Said appliaent be and is therefore allowed the sum of X5.00 in Dash out of the General Runde ASS beginning August, 1939, and hereafter to be paid on the lst'~:and'.15th of each month until further notice of this Court, to be paid to her by regular warrant issued by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer. 0-O-a-,O-o~-O-o-a-A-a-Or O-.Oe-p N0. 2054. RESDLUl'ION AGAINST MEETING OR COMMUNIST PARTY IN NEIGHBORING CITY OF SAN ANTONIO.' On this the 14th day of August, 1939, the following resolution wee unanimously adopted: by the Commisaionera' Court~gf %err County, Texea, as follows:- ` .: r~I , %errville, Tazea, .. _. .. _ _, .. Auguet~ i4,-.1939, A. D. WHEREAS, it has come tc the attention of the $err County Commiasione~e' Court that a meeting of .the Cgmmuniat Party Ye'soheduled to be ha1Q in the ,Yunioipal Auditoriwn in the Cit of San Aatoaio,'Tazas,.on August Z5; 1939, with the approbation of city authorities; AND WHEREAS, a Communiatla~.form of~government iq dianabr:ically opposed to the ppinaiplds of democracy as laid down by Thomas T9fferaon and other.fpuAders of 'the ,land in which we live ... Now, THERF:E'ORE, rya ~ths County Commissioners' Court .of $err County, Tessa, in regular meeting assembled,. unanimously deplore the fact that our neighboring city.of,8an Antonio hen assn fit to condone tiie assembly Of persona fathering sAd fgatering a movement, which, 1n our opinion is subversive and designed to Dave the way for e.plague pf barbarism and outlawry. The stench of the proposed Commuaiat}e meeting is rpada doublF Offanaiae by resaox~ of the faRt that it is to he held in a building erected by yul?Jaie-spirited citizens 6o the memory,of American acns who gave their lives fighting for the'Pr1Rolplasof democracy. And it is the hope of this body that the people of. ,gouthwgat Tezsa, who consider San Antonio a sort of "mother city", in unison will arise and protest to the uttermost this contemplated slap at the traditioha that are held ssared~by ell,thoae who revere the safe- guards and the armor of true Americanism. AND it is ordered by this Honorable Court that hie resolution be spread upon the minute of the Court, and that the resolution bo given a o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2055. APPROPAL OF TA% ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR'S MO?^fFII,Y This 14th day of August, 1934,'came on to be ezaminad~by the Court the monthly eapenae report of E. H. Nichols, Taz Assessor and Collector for the month of July, 1939, showing an actual and necessary ezpenae of X53.85, incurred by him in the conduct of his office during Bald month oP July, 1939, and it appearing to the Court that said Tea Assessor and Collector is entitled to the eapanditure of all the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o