. 1938, opine on to be opened and tabulated the retnrne the Geaq rel 8laction held throughout Kerr goanL~ on November 8th, 19b8, end said returns re duly opened end tabulated by the Court ae shown on Pages l4 to 17 inoluaive o£ Vol. 3 the Record oP ,Eleo tl on Returns oP Kerr County, Texas, and the County Cler# Se hereby thori zed end directed to Dey s21 o££i sere oP said eleotion out oP th eGenaraL Fund ee ovided by ]e w. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o jto, 1909. ORDER DECLARING RESDLT 0! SPECIAL ELECTION IIQ HDNT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DI8TRICT N0. b, OF KERB CODNT7, TEZAB. This the 14th day of November, A. D. 1938, oeme on to be opened and tabulated by the Court the returns of the Spsoiel Eleotioa held in Hunt Independent School District Ro. b, of Kerr County, Tease, oa Saturday, November lELh, 1938, nad deolariag the result of said eleoti to determine whether or not eeid Hunt independent School Dletriat shall be abolished, and the Court having canvassed the returns of said Election whlah eleotion waa held according to law, cad it appearing that a maiority of 107 votes polled at said eleotion were oast "Against abolishing the Hunt Lndependsnt 9ohool Diatrlot" Sa ea id $Settiot, ea shown oa pegs 18, Vol. of the Redord of 8leotion Aeturne of Kerr County. It Se therefore ordered, adiudgad sad decreed by the Court that Sn aooordaaoe wlth the vote of the qualified voters of se id Huat Iadspsadent 8ahool District No. b, that said "Hunt Independent School District No. b~ shall no4 be abolished O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O No. 1910. APPROVAL OF COIINTY CLERK'S SIONTHLY EKPENSB R&PCAT. This 14th day of November, A. D. 1938, came oa to be examined by the Court Lha monthly sxpeaea report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk Por the month of October, 1938, showing as actual and aeoeaaary expeaee of 5299.70 incurred by him in the oonduaL of hie office daring eaifl month of October, 1938, and it appearing to the Canrt that ea id County Clerk Se entitled to the expenditure of all the items therein listed, said report De and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court,