y ~ 3 ft0. 2094. ADOPTION OF THE COSl1VTY BUDOBT FOR 1940 AND L69Y OF 1939 COUNTY TA%ES. TH6 STATE OF TESAS, ~ In Commiaeionere' Court, Kerr Connty, Texea. COUNTY OF YERR. ~ lagnet Term, A. D. 1939. BE IT RffiSSE03'r.'RBD, that on this the 19th day oP Augnet, 1939, Lhs Commlaalonere' Court 02 the Connty oY Kerr, State of Tezaa, convened in regalar session, present and presiding John 8. Atkins, Oounty Judge and all membrrs of the Court being present, Dame on Por oon- elderation the 4dopLion oY the County Budget ae prepared by the Ooonty Judge sad Connty Clerk end Filed with the County Olerk for publ io inapeotion. Proper aotioss having been given on the 15th day oY August, L. D. 1939, by the County Jndga by the posting of a copy oY said notloe et the Court Hones door in the Oity oY Kerrv Slls, Teaes, a Dopy of whioh notioe being etLaohed to ^eid budget. Tao interested taz-payers appearing before the Court, after thorough ezaminat ion end oonaideretion oY said Connty Budget by the Coart, apoa motion made, eeoonded and ananimoue- ly adopted, said County Budget Por 1940 sa hsretoPore oompiled by the County Judge and County C1srk, and tentatively approved by the Court at its lest Regular Seeaim, be and Se hereby approved end adopted by the Court. It Se therefore ordered by the Court that County, Road, Sohool and 9peoiel tease for Kerr County, Tezge, Por the year 1939, be and are hereby levied et the fo11ow1ng rates based on eeoh X100.00 ve lnation, to-sit: ~~I Jary Fund 4 sent e, 8oad & Hrldge Fuad, 6 Dente, General Fnnd, 2b Dante, Kerr County Road Hond Sinking Fund, E0 seats, Court Hoaae & Jail Sinking Fund, 12 saute. tt~__ Naking a total oonnty-vide taz rate oY Sizty-Seven Dents on eeoh $100.00 valuation. " Ooonpe Lion taxes, one~half that oharged by the State oY Tezae, County Poll taz, 25 Dents on eeoh male end Yemala. • Road Dletriot No. 1 Sinking Fnnd, five Dente on eeoh X100,00 va laaLioa. For Connty Sohool Diatrlote tazee ere levied ee follO~a: Sohool Dietriat No. 2, 60 Oeata Yor maintenanoe, Snhool Dletriot fto. 2, 60 Dente for sinking Ynad, Sohool Dietriat No. 3, 75 Dente Yor mainteasnoe, ' Sohool Dletriot No. 4, 20 Dante Yor meintenenoe, ' Sohool Dietrlot No. 6, 25 Dente for malnLenenoe, Sohool Diatriat fto. 7, 15 Dente for main Lenanoe, • Sa hool Dletriot No. 8, 50 Dente Yor mnintenano a, 9ahool DieLriat No. S, 20 Dente Yor sinking Pund, Sohool Dletriot No. 9, ~~ EO Dente for maintenanos, Sohool Dietrlot No. 10, 25 Dente Yor maintenano s,• Sohool Dletriot No. 11, 15 Dents Yor maintenanoe, Sohool Dletriot No. 12, 15 oehta Por meantenanae, Sohool Dletriot No. 13, 30 Dents Yor meintenanoe, Sohool Dietrlot No. 14, ~ ;1.00 Yor ail intenenoe end sinking Pend, Sohool Dletriot No. 17, no Tax _ , Sohool District No. 18, LO Dente Yor maintenenaa, Sohool Dietrlot fto. 19, 50 oe ate Yor maintenanoe, Sohool Dietrlot No. 20, 50 Dente Por maiatenano e, 3ahool Dletriot No. E6, 10 aenta Por mainteaenoe, Sahool Distriot No. 27, for maintenanoe. ~ ~ p -~- Cou n ge, err onn y, a z a e. 1/.~„~..1 (p~!,~-cyr-c Commieei er, Praoinot No. 1, `~/~`. ,Q) ,.-.-.-y Oommieeloner, Praoinot No. 2, J~~ Commleeloner, Prw Snot No. 3, Commissioner, Praoinot No. 4. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 2075. RBd[OVAL OF PSDDLERS, TRUCKS AND B8NOH88 FROM COURT HOUSB SQUARB. On this the 19th day of August, A. D. 1939, aems on to b• heard anfl oonaidered objeot- lene made by various oitizene of Kerr County, Tszsa, in regards to the peddlers, fruit truoka, end vegetable truoka now oaoupying the Court Houe• Square or Blook, and also the benohes sow boated on the Coart House Square or Biook, Chet same should bs removed from the Court House Ognare or Blook. And it appearing to the Oonrt that said ob~eotiona are well taken and that said peddlers, fruit truoka end vegetable truoka and benohse ehonld be removed from the Court House 9gaere or Blook. It ie therefore ordered bq the Court that said peddlers, frait trnoke end vegetable trnoke shall vaoete said Court House square or blook by the lot day of September 1939. And it ie further ordered by the Court that the benohse now looeted on the Oourt Houe• Square or Blook be vaoated and removed by not later than the let day of September, 1939. And the County Clerk is herebyorde red to mall a certified copy of this order to the City of Kerrville, Texas. 5-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THS 9TAT8 OF TEAS, ~ In Commiseionere' Oourt oY Kerr County, Tezea. No. E076. OOUNTY OF KSRR. 1 August Term, A. D. 1939. On this the 19th day of duguet, 1939, Dame on to be oonaidered the various applioatione for appointment of Jaetioe of the Peaoe of Praoinot No. 1, of Kerr County, Tezea, which said offio• was veaeted by the death of Iid. A. Speokels, former Jnetiae of the Peaoe of said Prsainet. After due ooneideration by the Court on Motion made by Wm. Kerger, seoonded by T. J. Yooro, and submitted to a vote, Am. Kerger, T. J. Moore and D. D. Beard voted "yea" and Henry L+oketein voted "no" for the appointment of Bob Bennett, one of the epplloenta ae Jne- tio• of the Peaoe of Praoinot No. 1. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said Bob Bennett be and he le hereby appoints Jastiaa of the Peaoe of Preoinat No. 1, to fill the nnezpired term of Bd. F. Speokels, deoeae ed, apon tiling hie ofYioial bond in the enm of $1,000.00 end after approval of said bond She he duly qualify ae auoh Jnetios of the Peaoe of Praoinot No. 1, by taking the oath required by lnw. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Yoregoing minutes on Page 457 to 464, inclusive, were aead'Sn open Court end Yound correct, and ere hereby in ell reapeate approved, by the Court, this the ~~ day of September, A. D. 1939. , Attest: ounty er y a gs, •rr onn T a z e e. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- -o-a-o-o THR STATB OF TEKAS, ~ COUNTY OF KID88. ( BB IT 8~[ID®ERED, that on thle the 21st day of Anguat, A. -. 193®, th• • was began end holden a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tezea, et the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Tezea, oYfioere present: Joan S. Atkins County Jadge.