Certifinate of Approval signed by the Court and attached thereto, and the Countq Clerk shall ~ ~,3 6 record said report in the loose-leaf record in his offing and file ~suah oeaaelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons in his office for safe-keeping and future refereno e, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1963. TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLERK OF COUNTY'S INDEBTEDNESS, ETC. Quar. ending 1-61 9. This y.$tbu day of February, 1939, name on to be examined by the Court the Tabular State- ment of indebtedness, expenditures and reoeipta of Kerr County for quarter ending January 31st 1939, submitted and Y11ed by Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and it appearing to the Court that ea id statement la true and correct In every reppeet, same be end is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. ~Q84. APPOINT OF ELECTION OFFICERS OF KERB COUNTY FOR ONE YEAR. Th1a ll4tHn day of February, 1939, name on to be appointed by the Court the nedessary election officers for the Doming year for each of the fifteen election preoinota of Kerr County, as shown on pages 146 Lo 149, inclusive, in 401. 1, Record of El eatlon Judges for Kerr Countq, Texas, which is made a part hereof for all legal purposes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1885. CONTINUATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF COUNTY CASE WORK FOR FOUR MONTHS. Thin 14Sh day of February, A. D. 1939, name on to be oonaidered by the Court the continuation of the employment of Mrs. Pearl Granea,as County Case Worker on half time basis ea recommended by the County of Kerr, and it appearing to the Court that it is to the beat interest of the tae-payers and the County in general that the aervioea- of Bald Dane worker be continued for four months, From.the i7th day'of~Jnnuary, 1939, provided the City of Kerr- ville, will contribute as much as X150.00 towards Lhe expense and operation of the relief office. Aaaordingly, it is hereby ordered by the Court that tho relief office of 8err County with Mrs. Pearl Graaea, sa County Ceae Worker be operated for four months, from the 17th day of January, 1939, at the sxpenae of Kerr Countq on the same bases ae same is now operated. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1986. ACCEPTANCE OF JANCARY, 1939, REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DEMON9BRATOR. Thin 1gBh day of February, 1939, Dame on to be heard the report of Mien Jane Wofford, County Rome Demonstrator of Kerr County, covering her aervioe during the month of January, 1939, which report having been Sound aatiafaotorp, be and is hereby nnnepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1987. AWARD OF DEPOSITORY OF COIINTY, COUNTY SCHOOL AND COUNTY TRUST FUNDS. Thin litlh day of February, 1939, Dams on to be opened by the Court the sole bid, filed by Chsa. Schreiner Bank (Unlnoorporated)"of Kerrville, Tezaa, offering its aervidea'as Depository of all County, School and Trust Funds of Kerr County for ensuing two years, and without payment of interest on daily balaaoes and without aervioe charge to Kerr County, Tezaa, and with the understanding that any unnecessary bookkeeping now ea being rendered by depository may be agreed upon between Commiaeionere' Court and Depository Ss to be eliminated, and it appearing to the Court that the hid of Chae. Schreiner Bank ie the only bid obtainable Sn Kerr County, it is therefore ordered by the Court that same be and ie hereby accepted and avid Bank 1a awarded the County Depository for all County, School and Trust Funds oP the County for the net two years at no interest oa.ddlly balaaoes and that all unneosssary bookkeeping now ea~being rendered by the depository may be agreed upon between Commieaionere' iCOUrt and Depository Se to be eliminated, and said Bank is hereby directed to make good and