~6 ~ II Attest: u ~~~°r ~~=,R. ~cy auage, xerr Oounty~ s z s s. 000-000-000-000-000-0 0-000-000 THE STATE OF TESAS, ~ 1 COONTY OF BBRR. ~ HE IT REMEMBERED, that on thin 11th day of September, A. D. 1939, thi wen begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commisaionera~ Court of Serr County, at the Court House thereof, is the Lawn of $errville, Tszae, offioera present: John 3. Atkins, County Judge, Hoary Eokateia, Commi aeioaer, preoinot No. 1, D. D. Beard, .. Cammienioner, Preolnot No. 2, Wm. Barger,... .. Commieaioner, Prsfinet No. 3, T. J. Poore, .. Commieaioaer, preoinot Ho. 4, A. F. MOOre, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, and the Court having Dean regularly opened, the following prooeediags were had, to-xit: N0. E081. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOiRdrS. This 11th day of September, p. D. 1939, came on to be examined and audited by the Court, the various aleime sad eocounts filed agalaet Serr County end its respeotive Commiseioaere~ Preoinote eiaoe last Larm of the Court, all of rd: Soh eoaouhte and claims xere approved Dy the Court for peymant~by the County Clerk is amounts sad out of respeotive Sunda ea ahoxa, by the minutes of accounts allowed for %err County, Tezea, whlah are made n pert of this order. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. E082. TRANSFER OF X7.50 FROM ROAD k BRIDGE FDND N0. 3 TO ROAD p BRIDGE FDND A0. E. This 11th day of September, 1939, the County Treasurer of Serr County be nad he Se hereby authorized and directed by the Court to transfer the sum of #7.b0 from the Hoad k Hrldgs Fund No. 3 Fund to Hoad and Bridge No. E Fund, for payment for three algae used by Prea Snot No. 3 to be applied for the payment of said aigne, and the County Clerk shall oherge said R, k H. No. 3 Fuad with said ~7. 50 so transferred on the books of Die offioe. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o_o-o-o-o N0. E083. APPROVAL OF FINAL REPORT OF JDBTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECIIdCT N0. L. This the 11th day of September „A. D. 1939, oame oa to be examined and audited by the Cou the Final Report of Ed. W. Speokele, Deaeaeed, Juatloa of the Peaoe of Preo laot No. 1 of Barr County, for the Final Report of 1939, of the Cr Smlasl fees filed, fines, ~udgmeat nad awry fe oolleoted, showing the avID of ;151.55 oolleote6 and deposited with the County Treasurer, en- titling him eaoordiag to said report to a fee of ~b7.00, end 1L appearing to the Court that said FINAL REPORT Sa aorreot, name be and Sa hereby approved, end the County Clerk and County • Treasurer are therefore authorized and directed to pay unto the legal eurviv ing heirs of ea id Ed. W. Speo ~ oeaeed, namely, Mra. Ed. W. Speokele, Mrs. M. L. Antony and ICs. Rudolph Wsiee, tae said sum of >f57.00 ae_folloxe: =8.00 out of the Road and Bridge Fuad sad X51.00 out of the General Fund. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 2084. ALLOWANCE OF 20.50 TO ED. W. BPECHELS, DECEASED, FOH BIRTHS a DEPTHS. This the 11th day of September, A. D. 1939, St appearing to the Court that the ae id Ed. W. Speokels, deoeaeed, is entitled to tae sum of ~E0.50 for registering Births k Deaths for Preo Snot No. 1 of Eerr County, Tszae, to be paid out of the General FuaA., it Se therefore ooaeldered and ordered by the Court that tae County Clerk end County Treasurer are therefore authorized and direa tsd to pay unto Lhe legal and aurvlving heart of said Ed. W. 3peokele, Deoeaeed, femeiy,-Mrs. Ed. W. 3peokele, ICs. M. L. Antony sad Mrs. Rudolpa Weiss, the avid