warrant on the County Treasurer against the cialasr@1 Fuad for the sum of ~$D.00 at .end '0f ~~ eaoh month~e service, beginning January 31st, 19~j4, ' o-o-o-O-o-o-o-o-o-O-O-o-O J1To. 1921. NOVE9~ER REPORT OF MISS RUTH CII.LII,AND, COIINTY PUBLIC HEALTH NURS$. This 12th day of Deoamber, A. D. 1938, Dame onto ba heardthe report of Miss Ruth Gilliland, County Public Haelth Nurse for %err County, whioh report be and is hereby aaoepted by the Court end ordered filed by the County Clark far future refereno®. O-D-D-O-O-D-DMA-Oeo-O-O-o No. 1922. MONTALY REPORT OF COUNTY HO1R DEMUNSTRATION bGLNT. Thin 12th day of December, A. D. 1936, name Rn ta~.:#e heard by theCourt the report of .. Miss Jano WofPord, County Home Demonstration.pgent ~t0r _tbe, mPIIt,}i.. of NOVeaber, 1938, wh lob report appearing satisfaotory, be and the same is berakty epoeptpd,.snd approved by tbeCourt. ' o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1923.. FTdING AMOUNT OF BOND FOR, COUNTY AND PREOZNOT OFFICERS. 'Phis 12th day of December, A. m.,1938, came on to be oonaidered by the Court the fining of the amount of bond to be given, by the respective County and preoinot offioera for their 1939-1940 term of office, and it appearing to the Court the amount of bond furnlahed by each of said officers Por the 1937-1938 term of office ~uat ending la auffioiant for the Doming term oP office, it is therefore ordered and ad,udgod by the Court that the amount of bond for the respective oountg and precinct offioera t0r 1939-1840 term of offioe be and is hereby net and Pined in and at the same amount ae the amount of their bond for the term of offioe ~uat ending, and all of the county and preoinot offioera elected at the lest November election be sad are hereby directed tc queliiy on JBR.. 3rd, 1839, Dy taking the prescribed oath or oaths of office and making bond raspeotively in Wee amount ae fiisd by the Court herein. , 0-G-P-e-O-O~0-0-0-0-9-0 The foregoing minutes on pages 42S anti 42b hereof, were read in open Court and found correct, and are hereby 3n all reapeete approved Dy the 0ourt, this the 9tb day of January, A. D. 1939. Atteat~.uc ~, a.v.t0'1--.. Dun y er C , 8 , .err P1 y, e s a e. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 THE STATE OF TEXAS, I~ COUNTY OF SERR. j BE IT REMF.B03ERED, that oa thin the 27th day of December, A. D. 1838, there wan begun and holden a Speeiel Term of the Coamiaalonera~ 0ourt of gorr County, Tezea, at the Court House thereof., in the town Of %errv111e, Te7cae, oftiaors present: John S. Atkins, --- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ r - r - 0ountq Judgo, Henry Sukstein, - - - - - - - - ~ -.^~.^ - ©ommiasl0ner precinct No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - -- - - - - - - e r - - - Co~µdeaioneF preoinot No: 2, Wm. FCarger, - - - - - - - - - - - - ^~- - - Commissioner preoinot No. 3, A. F. Moore, _3herlff and Jno. R. Le4vell, Gounty Olork, apd the Court }ng ~y regularly' QFened, the following proceedings wore hnd, to-wit; ~` Ye. 1924. PURCHASS OF CATERPILLAR WTTH LEANING WH£&LS 7OR P$BCIIiCT N0. {~. Thin the 27th day of December, 1938, camp on to pe.Qpaaed and aonsidarod by the 0curt the two b18e received for the sale Lo Coa;misafonere' Preempt No. 3. of Seri County of a 11 :. new Caterpiller/~oaAeeusod for the prepinet~e road xork, ea follows: J. A. Adams 0ompany, X301 motor grader, tandea drive with fear 11.26-24 low preasnee and rear 32x6 on front all puncture proof tubas wide front azlo complete #3896.30 Trrr TrnAa 1n ~ HZfi.OO a 7 Wm, R. Holt Maohinery