Said applicant be and Sa therefore allowed the sum of $6.00 in aseh out of the General P'uad.• ASS beginning August, 1939, and hereafter to be paid on the lst'nande~l5th of eaoh month until further notioe of this Court, to be paid to her by regular xerrant issued by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer. o,o -o -,o- o-o -o-o-o -o -o- o-,a.,n N0. 2054. RESDLD'1'ION AGAINST MEETING OF COMMCNIST PARTY IN NEIGBBORING CITY OF SAN ANTONIG.: On thla the 14th day of August, 1939, the following resolution wee unanimously adopted,. by the Commisslonere' Court f Barr County, Texas, ea follows:- ., ^~~~. . 'C~ .. ~ .. %arrville, Texas, ... -. - - August 14,-:1939, A. D. wFIEREAS, it has come tc the attention of the %err County Commiaslohe;a' Court that s meeting of .the Cgmmuniat.Party ie soheduled to ba half in the.MUniclpal Auditorium in the Cit of San Antonio, Pexas,.on Augue~ t5; 1939, with the approbation of olty authorities; AND WAEREAS, a Communiati˘~:farm oP~:government~iq diaaatrloa9:ly 4ppoasd to the prinoiplda of democracy as laid dowA by Thomas Jefferagn and other .fqupd@rq o; 'the .land in whioh wa live How, T$ERF~'ORE, +rya the OOUnty Commissioners' Court,of $eYr Gounty; Tsaaa, in regular meeting assembled„ unanimously deplore.the fact that our neighborigg o1ty.Pf.san Antonio has seen oondona tqe assembly of persona fathering.sAd fgateriag a movem@nt, which, in our opinion is subversive and designed to Have the way for a.pleeu@ gf,barbariam and outlawry. The atenoh oP the proposed Commuaist~a meeting is Iµada doubly gffonaise by reaaog of th@ faCt that it is to be held in a building erect@d by poplin-spirited ciLlzena bo the memory~af Amerlcan scns who gave their lives fighting for to@"pxj,aoiplos ˘f damgoraoy, . And it is the hope of this body that the people of, $outhwgat Tezsa, xho oonaider San Antonio s sort of "mother oity", in unison will arise and protest to the uttermost this contemplated slay at the traditioha that are held snored by all those who revere the safe- gueada and the armor of true Ameriaaniam. AND it is ordered by this Fionorabla Court that ~rhis resolution be spread upon the minute of the Court, and that the resolution bogiven proper bl ity. oun y u ge. , mnar, reo .., o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2055. APPROVAL OF TA% ASSESSOR AN$ COLLECTOR'S MOSlTHLY This 14th day of August, 1939,"camp on to be ezaminad by the Court the monthly eapanae report of E. ft. Niohola, Tax Assessor and Collector for the month of July, 1939, showing an actual and neoessary expense of x53.85, incurred by him in the conduct of hie offioe during said month of July, 1939, and it appearing to the Court that said Taz Assessor and Collector is entitled to the expenditure of all the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o