/`3 7 Buff to ieat bonds as depository of eaoh of said iu¢de is the proper form preaoribed by law and submit same to this Court for approval, whioh bonds be and are hereby flzed 1¢ the following amounts: As County Depository, X50,000.00 ~ ~ Ae County Depository for all eohool fund e, X10,000.00, And ea County Depository of all trust funds in the heads of the County sad Dietriot Clerks of %err County, ;2,000,00. o00-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 1968. ORDER DECLARING OFFICE OF CONSTABLE, PRECINCT N0. 1 VACANT AND APPOINR7dENT OF CONSTABLE TO FILL TfIE UNEXPIRED TERM OF SAID OFFICE. On this 13th day of February, 1939, it appearing to the Court that the ofPloe of Conatabl in and for Juatiae•s Precinct No. One of %err County, Tease, should be deolared vaoeat and a new oonatable appointed by the Court to fill the uneapired term of said ofPloe. Whereupon, on motion duly made, aeoonded and unanimously adopted, be a¢d 1t is hereby ordered by the Court that the office of Constable Sn and 2or Justioe•s Preo1¢ot No. 1 oP %err County shall be in all things aonaidered vaoant, and that R. M, fti¢e a, being qualified and desirous to serve out the uneapired term of said off ioe, be and is hereby appointed by the Court to fill the uneapired term of the offios of Constable in end Por Tustice's Preclnot ~ No. 1 of %err County, Tease, and he Se hereby direoted to qualify for said office by making (bond in the sum of X1000,00 and taking the oath of off ioe ea required by law. a-o-o-o-o-o-o-v-o-o-o-o N0. 1989. CONTINUATION OF FOX BOUNTY FROM FEBRUARY 19T, TO MAY let, 1939. On this the lath day of February, 1939, St appearing to the Court that it will be to the best interest to the ranchmen, farmers end business people of %err County that the boz bounty heretofore ordered paid by the County of %err out of the Ce neral Fund oP said County ` at 75~ on each and every fox killed within the boundaries of Xerr County, should be oont inued from the let day oP February, 1939, to the 1st day of May, 1939, eub~eot however to all adjoining Counties agree jag to loin %err County is the payment of said Bounty on fuzee killed in the Sr respective oounties. It is therefore ordered sad decreed by the Court that $err County shall pay out of its General Fund a bounty of seventy-f iva oente (75~) on eaoh and every fez ki]led within the County between February 1st, 1939 to the let dap of May, 1939, sub sot to all the ad~olaing Counties agreeing to loin %err County Sa the payment of Bald Bounty on foxes killed in their respeotive oounties, otherwise ea id bounty.oi 75~ Ss to be discontinued from and after May ~ let, 1939. It is Further ordered and deareed by the Caurt that the person killing eaoh fez e _ or fozee aped make affidavit as required in the order he retofare made by th le Court at the April Term of its Regular Term of Court, 1938. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1970. COI7RT'S RECESS. February 1St, 1939. It is hereby ordered by the Court that the current term of the Court be recessed over to Saturday, February 18th, 1939, at 1:30 o'oloak P. M., for the purpose of transacting the remaining business before the Court at this term. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1971. COUAT RE-CONVENED. This 18th day of February, 1939, in pureuenoa with reoeea taken by the.Court on February lath, 1939, the Court reoonvened with all members present and the following proceed inga were had, to-wit: