y 3 7 euffin Sent bonds ea depository of eaoh of as id Paade in the proper form pre eorlbed by law and ~ submit eamo to this Court Por approval, irh Soh bonds be and are hereby fized in the following amount a: As County Depository, f80 ,000.00 A6 County Depository for all school fund a, X10,000.00, And as County Depository of ell trust fvada in the hands of the County and Dietriot Clerks of Rerr Couatq, $2,000.00. 000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 1988. ORDER DECLARING OFFICE OF CONSTABLE, PRECINCT N0. 1 VACANT AND APPOINTMENT OF CONSTABLE TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF SAID AFFICE. On this 1{th day of February, 1939, it appearing to the Court that the ofPlae of Coaatnb in sad for Juat loess Preclnet No. One of Rerr County, Teaae, should be deolared vaoant sad n new oonat able appointed by the Court to fill the uneapired term of said off lee. Whereupon, on motion duly made, eeoonded and unanimously adopted, be and it is hereby ordered by the Court that the office of Constable in and for Juetloe•s precinct No. 1 of Rerr County shell be in all things cone idered vaoant, and that R. M. Hiaea, being qualified and deairoue to carve out the uncap ired term of said offioe, be and ie hereby appointed by the Court to fill the uaezpired term of the offioe of Constable in end for Justice`s Preninot No. 1 of Rerr County, Tezae, and he Se hereby directed to qualify for said office by making bond Sn the sum of X1000.00 and taking the oath of offioe sa required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1989. CONTIN(TATION OF FOX BOUNTY FROM FEBRUARY 19T, TO MAY let, 1939. On this the 17{th day of February, 1939, it appearing to the Court that it will be to the beat interest to the ranchmen, farmers and Duaineee people of $err County that the boa bounty heretofore ordered paid by the County of Rerr out of the General Fund of said County at 75~ on ench and every foe killed within the boundaries of Rerr County, should be continued from the let day of February, 1939, to the let day of May, 1939, aub~eot however to all adiolning Count lee agreeing to Sa is Rerr County in the payment of ea Sd Bounty on fozea killed in their respective oouatles. It Ss therefore ordered and den reed by the Court that Karr County shall pay out of its General Fund a bounty of seventy-five oente (7bj) on each and every foz killed within the County between February let, 1939 to the let dap of Mey, 1939, nub ~eot to all the adjoining Counties agreeing to loin Kerr County Sa the payment of said Bounty on fozea killed in their respeotive oount ies, otherwise said bounty-of 75~ is to be disoontinued from and after May , let, 1939. It Ss further ordered end decreed by the Court that the person killing such foe e or fozea apnll make affidavit ae required in the order heretofore made by this Court at the April Term of its Regular Term of Court, 1938. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~~NO. 1970. COURTS RECESS. February 18t8~, 1939. It is hereby ordered by the Court that the ourrent term of the Court be recessed over to Saturday, February 18th, 1939, et 1:30 o•oloak P. M., for the purpose of transacting the remain Sag bus Scene before the Court at this term. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1971. COUAT RE-CONVENED. Th Se 18th day of February, 1939, in purauanos with reoeea taken Dy the.Court on February 1{th, 1939, the Court reconvened with all members present and the following proaeedinga were had, to-wit: