~~O /~ ~ N0. 2091. APPROVAL OF TAI AE~SSOH AND COLLECTOR`S MONTHLY REPORT. This 11th day of September, 1939, came oa to be azeminsd by the Court the noathly ezpeae ~^ p~ report of E. H. Yiohols, Taz Assessor and Colleofor for the month of Anguat, 1939, showing an eotuel and necessary ezpeass of X10.82, Snourred by him in the conduot of hie office during said month of AuguaL, 1939, and it appearing to the Court that said Taz Assessor and Colleot- or is entitled to the ezpend iture of all the items therein listed, said report be and Se here by approved for the full amount by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 209E. FRANCHISE -- CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT CDlC?ANY. On this the 11th day of September, A. D. 1939, at n regular meet Sag of the Commisa ionara` Count of Kerr County, Tezea, upon motion duly made and seconded, the following order wan naenimouely adopted: THE STAT% OF TEZAS, ~ COUNTY OF KERR. ~ BE LT HEYEI®ERED that there was begun sad holden a Regular Term of the Honorable Commlesioaere Court of %err County, Tezae, at the Court House of auoh County in the Town of %errville, Tezee, oa the 11th day of September, A. D. 1939. present Hon. john S. Atklna ,. County Tudgs P»aeat Hon. Henry Eeksteis, County Commiaaioaer Preoiaot No. 1 Yreaent Hon. D.. D. Beard, Connty Commissioner Pnoinot No. 2 Preeeat Boa. Wm. E'srger, County Commlee inner Praolaot No. 3, Present Hon. T. T. Moore, County Commieaioaer Preoinot No. 4 Preeeat Hoa. Tno. R. Lsagall, County Clerk Preeeat Hon. Walter Pet eah, County Attorney Presaat Hoa. A. F. Moore, Sherlif Whereupon, among other business traaeaoted, the following proceed Inge were had, to-wit: The following Order wan introduoed and upon lnatruotiona from the County dodge was read in full to the Honorable Commieeloaera Court by the County Clerk: AN ORDER GRANTING TO CENTRAL PW08R AND LICHT COMPANY, ITS S~CES30R3 Aj1D ASSIGNS, RICHT uAND AU'IIiORITY TO ERECT, CONSTRDCT, MAINTAIN, EITBND, RENEW AND OPERATE A SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES AND ELECTRIC DISTRIHDTION 3YSTE18 ALONG THE PRESENT RIOT OF WAY OF SAID CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY A3 NOW DEED, OPERATED AND YAMTAII3D BY THEY, WITHIN THE LZ11I OF PRECINCT N0. 3 OF %ERR COUNTY, TEIAS.. HE IT ORDERED SY THE COLD117 ColOfI98I0NER5 COiJRT OF EERR COUNTY, TEIAS: 8sa tion 1. Central Power end Light Comyany, its suooseaora and assigns, hereinafter nailed Grantee, ie hereby granted the right and authority to ereot, oonatruat, maintain, eztead, renew and operate a aystea of oleo trio treasaaieeioa lines anfl sleotrla dietrlbutioa systems along Lhe present right-of-way of said Central Power end Light Compsny, ae now used, operated and msin- tnlned bq them, xithin the limits of Frsoinot No. 3, %err County, Tezea, and, for ea id purpose to orosa over the hlghwayn and to eater upon or below end use the public roads, streets, alley sad other publio arena under the control or juriadiation of %err County, Tezee, in acoordanoe with the laws of the State of Tezee sad the terms and oond it Soas of this Order. Seotloa 2. All poles, wires, oablea and'all neoessary apparatus sad appurtenanose oonstruo ted and operated under the right and authority hereby granted shall be so pleosd sad maintaiaad as not to impair the naeiulneea of the highways, publio roads, streets, alleys sad other publio arses is eRid Pre0lnot No. 3, and the right @nd authorities gereby granted shall at all tines be