N0. 1972. APPROVAL OF COIINPY DEPOSITORY BOND FOR X50,000.00 This 18th day of February, 1939, came on to be eaemined by the Court the pledge Contraot oP Charles Sohreiner Bank, (IInincorporated) oP Kerryills, Teaas, pledging unto Kerr Covntq 18,000.00 worth of ~ Kerrville Gae System Revenue Bonds, dated Nov. 1, 1934, X2,000.00 worth oP 496 South San Antonio S. I. D. 14ohoolhouse Boada, dated September let, 1934, and X30,000.00 of 396 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Coupon Bonds, dated May lb, 1934, for the faithful performanoe of the duties of County Depository during the nezt two years, end it appearing to the Court that said sec uritiee are eooeptable on auoh pledge aontraot bond and that same have been deposited by as id Chsa. Sohreiner Hank with the Front National Hank of San Antonio, Teaaa, for the benefit of Kerr County as shown by the receipt of said Frost National Bank attached to said pledge Contraot. Therefore, uponmotion duly made, aecondefl and unanimously adopted, said pledge oontract aforesaid be and is hereby eaoepted anfl approved by the Court, and the County Clerk shall send same to the State Comptroller for approval anfl thereafter same aha 11 be recorded bq the County Clerk in the official Bond Record of Karr County. And the County Clerk Sa authorized and directed to return the forfeit cheok accompanying the bid of said Chae. Schreiner Bank for the County Depository, to said Bank upon approval of sa Sd pledge oontraot and bond by the State Comptroller. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1973. APPROVAL OF BOND OF DEPOSITORY OF COUNTY SCHOOL FIINDS FOR 10,000.00. ~' This 18th day of February, 1939, came on to be eaemined by the Court the PledgeContract or Hond of Charles Schreiner Bank, (IInincorporated) of Kerrville, Tezae, pledging unto Kerr County (10,000.00 worth of 59~ii Kimble Oounty Road & Bridge Refunding Bonds Series 1937, dated January let, 1937, Numbered from 11 to 20 inaluaive, for the faithful performenoa of its duties ea Depository of all County School Funds of Kerr County, Taaea, and it appearing to the Court that said Bonds are eaoaptabls ae aeourity for auoh school fund depository bond end that said Bonds havo been deposited Dy Chsa. Sohreiner Bank with the Frost National Bank of San Antonio, for the benefit of Kerr County soaording to their receipt attached to original pledge oontract. Therefore, upon motion duly made, aeaond end unanimously adopted, said pledge oontract and bond of Chea. Sohreiner Hank, as County Deposltory of Sohool !'u¢de of Kerr County for the neat two years, be and is hereby aaceptad and approved by the Court ip dupl io ate, the original of which shell be filed by the County Clerk and recorded in the Official Bond Record of Kerr County and the copy thereof to be mailed Dy the County Clerk to the State Department of Eduae- tion together with copy of receipt of Frost National Hank Covering aeourity so pledged. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1974. APPROVAL OF COIINTY DEPOSITORF'S TRIIST FUND BOND. This 18th day oP February, 1939, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court the pledge oontract or bond of Chas. Schreiner Bank, (IInincorporated) of Kerrville, Tezsa, pledging unto Kerr County one 5~ Kerr County Courthouse & Jail Bond No. 85 for X1,000.00, dated Apr. 10, 1926, and one 396 #1000.00 Federal Ferm Mortgage Corporation Coupon Hond ~/37140L, datefl Tan. 15, 1935, maturing Jan. 15, 1947, to aeoure all of the trust funds belonging to the County and Diatriot Clerks of Kerr County for the next two yearn, and it appearing to the Court that said aeourity is good and eufflo iost and that ouch oontract and bond ors in propor legal form. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, ea id .pledge contract ',or bond of Chas, Sohreiner Bank ea County Trust Fund Depository of Kerr County, be and ie y38 aooepted and approved by the Court, and said two bonds ao pledged to Barr County 'S~3 / thereunder, be and are hereby deposited and placed in the custody of John R. Leavell, County Clerk of Kerr County for safe-keeping, name to be held and kept by said County Clerk is his fire-proai vault aub~ect to the further order of the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1975. COURT'S ORDER DESIGNATING COUNTY DEPOSITORY OF S.ERR COUNTY. The State of Tezas, I In Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tessa. 1 County of Kerr. ( February Term, A. D. 1939. Whereas, on the 18th day of February, 1939, the Charley Sahreiner Hank, QUnincorporated) of Kerrville, Tezas, preaeated its bid to not ea County Depository of Kerr County for the nee two years and without payment of interest on daily balances and without aerv foe charge to Kerr County, Tezas, and with the understanding that any unaeeesasrg bookkeeping now as being rendered by depository may be agreed upon between Commiaeiohers' Court and Depository is to be eliminated, said bid including all Panda deposited with and held by it for Kerr County, which hid. was the sole and o~.ly bid received by the Court ae County Depository of $err County for all County Sande for the term of two years ending 60 days after adjournment of '., the regular February, 1941 term of thin Covrt; and, Whereas, said Charlsy Sohre iner Bahk hsa furnished proper bonds Sn the amounts fixed by the Court sa required by law and said bonds were approved by the Court on the 18th day of (February, 1939, and the County Depository bond for ¢50,000.00 wen sent to the State Comptrol: Por approval by him for the State of Tease end e~. dupl io ate-original oP the bond of said Bank ae County Depoe Story for school funds of the County has been sent to the State Department of Education at Austin, Tease, for Piling in that office; now, ~I THEREFORE, said Charles Schreiner Bank, (Unino oppornted) of Kerrville, Tezas, be and ~Ss hereby designated by the Court es the County Depoe ltory oP Kerr County, Teaas, Yor ell county and school funds of Kerr County and for all trust funds of the County sad District Clerks of Ksrr County, for the two year term herein mentioned, and it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, County Tan Collector, County sad Diatrlct Clerks end all other county and precinct off Scare of Kerr County receiving moneys belonging to any fund of Kerr County during said term,. to deposit such moneys Sn the herein designated County Depository. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o _ No. 1978. DISCONTINIIANCE OF DAVIS AND GARC IA PAIIPER ALLOWANCE. Thin 18th day of February, 1939, be and it ie ordered by the Court that the temporary monthly allowances heretofore granted to the following named indigent persona are hereby d isoontinued as follows: Minnie Davie #5.00 Mar is Garcia 8.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 1977. ALLOWANCE TO HISS. ERNEST LOWRANCE FOR THE CARE OF H. E. WILLIFORD CHILDREN. This 18th day of February, 1939, be and it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk ~ieaue and deliver unto Mra. Eraeat Lowrance a warrant on the County Treasurer ageinat the General Fund in the sum of 55.00, this day allowed by the Court, beginning March let, 1939, Ito Mrs. Ernest Lowrance for taking care of H. E. WS1111ord Children, and the Covnty Clark ie hereby authorized sad directed to pay unto said Mra. Ernest Lowrance the sum of X5.00 out I i of the General Fuad each month the reciter for the same purpose, for like amount, until oth~- wiee ordered by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o