~6 ~ N0. 2091. APPROVAL OF TAZ ASS$SSOR AND: COLLECTOR'S MONTHLY REPORT. .--_ Th1a 11th day of September, 1939, aeme oa to be exemiaed by the Court the noathly ezpeae ~ report of E. H. Niohols, Taz Assessor and Colleo for for the month of August, 1939, showing as notuel sad necessary expense of X10.82, inourred by him is the ooaduot of hie office during said month of August, 1939, and St appearing to the Court that said Tux Asae seer and Collect- or ie entitled to the ezpend iture of all the items therein listed, said report be and Se here by approved for the full amount by the Court. 000-000-000-000-000-000-000 N0. 2092. FRANCHISE -- CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT Q01~ANY. On this the Slth day of September, p, D. 1939, nt a regular meetlag of the Commisa ioaere' Court of %err County, Tezea, upon motion duly made and esaoaded, the following order was nnaalmouely adopted: THE STATE OF TEYAS, ~ COUNTY OF %ERR. ~ HE IT ~IOfl03ERED that there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Roaorable Commieaionera Court of %arr County, Texas, at the Court Home of amh County in the Town of %errville, Tezse, oa the 11th day of September, p, D. 1939. Present Hoa. Toha S. Atklna,.000aty Jadgs Yreadat Hon. Henry Enkstsis, County Commissioner Yreoiaot No. 1 Present Hoa. D,. D. Beard, County Commissioner Prsaiaot No. 2 Present Hon, Wm. Enrger, Oounty Commissioner Prsoiaot No. 3, Present Hoa. T. J. Poore, Oounty Commleaioasr Preoinot No. 4 Preaant Hon. Jno. R. Lenxell, County Clerk Present Hon. Walter Peteoh, County Attorney Preaant Hon. A. F. Moore, Sheriff Whereupon, among other business tranaeoted, the following prooeedinga were had, to-wit: Tho following Order wee iatroduoed sad upon Snatruotiona from the County Judge was read Sa full to the Honorable Commissioners Court by the County Clerk: AN ORDER GRANTING TO CENTRAL POOER AND LIGHT C011PANY, ITS 3IICCE8SOR3 ApID ASSIGNS, RIOT AND ADIHORPfY TO ERECT, CON9TRDCT, MAINTAIN, EZTEND, RENE11 AND OPERATE A 3YSTSM OF ELECTRIC TRAN51QS3ION LINg3 AND ELECTRIC DISTRIBDTION SYSTFJBALONG THE PRESENT RI(~TOF WAY OF SAID CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY A9 NOW D3ED, OPERATED IND MA3MTA+IlaD SY THEM, AITHIM THE LI1aT OF PRECINCT N0. 3 OF %ERR COUNTY, TELA9.. BE IT ORDERED HY THE C04NTY COMYI39IONEB3 COSJRT OF %ERR COi1NTY, TESAS: Ssotioa 1. Central Power end Light Company, its suooseaors and ensigns, hereinafter Dulled Grantee, r is hereby greeted the right and authority to erect, oonetruat, malataia, eztend., renew and operate a ayetem of eleotrio tranemiseioa lines anfl sleatrlo distribution systems along the YrgenL right-of-way of paid Central Power end Llght Company, ae sox used, operated and main- talaed by them, xlthia the limits of Frsoiaot No. 3, Eerr County, Taxsa, and, for ea id purpose to Dross over the highways and Lo eater upon or below end use the public roads, streets, alley sad other publ So areee under the control or ~uriadiation of %err County, Texas, in acoordeaae with the laws of the State of Tease sad Lhe terms and Deed it ions of this Order. Section 2. All poles, xire~, cables and~ell aeoeesary apparatus sad appurtennnoea oonat ruoted and operated under the right and authority hereby granted shall be so plnosd sad maintained as not to Impair the asefulaeee of the highways, publ io roads, atreeta, alleys and other publlo areee is yN1d Preoinot No. S, sad the right and authorities yareby grunted shall at all times be subordinate to the use of such highways, publio roads, streets, alleys and other publio areas ~ ~ o by the publio. All work of nonatruction, mainteaano• aAd operation shall ba oonductad with dlligenoe sad dlapatoh so ae not to unneoeesarily inoonvenienoe the publio in its us• of suoh highways, publio roads sad other publio areas, and they shall, after suoh oonatructioa, mainte nano• or repair work, be restored to the acme or equally ea good oondltion e^ before suoh work wan done. 9sotioa 3. Nothing herein aontaiaed shall ever be hold or oonstraed to oonfer upon the Grantee herein any eaaluaive rlghta or privileges of nay nature rdutsoever. 9sotioa !. . Grantee shall ho14 the County harmless for all ezpenes or liability for any not or aag- leot of 6raIItea hereunder. 9sotioa 5. All equipment, appnratua sad appurtsnanoes installed under the rlght and authority here- by granted shall be ao installed as not to, aonatitute any obatruotion to ,the publio uae of the highways, publio roads end. other publio areas. ~otioa 8. In the event it ever beoomes neoeasary on eoaount of the relooation or rerouting of any highway or public road to move nay poles, conduits or other property which may have bean looat od on auah highway or publio road by the Grantee, its euooeaeors and aeaigna, under the rights and authority hereby granted, the Grantee shall, when so instructed in writing by the County Commisalonere Court of Kerr County, Tezae, or the duly authorlaed.County Engineer, move suoh poles, conduits or other property to suoh new loontioa along the relooated or rerouted highway or publio road ea may be designated by the County Commisaloners Court of Kerr County, Tezae. 9sotioa 7. Thin irnaohlae ae well ae the rlghta and privileges hereunder may be ssaigaed by the Grantee and Dy all aucoaeding Graateea at their option, in whioh oase the aeaigna• shall ena to all the rights, duties and liab111ties of the Graats• hereunder. 9eotlon 8. The term of this franchlae shall be for a period of fifty (50] yearn frog and after the passage and approval of this Order. 9ootion 9. The freaohise hereby granted shall be in full toroe sad •ffeot from and after the date of the passage and approval of Lhie Order, and the Grantee shall have alzty (80) days from and after the data of the paseagp and approval of this Order wlthln whlah to file with th• County Clerk of Eerr County, Tezae, its written eoceptnnos thereof. Paaeed and duly adopted by the unamimous vote of all of the mambera present of the Cammisaloaera Court of Kerr County, Tezaa, at a Regular Session at the Court House at Tezae, at whioh meeting a quorum xea present, on Lhie the 11th day of September, A. D. 1939. 4 STt APPRCPED y er err oun'y, ezas. o u ge, err oun y, e z e a. o-o-o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o The foregoing minutes from Pags 467 to 470, lnalusive, were •read in open Court and found ao rreot, and are hereby in all reapeata approved by the Court, this the ~ day of Ootober, A. D. 193~9Q. ~ ATTEST: ~_ 01.9~~,~-~.___ C er •rr ~o-un-ty, Tezae. e.