~'3 / thereunder, be sad era hereby deposited and planed in the nuatody of John R. Leavell, County Clerk of Kerr County for safe-keeping, same to be held and kept by ea ifl County Clerk Sn hie fire-proof vault aub~eat to tho further order of the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1975. COURT'S ORDER DESIGNATING COUNTY DEPOSITORY OF KERR COUNTY. The State of Teaaa, ~ In Commiasionere' Court of Kerr County, Teaae. I County of Kerr. ! February Term, A. D. 1939. Whereas, on Lhe 18th day of February, 1939, the Charley Sohreiner Hank, ZUnineopporetedl of Kerrville, Tezsa, presented its bid to eat as County Deposltory of Kerr County for the ae~ two years end without payment of interest on daily balances and without aerv foe charge to 8srr County, Tezes, and with the understanding that any unne oeasary bookkeeping now as being rendered by depcaitory may De agreed upon between Commisaionera' Court and Depository is to be eliminated, said bid including all Panda deposited with end held by it for Kerr County, wh ioh did.. wsa the cola and ayly bid reoeived by the Court ae County Depository of Kerr County for ell County funds for the term of two years ending BO days alter adjournment of the regular February, 1941 term of this Court; and, Whereas, said Charlse Sohreiner Bank hen furnished proper bonds in the amounts Plead by the Court ea required by law and said bonds were approved Dy the Court oa thn 18th day of February, 1939, end the County Depository bond far ˘50,000.00 wsa sent to the State Comptrol; for approval by him for the State of Teaae and a. dµplloate-original of the bond of said Bank ae County Depository for school funds of the County hen boon sent to the State Department of Eduoation at Austin, Texas, for filing in that ofPioe; now, THEREFORE, said Charlse Schreiner Baak, {DaineopporatedJ of Kerrville, Teaes, be and is hereby designated by the Court ea the County Depository of Kerr County, Teaes, for ell county and school Panda of $err County and for ell trust Sunda of the County and D1atrloL ~Clerka of Ksrr County, for the two year term herein ment coned, and it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer, County Tea Colleotor, County and District Clarke and all other oounty and precinot off learn of .Kerr County reoeiving moneys belonging to any fund oY Kerr County ~, during said term,. to deposit suoh sioneye in the herein designated County Depository. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 1978. DISCONTINUANCE OF DAVI3 AND GARCIA PAUPER ALLOWANCE. This 18th day of February, 1939, be end St Sa ordered by the Court that the temporary monthly allowanoea heretoPOra granted to the following named indigent parsons are hereby disoontinued ne follows: r Minnie Davis $5.00 Maria Cafcia 8.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 1977. ALLOWANCE TO MRS. ERNEST LOWRANCE FOR THE CARE OF H. E. WILLIFORD CHILDREN. This lflth day of February, 1939, be and St is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk leave and deliver unto Mrs. Ernest Lowrance a warrant on the County Treasurer egalnat the General Fund in the sum of x5.00, this dny allowed by the Court, beginning Meroh let, 1939, to Mrs. Ernest Lowranoe for taking care of H. E. Williford Children, and the County Clerk 'i ie hereby authorized and dlreoted to pay unto said Mrs. Ernest Lowranoe the sum of X5.00 out I of the General Fund snob month thereafter for the same purpose, for like amount, until oth~- ordered by Lhe Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o