f~(e S ~ Henry Eoketeln.. .•.-. ...-. Commissioner, Fraoinot No. 1, D. D. Beard .~Commiaeioner, Preoiaat Do. 2, Wm. Barger Oo®ieeioner, Preoinot Bo. 3, T. J. Poore .. Commieeloner, Preoinot Bo. 4, d. F. Poore, Sher1YY, and. Jno. $. Lee ve ll, County Clerk. end the Court having been regalerly opened, the following prooead inge were had, to-wit: N0. E077. The Btate oY Tease, { In Commieeionere' Oonrt oP %err Coaaty, Tezae. { County o4 Tarr, { bpeolal dugnst Tarm, d. D. 1939. Th1e the 21st day oP duguet, d. D. 1939, name on to be azamined by the Court the oiPioiel bond oP Bob Bennett, appointed Por Juetioe oP the Peaoe oP preolnct No. 1 of %err County, Teza e, at the Regular Seeel on of trio Commieslonere' Court at its duguet Term, and ~"' St appearing to the Court that eald bond, da good and euP PSOlent, end that said bond ahoald be approved by the Court. Therefore, aeon motion daly made, eaoondsd end ananimo uely adopted, said bond be and Sa hereby approved 6y the Court, and said oPPloer ie hereby direoted to Sake the proper oath of oPPioe ae required by law, and said bond shall be recorded by the County Clerk in the proper reoord of his 6PPioe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o State of Tezae, 1 In Commiealonera' Court of Kerr Coaaty, Tszae.• Bo. 8078. County oP Barr. Speoiel duguet Term, •. D. 1989. This Elet aey of lag uet, 1939, came on Lo be ooneidered by the Court the petition of T. d. Moore, Commissioner oY Preainot Po. 4, asking that a nslghborhood or eeoond olata r oed be established in aeid preoiaot and Coaaty, over nn8 She ronte harednaiter mentioned. dad it appearing to the Court that said Commissioner and property ownsrn in oloae vioindty ere entitled to suah road, said petlti on be and ie hereby granted ee preyed Por, and aeid road be end ie hereby opened end established ee a eeoond oleee pnb lio road over and along the following route, viz: That portion oY whet Se known as Stark and Rose Roed Prom its interesotion with High- way tin- 38 between W. H. Orlder'a Store and Heart oY the HSlle Inn, thenoe in a eoutherm d Sreotion eo roes the South Fork, and 100 Peet from the water's edge Prom the inside oP a oattle guard on aeid rnad. lad the Commissioner oP Praainot No. 4 Se hereby authorized end direoted to work said road ea a pert oP the road eyetem oP hie preainot at the ezpenee of Barr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o • The Porogoing minutes tYOm Paga 464 Lo 46b, inolaeive, ware road in open Court and Youpd aorreot, and are hereby 3n all respeote approved by the Conrt, this the (Q~ day oP September, •. D. 1889. l attest: oun ark. n y age, err oan y, ezae. F o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o THE STATE OF TEXAS, COONTY OF RERR. { BE IT REIdENHEREA, that on this the yth day of September, A. D. 1939, there wan begun end holden a Special Term of the Co˘miaeionere' Court of Kerr County, Tezee, at the Court House thereof, in the town of %errville, Tezas, offiaera present; John S. Atkins County Judge, Henry Eokete Sn Commissioner, Preoinat No. 1, D. D. Beard .. Commissioner, Preoinot No. 2,