Company, on Caterpillar ¥10'gae tanflsa drive patrol with puaoture proof tubes and wide ails sLd'isaaing wheels, delivered ]Carr County X41$5.00 ,., Aaelloweaoe for'~ased yatrol' 4E5.00 Balnace and deduotion of present repair and parts soaount on yaohine traded ia. ~ ' And St nppenring to the Court that the bid. of lea. S. Holt Mnohinery Company for 13500.00 pique deduotion of present repair and parts aaeount oa meohine traded in, ie the basa.3ld~'- offered, same Da and is harebq enoe~t•d by the Court, and the County Clerk in hereby authori- zed to issue and deliver unto Yfm. S. Holt Meahinery Company a warrant oa the CouaLy~~Traesurer drain against the R. & B. Fund of Preo Snot No. 3 for the sum of X1700.00 payable on the 3rd day of January, 1939, end the baleaoe to be paid at the regular aebtiag of the Commlseionera' Oourt of %err County, Tezaa, April Term, 1939. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes on pages 428 and 427 hereof, were rnnd is open Court sad Sound oorreot, and are hereby in all reepeota approved by the Court, this the 9th day of January, A. D. 1939. .,,e Attest: ~. ~a-..~a.~- y ar C .y u 6 ri y, '-e i s a. 000-000-000-000- -000-000 The State of Tezas, County of Eerr. ) B8 IT ERE]), that on this 3rd day of January, A. D. 1939, there wa• begun and holden s3panial Tara of the 6ommiseionars' Court o2 $err County, at the ' Court House bheraof, la the~taxa~ot Earrv111e, Tszae, oftioers presant¢ Goan e. Atkins, + - - - - . - - - .. - - County Judge, Henry Eokateia, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commieaioaer Preoinot No. 1, D. D. Beard, - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Commissioner Praoiaot Mo. 2, ' Wm. Forger, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner Preoinot No. 3, T. d, Moore, - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Commissioner Prea Snot No. 4,~ A. F, Moore, Sheriff end Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having boon regularly opsAed, the following prooaedSaga were had, to-xit: No.~, 1925. THE STATE OF TETAS, ~ In Commiasioners' Court, Serr County, Tezaa. Speoial deauary;tTern,:1934. COIIN7R OF SERR. January 3rd, 1439. APPROVAL OF BONDS AND QIIALIFICATION OF OFFICERS. Thin the 3rd day of January, A. D. 1934, oams~~oa to~~bs examined by the Court tae offioinl bonds of Lae following named offiaera, Bleated for Serr OounLy an4 its various preainota, at the November Eleotlon, 1938, sad it appearing to the Court that eaah sad all of sa Sd bonds are good and euffioient, and that eaoh of said Ronda should be approved by Lhe Court. • Therefore, upon motion fluly made, aeooaded and unap.imauely adopted, said bonds and each of them De and are harebq approved'by the Court, and snob of ea id offioera are hereby direo tad to take the proper oath or oaths oY offioe ea required by law, end e11 of said bonds shall bs reoorded by the County Clerk in the proper regard of hie off ioa, to-wit: John S. Atkins, /Cjoeaeesor~and~0olletitor of Tezaa (2 bonds), &. H. Niohole, John R. Leavell, Oounty Clerk, IDail bold, ~ Qouaty Treasurer, -~~ Hoary Eokstein, Coanty Commissioner, Preoinot No. 1, - Heart' Eokateia, Resd Coaioiealeaar, predlnet No. 1, . ~ D. D. Beard, County 6ommieaioner, Preoinot No. 2, D. D. Beard, Road Commisaloasr, Preoinot No. e, wm. Karger, bounty Commissioner, Preoinot No. 8, Wm. Snrger, Rosd Cammiaeioaer, Preoinot No. 3, , T. J. Moore, County Commissioner, Preoinot No, 4, T. J. Moore, Raad Coemtiasioner, Preoiaat No. 4, E. W. Speakels, Jastlas of the Pease, Preoinot No. 1. 0-000-000-000-o0o-eQo