Certifioate of Approval signed by the Court and attached thereto, and the County Clerk shall I X36 reoord said report in the loose-leaf reoord in hie offioe and file ,suoh oanoelled warrant a, checks, bonds and coupons in his offioe for safe-keeping and suture reference. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1983. TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLERK OF COIINTY'S INDEBTEDNESS, ETC. Q,uar. ending 1-4 This y.˘~ day of February, 1939, came on to be ezamined by the Court the Tabular State- ment of indebtedness, eapenditurea sad reoeipta of Kerr County for quarter ending January 31 1939, submitted and filed by Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and it appearing to the Court that said statement is true and oorrect in every reppeot, same be and is hereby approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, ~Q84. APPOINT OF ELECTION OFFICERS OF KERB COUNTY FOR ONE YEAR. This]L4tih day oY February, 1939, Dame on to be appointed by the Court the nedessary election officers for the Doming year for eeah of the fifteen eleotion praoinota of Kerr County, ae shown on pages 146 to 149, inolueive, in Vol. 1, Reoord of Election Judges for Kerr County, Tezsa, which is made a part hereof for nil legal purposes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 1965. CONTINIIATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF COUNTY CASE WORK FOR FOUR MONTHS. Thin li6'h day of February, A. D. 1939, Dame on to be oonaidered by the Court the oontlnuation of the emplogment of Mra. Pearl Cranee,as County Ceae Worker oh half time basis ea reoommended by the County of Kerr, and it appearing to the Court that it is to the beat interest of the tea-payers and the County in general that the aervioea of said oase worker be continued for four months, Prom.the i7Lh day'ot~Tanuary, 1939, provided the City of Kerr- ville, will oontribute ae muoh sa =1b0.00 toxarda the expense and operation of the relief offioe, Aooordingly, it is hereby ordered by the Court that the relief office of Kerr County with Mra, pearl Greaea, sa County Case Worker be operated for four months, from the 17th day of January, 1939, at the szpenae of Kerr County on the same bases ae same ie now operated. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1968. ACCEPTANCE OF JANUARY, 1939, REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATOR. Thla 14th day of February, 1939, Dame on to be heard the report of Mies Jana Wofford, County Rome Demonstrator of Kerr County, oovaring her aervioe during the month of January, 1939, whioh report having been found aatiafaotory, be and is hereby aooepted by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1987. AWARD OF DEPOSITORY OF COUNT7C, COIIDiTY SCHOOL AND COUNTY TRIIST FUNDS. This lidh day of February, 1939, Dame oa to be opened by the Court the sole bid, filed by Chsa. Sahrsinsr Bank (IInlnoorporeted)'of Kerrville, Tezsa, offering its servidea'ss flepoeitory of ell County, Sohool and Trust Funds of Kerr County for ensuing two years, and without pagment of interest on daily balanaea sad without aervioe charge to Kerr County, Tezsa, and with the understanding that any unneaeaeary bookkeeping now ae being rendered by depository may be agreed upon between Commiaeionera~ Court and Depository is to be eliminated, and it sppearing to th• Court that the bid of Chas. Sohreiner Hank is the only bid obtainable in Kerr County, it is therefore ordered by the Court that same be and is hereby naoepted sad said Bank is awarded the County Depository for ell County, School and Trust Funds of the County for the net two years at no interest on daily balanoea and that all unaeoeasary bookkeeping now sa~being rendered by the depository may be agreefl upon between Commieaionera~ Court and Depository is to be eliminated, and said Bank is hereby direoted to make good and ('3 7 euffio feat boada ea depository of •aoh of said funds is the proper form preeoribed by law sad submit same to this Court for approval, wh Soh boada be and ere ha reby flzed is the following ice. amount a: Aa County Depository, X30,000.00 As County Depository for all sohool funds, =10,000.00, And as County Depository of ell trust funds ih the hands of the County end District Clerks of Kerr County, X2,000.00. 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 1968. ORDER DECLARING OFFICE OF CONSTABLE, PRECINCT N0. 1 VACANT AND APPOII~TMENT'OF CONSTABLE TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF SAID OFFICE. Oa this 16th day of February, 1939, it appearing to the Court that the office oS Coaete Sn and for Juatioa's Preolnct No. One of Karr County, Teaea, should be declared veonnt and a new oonatable appointed by the Court to fill the vneapired term of said offio e. Whereupon, on motion duly made, aeoonded and unanimously adopted, be and it is hereby ordered by the Court that the office of Constable in and for Juatio e's Preoiaot No. 1 of Kerr County shell be in all things considered vao ant, sad that R. M. Hines, being qualified end deairoue to serve out the uneap fired term of said offioe, be and is hereby appointed by the Court to fill the unezp fired term of the offios of Constable in end for Justice's Precinct No. 1 of Kerr County, Teaaa, and he Se hereby directed to qualify for said office by making bond in the sum of 51000.00 and taking the oath of off foe ne required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I NO. 1989. CONTINUATION OF FO% BOUNTY FROM FEBRUARY 1ST, TO MAY let, 1939. On this the fig th day of February, 1939, it appearing to the Court that it will be to the beat interest to the ranchmen, farmers and Dueineae people of Kerr County that the boz bounty heretofore ordered paid by the County of Barr out of the General Fund of said County et 7S~ on each end every fox killed within the bound arias of Rerr County, should be oontinuefl from the let day of February, 1939, to the let day of May, 1939, aub~eot however to all adjoining Counties agree lag to loin Kerr County Sn the payment of said Bounty on fozea killed in their respective oovnties. j It is therefore ordered sad deareed by the Court that Kerr County shell pay out of its General Fund a bounty of seventy-five oente (76f) oa •anh and every foz killed within the I County between February 1st, 1939 to the let day of May, 1939, aub~eot to all the adjoining ~I Counties agreeing to loin Kerr County is the payment of said Bounty on foxes killed in their respeotive oounties, otherwise Bald bounty-of 76j is to be disoontinued from and after May ~ let, 1939. It is further ordered and deareed by the Court that the person killing such foe ~ i or Sozee spell melee affidavit as required in the order heretofore made by th fie Court at the April Tarm of its Regular Term oP Court, 1933. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1970. COURT'S RECESS. February lath, 1939. Iti is hereby ordered by the Court that the ourrent term of the Court be recessed over to Saturday, February 18th, 1939, at 1:30 o'oloak P. M., for the purpose of transacting the remaining business before the Court at this term. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1971. COURT RE-CONVENED. This 18th day of February, 1939, in purauanos with reoeas taken by the ,Court on February 16th, 1939, the Court reoonvened with all members present and the following prooeediage were had, to-wit: