~'~'S THE STATE oa TEKA3, CODNTY OF %ERR. I BE IT REI@ti~RED, Lhat oh this the 12th day of Deoamber, A. D. 1188, i nt Tema t 2 % C ' ou y, , err Cour o there wee bagw and holden a Regular Term of the Commisaionere at the Court House thereof, 1n the torn of $errville, Tema, officers present: John 3. Atkiae, - - - - - - - - - - bounty Tudge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - - IIomaieaiona;,Prwoinct No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - -- - - - - - - - - CommisaiDnar, prealaot No. 2, Wm. $arger, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Preoinet No. 3, T, 7. )(Dore, - - - - - - - - - - -- Comrnieaioaer, preoiaot No. 4, A. a. Poore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, Cowty Olerk, and the boor( having been regularly opened, the following prooesdinga wore had, to-wit: No'. '1916. ALLOWAN6E OP CLAL6S AND ACCOtSNTS. This 12th day of Deaember, A. D. 1933, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court, the variow olaima and eooounta filed against %err County and its reapeotive Commiealonere' precincts ninon last tarmof the Court, all of whioh olaime end aooounta were approved Dy the Court ~ i for payment by the 6ouatyCler1~ in amourttatad out of reapeotive Swds ea shown by the Minutes of Aoeouata>allowedfor $err County, Texas, whioh era made a part of thin order. ' b-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O No. 1917. NOVEMBER 1930 R16PDRT OP C093rry AGENT, T. W. HII.LIN. Thin 12th day of Deoember;'1433, Dame on to be'heard the monthly report tiled by T. 11. H Sllin, County Agent, forthe month of November, 1938, which report be and ie hereby accepted cad approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1918. NOVEMBER REPORT OF MRS. PEARL GRAiC&3, CODNPy CASE wOREER. Thin 12th day of December, 1938, came on to be heard the report of Mre. Pearl Granes, County Ceae Worker for $err bounty, which report be and Sa hereby ao oepted and approved by the CDUrt and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reterenoe. O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O No. 1919. APpRpVAL Oa CODNTY CLERS'S MONTHLY EZPENSL REPORT. ' Thin 12Th day of Daoambas, 4. A. 1938, Dame on to be asawls*dD'F LhaCourt the monthly ' ezpenae report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk ;or the ~µoath of November, 1938, showing an eotusl and necessary eapanae of x267.16 Snourred by him Sn the oonduot of hie offioe during said month of November, 1938, and it appearing to the Court that said pougty Clerk Sa entitled ' to the ezpand Store of ell the )tame there ia, listed, aniQ repoTL Da and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1920. The State of Tema, I In Coamisaloners' Court, %err County, Texan. County of %err. ~ December Term, A. D. 1938. On this 12th flay of Deeember, 1938, it appearing to the Court that the oontract for the employment of Miea Tane Wofford, ae County Demonstration Agent for %err County ezpirea December 31st, 1938, end it further appearing to the 6ourt that it ie to the beat interest of $err County that evah work be aontiaued For another year, ae provided by the 1939 County Bmdg~ '' .~ Therefore, upon mohion made, aeoonded cad unaalmowly adoAtsd, be sad 1t is hereby ordered by the Court that the Homr Demonstration work be ooatinwd for oas year from Tanunry let, 1939, et the net ooatof x600.00 to %err County in salary, cad the County Clerk is ' hereby authorised and flirected to Seaue and deliver unto Lhe Home Damonatralion Agent a