- - - - ~~o N0. 1978. CLOSING CENTER AVENUE FOR A DISTANCE OF 530 FEET IN WESTLAND. Thin the 18th day of February, 1939, name on to be heard the applioation oP Kerrville Development and Loan Company by its manager, John R. Furman, asking that Center Avenue in Weatland, Karr County, Teaas, be oloaed from the S. E. aide of Lvcile Street to the N. W. aide oY Milton Street, a distance of 630 feet, and the Court niter hearing said appllo etion ie of the opinion that same is wall taken. It is therePOre ordered and decreed by the Court that Center Avenue in Weatland Addition to Kerrville, Kerr County, Teaas, ba and the same ie hereby ordered oloaed from the S. E. aide of Lucile Street trD the N. W. aide oP Milton Street, a distanoe of 530 feet. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Yorego ing minutes from Page 433 to 440, iao lueive, were read in open Court and Sound oorrect, and are hereby in all respects approved by the Court, thin the /~ day of March, A. D. 193(9. Attest: ~. ~, ~a-OC..,,-e~-2/' ~- ounty er n y u ge, err oun y, e x a e. ~9 31~ 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 FRANCHISE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF RERRVLLLE TO LAY WATER LINES, ETC., THE STATE OF TE7CAS, COUNTY OF KERB. ~ Zn accordance with an order entered by the Commisalonera Court of Rerr County, Texas, on January 9th, 1939, recorded in Book I, Page 429, of the Minutes of the Commiasionera' Court of Kerr County, Tease, the County of Rarr does hereby, grant to the City oP Kerrville, and its aesignes, a franchise right and right-of-way at all times during a period of Pifty years Prom the date of said order, to oonatruot, extend, maintain and operate, sa well as to do everything proper or neoeasary to the construction, eztenaion and malntenanoe of water lines upon, under, aorosa the property hereinafter described. No. 1. All that strip of land out of Survey No. 113, in the name of Samuel Wallace, being 50 Peet in width, the center line of which begins at a point in the N. E. line of Highway No. 27, eat 189 Peet and 9 inches S. 38 degrees 55' E. from the interseotion oP said highway line with the division line oP the Seoor and McKinley and the Mosty property. Thence N. 45 degrees E. 2219 feet to the end of this ,street. No. 2. Being a strip of land out of Survey No. 113, in the name oP Samuel Wallace, 50 ~ feet wide the center line oP which begins at a point in the S. E. line of another 50 foot street described above, which point is located 9. 38fiegreea 55' E. 189 feet and 9 inches, N. 45 degrees E. 2194 feat, and 25 Peet S. 45 degrees E. from the intersection of the N. E..liae of highway 27, with the property line of Seoor and Mo8lnley and Harvey Mosty. Thenoe S. 45 degrees E. 570 feet 9 inohee to the N. W. end oY the middle~~line of "W" Street in Oak Park Addition. No. 3. Being a strip of land, out oP Survey No. 113, in the name of Samuel Wallace, lying along its east line, and being 28 feet in width, the oenter line of whioh begins at a point in the N. E. line of highway 27, 13 feet N. 45 degrees W. from its intersection with said Survey line. Thence N. 45 E. 2230 feet to the S. E. line of lent above described atreetway which is an eztenaion of the S. W. line of ^W^ Street in Oak Park Addition. No. 4. All~the streets and alleys in Oak Park Addition to Kerrville, Tease, as shown by plate and field notes are reoorded in Vol. 42, Page 499, et. seq., and Pol. 45 page 596, et.• seq., of the Deed Reoords oP Kerr County, Teaas, to which referenoe is hereby made Par the purpose of further description of said property, and in so far only as Kerr County has e right to grant a franohiae Por the purposes above mentioned. ~~'~ recorded in the Deed Reoorda of Kerr County, Tezae, to wh ioh refereaoe is hereby made for .-- purpose of further deecrlpt Son of said property; Alsa ell other streets and sl3eye now used ae auah by Lhe owns re of property in ea id addition. No. 6. All the etreeta and alleys in Cartuok Add it Son ae shown by plot and field notes, reoorded in the Deed Aeaorde of Kerr County, Tezas, to whioh refereaoe is hereby made for purpose of further deeariptlon of ae id property; Also ell other etreeta and alleys now used ea suoh by the owners of property 1n said addition. No. 7. All the etreeta and alleys in Jehkine Addition ea ahowt by plat sad field notes, reoorded in the Deed Reoorde of Kerr County, Tezae, to wh fah refereaoe ie hereby made for purpose of further description of said property; Also ell other etreeta and alleys now used as such by the owners of property Sn said addition. ~ (2) That, suoh oonstruotion, melntenanae, and operation may inolude the aonstruotion and me inteaanoe along, ac roes, over sad under all the above desoribed property for water lines terale for the purpose of ee ruing the ouatomere of ea id City of Kerrville Water Department. .(3) That ae ooad itlone for the aohtinuatlon for these rights, the oonatruotion end mnintenanos of ae ld water linen and laterals shall by the owner thereof be aonatructed sad maintained Sa auah a manner ea to not interfere with the up-keep end mnintenanoe of said roads and etreeta by Kerr County; To oonatruot and maintain said water lines in suoh a manner ae to not materially lnaonvenienoe Lhe inhab itante along the etreeta anfl roads where said water lines are ezteaded. (4) Hy the nooeptanoe of this Frsaahiea, the City of Kerrville eapresaly assumes the reaponalbility for any an8 all damages that may soerue to any prlvate person, persona, f1m or oorporetion by reason of the oonetruction, laying or maintensaoe of ea id Water lines, sad does hereby absolve the County of Kerr of any and all damages and Lax-suits in any Court of Juriediotion, that might arise in connection with the conetruotion, laying or maiatenanoe of eald water line e. (5) Said water linen to be oonatruoted under the direoLion of a Registered Profesalonal Engineer and eocording to adopted standard methods. The Commissioner of Prec inot No. 1 of .-- Karr County, Teaas, or his auoaesaora in ofPlce, shall be oonaulted Dy said CSty of Kerrville before prooeed Saga with the oonetruction of or laying of said water lines. (8) Thie instrument to De reoorded in the Minutes of the Commieaionera Court of Barr (County, Tesae, and a certified oopy of same to be delivered to the City of Kerrville, whioh shall serve ae its Franchise and authority wit bout any further grant or prooedure. DONE IN OPEN COURT, ell members present end votin~ • (~/(J~// oun y J u gs. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEKAS, 1 ( COUNTY OF KERB. ( HE PT REMEMBERED, that on this the 4th day of March, A. D. 1939, there wen begun and holden a Speoial Term of the Commiasioaera~ Court oP Kerr County, Teaas, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Teaas, off Seers present: Sohn 9. Atkins County Judge, _ Henry Eokatein Commissioner Preo fact No. 1, D. D. Beard .. Commissioner Preoinot No. 2, A. F. Moore, Sheriff, sad Jno. R. Le evelli County Clerk, end the Court having been regularly opeaei, /the following prooeedinga were had, to-wit:- NO. ]~99. QIIALIFICATIOAiBF1iR.::'Dd.::HANES A3 QONSTABLE OF PRECINCT N0. 1 of KERR COUNTY. 15 7q