y39 euffio tent band sea depoeltory of each of ea id Pvnde in the ro er form p p pre scribed by law and submit same to thla Court for approval, irh SOh bonds be and ere hereby Sized in the following ^- amounts: As County Depository, X50,000.00 As County Depository for ell school Sunda, X10,000.00, Aad ea County Depository of ell trust funds Sa the heads of the County and Diatriot Clerks of Aerr County. X2,000.00. 000-000-000-000-00o-o0a N0. 1968. ORDER DECLARING OFFICE OF CONSTABLE, PRECINCT N0. 1 VACANT AND APPOINTMENT OF CONSTABLE TO FILL THE UNEEPIRED TERM OF SAID OFFICE. Oa this lith day of February, 1939, it appearing to the Court that the off foe of Coastab in sad for Juatioe's Preo inet No. One of Kerr County, Tease, should De declared vaoant and a new oonatable appointed by the Court to fill the unexpired term of said off is e. Whereupon, on motion duly made, aeoonded and unanlmouely adopted, be and it is hereby ordered by the Court that the office of Constable Sn and for Suetio e's preolaet No. 1 of Kerr County shall be in all th inge aoneidered vaoant, and that R. M. Hines, being qualified sad desirous to nerve out the uneapired term of said offfoe, be and is hereby appointed by the Court to Sill the unexpired term oS the offfoe o2 Constable in and for Juatioe's Precinct No. 1 of Kerr County, Tease, and he ie hereby directed Lo qual Sfy for said office by making bond in the sum of 51000.00 and taking the oath of offfoe ne required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1989. CONTINIIATION OF FOK BOUNTY FROM FEBRUABY 1ST, TO MAY let, 1939. On this the 1711th day of February, 1939, it appearing to the Court that 1t will be to Lhe beat interest to the ranehmen, farmers end business people of Kerr County thnt the boa bounty heretofore ordered paid by the County of Kerr out of the Ceaeral Fund of said County at 76~ on each and every fox killed within the boundaries o1 Rerr County, should be continued from the let day of February, 1939, to the let day of May, 1939, nub Jeot however to all ad~olniag Countlea agreeing to Join Rerr County in the payment of said Hounty on Poxes killed in their re apective oountie e. It is therefore ordered end decreed by the Court that Kerr County shall pay out of Sta General Fund a bounty of asveaty-five cents (7bj) on each and every foz killed within the County between February let, 1939 to Lhe let day of May, 1939, eub~eot to all the adjoin fag Count tea agreeing to loin Kerr County Sn the payment of Bald Bounty on foxes killed Sn their respective count tea, otherwise said bounty-of 76p( is to be discontinued from and after May , ~ let, 1939. It is further ordered sad deereed by the Court that the person killing such fox e or fosse spell make affidavit as required in the order heretofore made by this Court at the April Term of its Regular Term of Court, 1938. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1970. COURT'S RECESS. February 171tm, 1939. It is hereby ordered by the Court that the current term of the Court be recessed over to Saturflay, February 18th, 1939, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of transacting the ' remaining bus ineea before the Court at th ie term. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1971. COURT RE-CONVENED. This 18th day of February, 1939, in purauenoe with reoeea taken Dy the.Court on February lith, 1939, the Court reconvened with all members present and the following prooeedinga were Dad, to-wit: