Aa County Judge the sum of 41,120.00 par annum. Said salary of 41,1E0.00 ae auoh iouaty Judge be paid unto Judge AtKina by the County Clerk out of the Road & Bridge Fund ia_equsl monthly installments of $93.33 each, payable on or after the last day of each oalendar month beginning January 31st, 1939. . O-o-O-D-O-O-0-O-0-A No. 1934. ORDER FIXING COLTNT1t CLERK'S SALARY. on this 9th day of January, 1939, 1t is ordered by tha Court that the annual salary of County Clerk of Kerr County be and is herabg fizad at an aggregate sum of 41900.00 for the current year, 1839, provl8ed by the 1939 budge4, as follows: 41550.00 per annum ea .County Clerk, 4250.00 -per ap'~wa For, keeping the finance ledger and =100.00 per annum for Indezing. Said salary shall be paid out of the General Fluid in monthly installments oY 4158.33 e payable on or after the last day of sash aelebdar month; beginning Jea: 31st, 1939, with proper warrants on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1935. ORDER FIXING DISTRICT CLEAK`S SALARY. Th Se 8th day of Seaue ry,. 1939, it is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the District Clerk of Kerr County De and is hereby fizad ae provided by the 1939 County Budget at the sum of $720.00 per annum, for the currant year, 1939, whioh salary shall be paid unto the Die tract Clerk in 12 monthly inatallmanta of $60.00 each, out of the General Yand by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on or after the last day of each month's serricea on the County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1938, ORDER FIXING SALARY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY. This 9th day of January, 1939, it is ordered and daoraed by the Court that the salary of the County Attorney for the ourrent year, 1939, ba enfl is hereby fazed ae provided by the 1939 County Hudget, at the sum of 4380.00 per anaam, to be paid out of the General Fund 1n twelve monthly installments of 430.00 eao9 by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the last day of eaoh aalsndar month beginning Jan. 31st, 1939. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1937. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF SRERIFF AND JAIL GIIARA OFBERR COIIATI'Y. This 9th day of January, 1939, SL is ordered and deoresd by the Court that the Sheriff's salary for the current year, 1939, be and ie hereby fizad ea provided by the 1939 County Budget at the sum of 41730.00 per annimt, ae follows: 41,190.00 par annum ao Sheriff of Kerr County, and 45¢0.00 par annum ea Jail Guard of Gorr County. Said entire salary to bo paid by the County Clerk to 8heriff,A. F. 1Aoore out of the General Fund in twelve monthly installments o1 4144.17 eaoh by propel warrants drawn on the Oounty Treasurer on or after the last day of sash month beginning Jas. 31st, 1938. And said Sheriff shall be further allowed tho sum of aizty Gents por day for boarding eaoh prisoner in the County Ja11 plus flftean oasts par day for oafs-kaepiag eaoh prisoner. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1938. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASUXSlt',S COhIDSISSION. This 9th day of January, 1939, it 1e ordered by the Court teat the oommiasion of the County Treasurer for the ourreat year, 1939, shall bs and ie hereby fizad eocording to the 1939 County Budget at the rate of 2~, on nil reoaipte and disbursements, not to ezoeed however, ~'~1 the aumoi X133.33 gor any month, or, the aggregate of X1,500.00 for the yenr, 1939, and ,... ~eaid County Treasurer shall draw each month's oommisaion of $133.33 as earned. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o a. 1939. ORDER FIXING SALARIES OF COMMLSSIONERS. ThiB 9th day oP January, 1939, it Sa ordered sad deo reed by the Court that tae oompeasn- ion of the Commiasioaera of Xerr County b• and ie hereby fiae8 by the Court for the aurrent 1939, eooording to the 1919 County Budget, ae follows: Each Commissioner shall reoelve X5.00 par day sa per diem for each day served by him ae e member of the Commleaionera' Court Lo be paid out of tae general Road sad Bridge Fund, and eaoh Commissioner shall further receive X5.00 for each dap served in the Saspeotion anfl aupervielon of County Ronde, same to be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund of hie reepeotive preoinat, provided however, that the total aompenaatlea or salary of eaoh oommisaioner shell not eze eed the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commissioner of Preainot No. 1 sum of ~1 ,E00.00 for year 1939, Commieeioaer of Preainot No. E sum of X700.00 for year 1939, Commissioner of Prea Snot No. 8 sum o! X700.00 for year 1939, Coam,iaeioner of Preoinot No. 4 avm of X900.00 for year 1939. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1940. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE TO SHERIFF A. F. MOOR$ FOR DEPUTY PAT WASNBDRN. Thin 9th day of Jeauary,~1939, Dame oa to be oonaidered by the Court tae matter of nn wanes to Sheriff 'A. !. Moore. Por hie offioe deputy, and it appearing to thaCourt that the iff is entitled to a deputy ellowanoesuff io Seat to pay his offioe deputy, during the year, 1939. Said ~eriff is therefore granted an ellowanoe of X480.00 per annum out of the Ceneral d for the purpose of hiring an offioe deputy, ea provided by the 1939 County Budget, sad same shall be paid by the County Treasurer direot to Deputy Pat Washburn or hie auooesaor in equal monthly inatallmenta of #40.00 eaoh out of the General Fund, dpon proper warrants Ssawd by the County Cleri~-6n or after the last day of eaoh month beginning January 31 et, 1939. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o. 1941. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE TO SRERIFP A. F. 1100RE POR ffi'VPY C. A. RODGF.RS. This 9th day of January, 1939, name on Lo be ooaaldersd by the Court the propoaitioa of an additional nllowanoe to Sheriff A. 8. Moose tar deputy hire in Commieaioners' Preoinot o. 4 of Sarr County, and it appearing to the Court that the Sheriff ie entitled to auoh dd it ional Q~puty nllowanoe for the pur}oae of hiring a deputy in Bald YreoinaC No. 4. Therefore Sheriff Moore be and 1a hereby Granted an additional nllowanoe of X360.00 per • naum for the current year, 1939, ae provided by the 1930 County Budget, out of the General d, for the purpose of hiring an ~eotive deputy in said Preainot No. 4, and same shall ba aid by the County Treasurer direot to paputy C. A. Rodgers or hie suooeseor in equal monthly of $30,00 each, upon proper warrants issued by the County Clark, on or after the day of eaoh month beginning Jan. 31st, 1939. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1942, Tha State of Tezae, ~ is Comaiasionera' Court, $err County, Tezae. oounLy of Yerr. ~ Jsanery Term, •. D. 1959. Th1a 9th day of January, 1939, Dame on to be aonaidered by the Court the provisions of Seliate Hill No. 5, Chapter 485, peened at FSretCalled 9easion of the 64th Legislature, "'• presor ib Sng oompeneation of District, County and Praeinat offioera, end it appenr ing to