N~ y ~ NO,. 2013. APRII. REPORT OF MRS. PEARL CRANES, CODNTY CASE WORKER. Thin 8th dny of May, A. D. 1939, oeme on to be heard Lhe report of Mrs. Pearl 6raaea, County Ceae Worker for Kerr County, wh Soh report be end is hereby aooepted and approved by the Court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reiereao e. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2014. QIIARTERLY REPORT OF JNO. R. LEAVELL, CODNTY CLERK, ON FINES, JIIDGMENT3, JIIRY FEES This the Bth day of May, A. D. 1939, oems on to De ezemined by the Court the quarterly report of John R. Leavell, County Clerk, covering all fines imposed, ~udgmeate rendered end fury fees oolleoted in the County Court of $err County, for qunrter ending Apr11 30th, 1939, and it appearing to the Court after oareful audit of said report that same Se oorredt, and seidreport ie approved by the Court eocordingly. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2015. PDRCHASE OF 1} TON TRUCK FOR PRECINCT N0. 4. This the 8th day of May, A. D. 1939, oeme oa to be opened and ooneidered by the Court the txo bide received for the sale to Cpmmlealoaer s' Preoiaot No. 4 of Kerr County of a new 1} Top Truok to be used for the preoinot'e road work as follows; A. G. Rodgers, One D 30 International 1} Toa 32z6 Real 650zE0 front X808. Wayne Anthony Dump Body 1} to 3 yds. 290. Kerr County Motor Co., Lnp., A 1} ton Ford v II Dump Truok oomplete with Gar Wood Hydraulic Dump Bsd, Overload 3pringe, equipyed with 8:00 z 20 Front and 32 z 8, 8 ply deal real tires sad wheels Bb HoraspmMer Dump truok aomDlste, 95 Horsepower Dwpp truok oomplete, And diesount of p60.00 on either unit Sf no trade-Sn. And it appearing to the Court that the bid of A. 6. Rodgers for x1098.00 Se the best bi offered, name be and ie hereby aooepted by the Court, and the County Clerk ie hereby authori- zed.to issue nod deliver unto A. G. Rodgers a warrant on the County Treasurer drawn egainet the R. 8;~8. Fund of Preoinot No. 4 for the sum of x1098.00 in payment of said trunk end dump body. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o _ ~~ DTO. 2018. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1, APRIL. w This the 8th day of May, A. D. 1939, name on to be ezamined and audited by the Court the report of Ed. W. 3peoksle, Juetioe of the Peaoe of Preo inat No. 1 of Kerr County, for the month of April, 1939, of the orlminal fees filed, fines, Sudgmeat and jurg fees oolleoted, showing the sum of '44.40 oolleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer, entltldng him eoaording to said report to a foe of x39.00, and SL appearing to the Court that snid report Se oorrect, same tte end is hereby approved, and the County Clerk and County Treasurer are therefore authorized and dlreoted to pay unto JuaLios Speokele the said sum of x39.00 ea follpxa: x17,b5 out of the Road And Bridge Fund and x21,45 out of the General Fuad. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2017. ADTHORIZING PAYMENT OF x318.00 and =35.00 RESPECTIPELY ODT OF BSRR CO. LT. RD. FD. WHEREAS, on the 27th day of January, 1937, an order was made and passed by this Honor- agle Cpmmieeioners' Court to plnae '350.00 out of the $err County Lateral Roed Fund in eaorow for the purohaae of ~} so rea of land out of Survey No. 88, Sa the name of Wm. Watt for right of way pu;pones for Highway No. 27 between $errville and Center Point, Tezae, pending the dsoieion of the Dietriot Court in Cause No. 2121, styled Mrs. Ids J. W. Limberger and huabead va. Ilra. Georgia E. Wehmeyer and husband, and, WHEREAS, oa the 29th day of 1M