School District No. 27, Yor maintenanoa. ~ ~ p ~ Cou a ge, err onn y, o a e e. LOC~~~> Commieei er, Preoinat No. 1, e Oommieeioner, Precinct No. 2, ~~~ ~ Commissioner, Preoinat No. 3, . ~ Commissioner, Preo aunt No. 4. o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. E075. RBa[OVLL OF PBDDLERS, TRUCKS AND BBDiCH88 FROM COURT ROUSS SQUARS. On this the 19th day of dugnet, A. D. 1939, Dame on to b• heard end considered objeot- imne made by various oitizena of Kerr County, Tezea, in regards to the paddlers, fruit trunks, end vegetable trucks now occupying th• Court Roue• Square or BlooY, and oleo the benches now looated on the Court Rouen 8quara or Bloak, that same should b• removed Yrom the Court Houae Ognare or Block. And it appearing to the Court that said objections are wall taken and thst said peddlers, fruit trucks and vegetable truoka end benahea should bs removed Yrom the Court House 9gnare or Block. It ie therefore ordered by the Court that said peddlers, Yrnit traaka and vegetable trucks shall vacate said Court House square or block by the let day oY September 1939. End it is further ordered by th• Court that the benches now looated on the Oourt Houae Square or Block be vaoatsd and removed Dy not later than the let day oY September, 1939. And the County Clerk is hereby ordered to mail a oertifled copy oP thin order to the City of Kerrville, Texas. 6-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THB STATS OF TBBAS, 1 In Co~iaeionere' Oourt oY Kerr Oounty, Tease. 1 No. 2076. OOUNTY OF KBRR. 1 lugust Term, ®. D. 1939. On this the 19th day oY August, 1939, Dame on to be considered the various applioatione for appointment of dnetiae oY the Peace oY Precinct No. 1, oY Karr County, Tezes, which aeid oYYio• was vaoatsd by the death oY Iid. A. 9peokele, former Jnatioe oY the Peace oY said Preoinet. After due oonaideration by the Court on Motion made by wm. Karger, seconded by T. J. Moors, and submitted to a vote, lfm. Karger, T. J. Poore and D. D. Beard voted "yee° and Henry ls'okatein voted "no" Yor the appointment of Bob Bennett, one of the applicants ee Jna- tio• of the Peace of Precinct No. 1. It is therefore ordered by th• Court that aeid Bob Bennett be .and he ie hereby appoints Justine oY the Peace of Preainot No. 1, to Yill the aneapired term oY Sd. W. 3peokele, deoeae ed, apon Piling hie oYYioiel bond in the sum oY $1,000.00 and eater approval oY aeid bond the he duly quality ae each Juatios oY the Pesos oY Prsoinat No. 1, by taking the oath required by law. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Tha foregoing minutes on page 45.7 to 464, inalueiv@, were reed~in open Court and Mound oorreo£, and are hereby in all respects approved, by the Court, Chia the ~~ day of September, A. D. 1939. ttteeti • ounty er Judge, err onn T • a a a. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o TH& STAT$ 09' T&XAS, COUNTY 08 KBRR. ~ BB IT 8BMID03ISftSD, that on this the Elat $ay of Anguet, •. D. 18:8, Lhs wsa begun end holden a Speolal Term oY the Commissioners' Court oY Kerr Oonnty, Tezes, at the Court Hoagie thereof, in tho town of Kerrville, Tease, oYYioere preeentt John S. Atkins Coaaty Judge,